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Benjamin grabs his orange juice, grabbing his keys, and finally his bag. He walks out to the bus, sitting by himself. He puts his earbuds in, blocking out any unwanted comments to him.

He grabs his orange juice, chugging some of it. He puts it back, grabbing his phone. Noah had texted, asking if he needed a ride to school.

He frowns, wishing he wasn't on the bus. He text back, saying he's already on his bus. Noah frowns as well, getting in his car, his dad walks out, smiling.

"Have a nice day!"

Noah smiles and waves at him before he pulls out the driveway, heading to school.


Noah smiles at Benjamin, who's putting things up in his locker. "Hey."

"Oh, hi." Benjamin closes his locker, smiling. "Uh, walk me to class?"

"Sure. Though, we do have first period together."

Benjamin blushes, feeling embarrassed, "Oh...yeah."

Noah smiles and looks down at Benjamin. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yea...just a little tired."

Benjamin and Noah sit down next to each other, Benjamin scrolling on his phone. Kiara walks in, glaring at the two.

Noah steals his phone, in result of him laughing and playfully hitting him. Kiara furrows her brows, thinking that he would've dropped him. She groans, texting Zoē.

At lunch, Noah went to sign up for basketball, so Benjamin ate alone. He successfully ate lunch which with luckily, no teasing or name calling.

Until Zoē walks over to the table with Katen. Benjamin puts the tubs back into his lunchbox, ignoring them. "Excuse me...we need to talk."

"What's there to talk about. Katen will probably hit me before I can say another word."

Zoē sighs, "For real."

"What? I don't want to talk to any of you. Katen is the cause of so much and you and the others are just adding on. You were suppose to be my friends."

Zoē crosses her arms, looking up at him. "You need to stop messing with Noah."

Benjamin chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm not messing with him. We're just hanging out. As friends."

"Kiara likes him. So don't try it."

"Okay? He's not gay, I'm not gonna hit on a straight guy, that's dumb."

"You better not."

Benjamin gets up, "I have to go."

He leaves, Zoē looking down at her hands. Katen rolls his eyes  her. "Don't feel bad for him...he's a fag."

Zoē shakes her head, "It's not right...what we're's wrong."

"Who cares, he deserves to die an-."

"Shut up! God, Katen that's so extreme."

Katen pauses, "Excuse me?"

"He doesn't deserve that."

Katen gets up, walking back over to the table. Zoē wipes her eyes, sitting up and walking back over with him.


Benjamin sets his lunchbox in his locker, texting Noah.

He closes it, walking down the hall to meet him. "Hey".


"Watch out!"

Before Benjamin can even blink he's hit in the face. He falls back, hitting the ground. Katen and his friends walk away. Benjamin scrunches his face up in pain. Noah runs over to him, frowning.

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