Chapter Two: Mine

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Rikki's POV:
I wasn't expecting today at all I, well I mean we being me and Melody never expected to meet him.

When I was waiting in class I caught his scent and it drove Melody crazy it was ash wood and sea water with a mix of smoke.

I just wanted to ignore it I mean the last thing I need was a mate I mean I'm an outsider a rogue forced to go to school by a stupid law on a territory that kills rogues.

I don't want to drag my mate into a battlefield.

I decided to look out the window, so I could drown out the smell but the scent just seemed to get stronger and stronger.

Until I saw him he, he strolled in with a group of people you could tell he was the bad boy of the school and not only that he was definitely the son of an alpha.

"Mate, that's him girl."

Melody screamed in my head and I shut her off as it was getting annoying.

I continued to stare out the window trying to take my mind off my mate's intoxicating scent but then my ear pricked up as I heard my mate speak.

"Who could love a rogue."

Those words echoed through my head and Melody whimpered. The first time I hear his voice and it crushes my heart.

I couldn't stay in there anymore, the words just kept repeating in my head so I just ran out ignoring the teacher. I can't bear to hear those words again.

I went to my locker to get my things, I can't stay here today, I finally meet my mate and it was like he rejected me in a sense.

He knew I was a rogue before the words fell out of his perfect mouth.

I shook the thought of him and his husky voice away, I could sense he was coming close and I wanted to get away but before he got to speak a word and before I got the chance to make a run for it, another wolf jumped out of nowhere.

"Stay away from my sister."

I had no idea what just happen but something clicked, Melody howled in my head as we both recognized the wolf. It was my brother, I haven't seen him for years after we were splint up.

I've missed him so much, I haven't seen him in eight years and know he's right in front of me, protecting me just like he did when we were kids.

I placed my hand on his arm.

"It's okay, Ben it's okay."

He turned to look at me, it was definitely Bentley.

"Hey sis, I missed you."

He whispered but he was soon cut off when we both heard a growl. He sighed before holding my hands.

"I'll be in the gym if you need me okay."

He said as he started to walked off, but before he left he gentle tapped my arm.

"Call me."

He whispered as he placed a piece of paper in my hand before disappearing down the corridor and then it was just me and him.

"Wh..what do you want?"

I said shakily his words still linger in my mind, it was like someone had ripped out my heart. He lowered his head he knew what he had done, guilt was written all over his face.

"I'm sorry.."

He paused he doesn't know my name, how could he. I need to know his name so I told him.

"Rikki Adams."

He took a deep breath I could tell he was lost in thought either that or he's talking to his wolf.

"I'm sorry Rikki, I'm Kael Moon."

Melody purred as she heard his name but a whimper soon escaped my lips as we remembered why he was saying sorry.

I looked back to my locker and he whimpered, I don't know what to say, he hurt me and he doesn't need a rogue messing up his life. He said it himself who could love a rogue, he probably has all the girls at his beckon call.

"Kael Moon I"

Before I could finish my sentence he crashed his lips on top of mine I guess he's not in control and neither was I.

Melody took over, I had no control over my actions as she pushed me to the back of my mind.

"Kael Moon I am yours."

She whispered between our kiss. I soon took back control and all I could feel were the sparks, they were amazing. I knew we had to stop soon otherwise everyone would see us. I pulled away and both Kael and Melody whimpered.

"I need to go to my next class."

I breath as he walked closer and wrapped his arms around my waist causing me to blush.

"Is my mate blushing?"

I looked away discreetly and he let out a small chuckle. He slipped his fingers under my chin and made me look at him.

"Okay but I'll meet you outside your class, promise to meet me."

I wanted to say no but I felt my head nodding and he lent in to kiss me again. Thankfully the bell rang drawing me back to my senses.

I walked in the direction of my class as I could feel his eyes on me. I need to get away he doesn't deserve me, I can't just forget what he said to me.

I avoid everyone as I race in and out of people, I need to get home. I made it out the building and took a deep breath of fresh air.

Melody was growling and whimpering in my head begging me to go back to my mate.

"Rikki go back please I want to be by our mate."

I lifted up my hood before slowly walking home in the rain ignoring her moaning and begging me to return to Kael.

No Mel! He doesn't want us, you heard what he said no one would love a rogue especially not us so stop it! I'm sure Mr Bad Boy Alpha can get any girl he wants and that's not us now leave me alone!

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