Chapter Thirty-Three: Please Wake Up - Part Two

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Leyla's POV:
He's my mate! I was going to stay at the penthouse with Kilah but now I'm kind of glad I came with Kael. But I couldn't help the growl that escaped my lips.

My mate was beaten black and blue, with blood and chains over his whole body. I was having a hard time keeping Lili down.

'Mate! I'm going to kill who ever hurt my mate!'

I wasn't paying attention to anything that was going on, I could hear everyone running around but my whole attention was on my mate.

Everything in me was telling me to run to him but my feet were glued to the floor. I watched as Kael went from Rikki to Bentley and then to my mate who's name I learnt was Caine.

The only think telling me he was still alive was the fact I can still feel our mate pull and he's still breathing.

I could feel my eyes shifting from dark brown to silver when I heard this sinister laugh. It sent shivers down my skin but I didn't move my eyes away from Caine.

'Why won't mate wake up!'

Lili not now please we need to focus we don't know how dangerous this place is and before I knew it was I pinned to the ground. I growled desperately trying to get up before I breathed in the smell of vampires and my body froze.

I just laid still until I was lifted up and chained up to a pole. I pulled at the chains but stopped when I hear Bentley begging Caine to wake up.

My heart stopped when I saw him shift and his dad ran start for him.

He must be incredibly strong to still be fighting but my strong mate was soon sent flying through the warehouse before he was thrown again a wall. I could see the vampires licking their lips, I'm going to rip them apart if they go anywhere near him.

As soon as Bentley cried Caine's name we all break out of our chains and I shifted as I latched onto a vampire ripping it's throat out.

I spotted a vampire knocking Roxy over and I quickly slammed my body into the vampire's siding sending it flying. I planted my feet on the ground and stood in front of Roxy who the hell attacks a pregnant lady!

I looked over at Caine, he wasn't moving he was just lying there with Bentley's wolf by his side.

Bentley rested his head on Caine's chest and I felt sick to my stomach.

After that moment everything was a blur, I don't remember anything that happened next. I remember being pulled out the warehouse by Emily and getting into a car but after that nothing the only thing on my mind was Caine.

Is he okay? Will he be okay? What if he dies?

Those three questions went through my mind over the last three months. I came and visited Caine everyday and at night sometimes I'd sneak in to lie by his bed side in wolf form.

Last night I woke up screaming, it was the first night I hadn't slept by Caine's side and I had a horrible dream.

This morning I legged it to his side and held his hand, he's here.

"Caine, I know you don't know me, my name's Leyla. I guess technically I don't really know you either but you have to get better okay because I don't want to be alone, Caine your my mate."

Tears rolled down my face, this is the first time I've spoken to him and I don't even know if he can hear me.

I gently kissed his lips before leaving, Kael will be here to check on him soon and I don't want him to see me, I don't want people to pity me they should worry about Kael not me. I ran around the pack territory until darkness fell but even then I kept running, Emily is happy she has Tyler she doesn't need me anymore the only person I have left is Caine.

It was around nine o'clock at night before I made the painful walk to the hospital, I really need to see Caine.

As I walked to Caine's room a doctor came walking out.

"Hello Leyla, Caine is doing better today. You should try talking to him a bit more with you being his mate. Don't act so shocked Leyla, my daughter was just the same Lottie thought I didn't noticed when she found out Dillon was her mate."

I quickly smiled at Lottie's dad before walking into Caine.

I sat by his side and squeezed his hand before leaning my head back in the chair, closing my eyes. I don't even know what to say to him.


My eyes flew open and I looked down to see Caine looking back at me, I've been wondering what colour his eyes are and now I know they are a beautiful honey gold colour, that complement his dark brown hair.

"Hello Caine."

I didn't even notice I was crying until he stretched out his hand and slowly wiped my tears away before resting his hand on my face. I felt the sparks run through my body and carefully placed my hand on top of his.

"Don't cry Birdie, I'm okay."

He gently ran his thumb over my lips and I closed my eyes enjoy the sensation, the sparks feel amazing. I opened my eyes and noticed that his eyes were now a golden brown.

"Can I kiss you?"

I nodded before leaning down and our lips met. He gently kissed my lips and our lips started to move in sync with each other, I really want to wear his mark right now.

"You are so beautiful Leyla."

He whispered before we slowly stopped our kiss and rest our foreheads against each other.


I whispered as he pulled me closer so I was know lying next to him. He hummed as if to tell me to continue.

"Will you mark me, I want to wear your mark and tell everyone I'm yours. I know we haven't known each other long if at all really but I don't want to be without you."

He placed a kiss on my lips before smiling at me.

"As long as you mark me back to tell everyone I'm yours then you have a deal Birdie."

I smiled and kissed his lips this time, I love him so much already.

I carefully moved closer to give him access to my neck and I couldn't help but shudder when he lips touched my weak spot. It didn't hurt as much as people say when he marked me I just felt relief.

He licked away the little blood that ran down my neck before pecking my lips. I smiled before slowly moving to mark him.

I quickly licked away the little blood that ran down his neck before kissing his lips. I smiled up at him as he smiled down at me before I felt my eyes closed.

"I love you Leyla."

I heard Caine whisper as I moved closer to him and carefully resting my head on his chest.

"I love you too Caine."

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