Chapter Fifteen: Rescue

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Kael's POV:
We all raced to the car and got Bentley to the infirmary, I don't want to take any chance plus I could get the dart examined.

My temper was through the roof why is it that every time something seems to be going right they turned bad in a second. It was like dominoes it keeps going from bad to worse.

The doctor said Bentley had few options:

• He could weaken his twin bond which he refused.
• He could keep going.
• He could be put into an induced coma which wasn't the best idea but it would mean they could monitor him.

Of course he refused that and said he would just carry on and I would do the same.

I had strengthened my bond with Kilah little by little under her nose because I don't want Bentley to be suffering alone. They said Bentley was okay to go home but we had to keep an eye on him because we don't know what could be happening to Rikki.

The dart was examined and the doctor said it was just a powerful sedative which brought me a glimmer of hope that Rikki might be ok.

But my hopeful mood didn't last long as Bentley started to have a fit.

The doctor said that Rikki is in silver chains which explains his fever and the fit was possibly caused by Rikki being shocked by a taser.

I force shifted and had to be locked in a hospital room until my dad came to calm me down I don't know what I'm going to do or what I'll become until we find Rikki.

***Two days later***
I've been going out of my mind for the last two days we haven't found anything. What makes it worse is the fact Bentley is taking all of it, Rikki and I aren't proper mates like Bentley and Kilah so Bentley is taking all of it from their twin bond.

Bentley was lying on the couch and Kilah was sitting next to him wiping a cold flannel on his head.

"W..we h..have to find her K..Kael."

He was right, what ever their doing can't be good. I've had the whole pack searching but it's not like I can ask Jody. My eyes where soon brought away from Bentley and Kilah to my dad as he walked into the living room.

"Dad do you have any idea where the Mars' would take Rikki."

He bowed his head, I'll take that as a sorry son I don't shall I. I slumped back into the armchair as my mom raced in with the twins on her heals they better have good news.

"We got it you brothers and I have found something. Kaleb, Kade tell your brother what we've found."

Will someone just tell me I'm about to fall off my seat I can't take it anymore, I want my mate back!

"They have a warehouse..."

Kade started but of course like always Kaleb has to finish they both had to give the answer.

"It's by the river it's abandoned."

I didn't wait to hear their squabble I signalled Dillon, Ryan, Carter, Jude and Jace to follow me. I can't wait any longer of course I was too focused that I didn't realize Kilah and Bentley had ran after me too.

I ran into the building still in my wolf form I could find her easier this way and when I did I wished I had gone with her.

She was unconscious and chain to the wall in silver.

I nudged her arm with my nose but she didn't move, in the end I shifted back and broke the chains off her.


I held her weak body in my arms, she's alive. I looked up to see Bentley slowly staggered in.

"Rikki, is she alright?"

Before I got to answer, Bentley hit the floor and behind him was Jody's parents with tasers. Kilah ran in holding her lower abdomen,

"Bentley? What did you do to him?"

She dropped to the floor and all I could do was watch. She slowly crawled towards us and stopped when she reached Bentley. She held his hand trying to get him to stay awake.I felt a sharp pain in my chest, I tried to hid the pain as I braced myself on the floor.

"Tell your friends to stay away or you sister and Bentley get it. We don't need to hurt your mate directly, we can use her brother to her and what pain he feels goes to little Kilah which hurts you."

My blood was boiling, how dare they threaten me I am their Alpha.

***Half an hour before.***
When we got to the edge I shifted back and Kilah stopped me.

"Wait we need to mask our scents the first thing they will want is you to be alone. Bentley you alright."

My sister was right I snapped my head in Bentley's direction what ever their doing to my mate they'll pay for it ten times over.

"Not us Kael. Me, you and Bentley will go in first Dillon, you, Jace, Carter, Jude and Ryan wait until you get Kael's signal right. Kael you need to change back one because you'll find Rikki faster and second because it doesn't look like you stopped to plan something."

***Back to now.***
I look over at my sister now would be a good time to signal the others.

"There is no one else, stop hurting them I am your Alpha and I order you to leave them alone."

They chuckled and Mrs Mars throw Bentley over into a corner before stepping on my sister. She let out a cry and I was going to shift when Mr Mars pulled a gun, what is it and the Mars' pulling out guns.

"You are not our Alpha your just a weak boy and I'll tell you why we wouldn't stop because you killed are daughter."

Rikki moved slightly in my arms and looked me in the eye as if to say is it true did you kill her. I'm a little hurt that she would even think that I would I couldn't do anything to hurt her.

"I didn't kill Jody, I banished her and because she didn't want to disgrace herself further she faked her death and changed her name."

I placed my hand on the side of Rikki's face in her eyes I saw that despite her pain she was glad Jody wasn't died. Her eyes closed and I began to panic, I can't sit here anymore.

'Dillon get in here now be carefully they are armed.'

As soon as I mind linked the others I darted towards Mr Mars just as he pulled the trigger. The guys burst in but it was too late, I looked down and saw blood.

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