Call Out My Name (3)

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Just a reminder that @rose_holland has an amazing book that's published!


"Ben you're schedule is asking too much of you. I rarely see you and when we do get to see each other, we fight," you sat across from him. Ben and you were having another argument, it was also the first time you and him saw each other that week.

His schedule was too much. Ben rarely got out early and he was also busy filming. Although he was home, it got difficult for you two to be together. During these rough times, Ben liked to keep you close because he knew that if he didn't, then the both of you would end up fighting.

"I'm sorry. I want to spend more time with you, but I get home at unbearable times and I also wake up at excruciating early hours. I don't know how to manage my schedule at the moment," Ben repeated the same thing every time.

"I don't like it when we fight," you sighed. "Me either. I have an easy solution for this, and I'm pretty stupid for not asking you this sooner. [Y/n], would you like to move in with me?" Ben, out of the blue, questioned.

You weren't expecting him say that. All your relationships had lasted for a year or so, and neither one of them had asked you to move in with them. You've barely been with Ben 7 months. "Are you serious?" you knitted your brows. "Of course darling. I hate that we fight and I hate the distance growing between us. I would love to come home and find you here. I could get into bed and cuddle with you. I wouldn't have to go to your house and keep you up, or you wouldn't have to drive at this time of night to come visit me. It would be an honour to have you live in this home with me," Ben held onto your hand.

Although it's been 7 months, you agreed to move in. You had no doubt you and him could make it work better like that. After you accepted to move in, everything steadied out. The arguments dropped to a minimum and you and Ben got to spend a lot more time together.


*5 months later*

"Darling, don't be mad," Ben cuddled with you in bed. "How do you not want me to be mad?" you tried to hide your annoyed tone, but it was pretty obvious you were irritated. "To be fair, she was flirting with me. I wasn't with her," Ben defended. That didn't help at all. "It pisses me off that people know we're together and they still try to make a move on you," you pressed your mouth in a hardline.

"Oh baby, but I only have eyes for you. You should know this by now," he kissed the back of your head. You finally shifted in bed to face him. "I don't understand how you just laugh this off, but when it happens with me, you become livid. My anger is nothing compared to yours," you looked him dead in the eye.

"Well I have a really good reason. You're an extremely attractive woman and I don't like it when other guys simply look at you," Ben stated. "That's what I'm talking about!" you rose your voice, "You get mad if a guy simply looks at me, but you're telling me not to get furious when a woman flirts with you?" Ben stayed quiet.

You got up from bed. "Where are you going?" Ben defensively asked. "To Tom's flat," you changed out of your pjs. Every time you and Ben began to fight, you tried to avoid him and go to Tom's house. Ben always got bothered by that, but Tom kept him updated on you.

At Tom's house, you ranted to him about what was bothering you at the moment. "[Y/n], don't let these arguments make you do things you'll regret later," Tom stated. You looked down to your hands, not assuring him anything. "Please tell me you haven't done anything stupid," Tom's tone became worried.

"I haven't," you confirmed. "I know your past too well," Tom brought up. "That's in the past, I changed," you scoffed. "Yes, but we know how easy it could be for you to do that again," Tom pointed out. You nipped at your bottom lip, letting your past invade your thoughts. "We both know that your dad would be disappointed if you did that again," Tom decided to remind you.

You glared at him, "Why would you bring up my dad in this?" Tom wasn't trying to hurt you, he was trying to keep you away from a horrible path. "He helped you stop, he didn't want you doing that anymore. We got you help and you were doing great after that. Don't let stupid arguments like this ruin what you have," Tom sighed, he was only trying to help you.

You put your face in your hands and began to slightly cry. Tom scooted closer and hugged you, "It'll be fine [Y/n], you have to be strong and fight the temptation." You sniffled, "I know, but it gets difficult with these arguments," you croaked out.

After a few minutes passed, Tom was able to calm you down. As soon as you left, Tom sent a message to Ben, informing him that you were going back.


For a few weeks, it was the same argument over and over again. Sometimes it was Ben that got jealous and other times it was you. It always resulted in you going to Tom's flat, Ben was always informed.

One night during dinner, Ben gave you a surprise. He passed you two tickets for a flight to the Philippines. It was a belated one-year anniversary gift. You stood up from the table and gave him a huge kiss.


"I'm worried mate," Ben talked with Tom Holland. "Why?" Tom knitted his brows. "I've never really given her a gift, and as soon as she knew that we were going to the Philippines, all our arguments suddenly stopped," Ben commented. "I don't get it?" Tom thought about what was wrong.

Ben sighed and hid his face in his palms. "I have a feeling that she might only like me for my..," he didn't want to say it. Deep down he knew that wasn't why you were him, but he couldn't help think that. It's been three weeks since he told you about the vacation, and neither of you have gotten into an argument.

"If you think she's with you because of your money, then you're wrong," Tom assured. Ben felt stupid for thinking that. "If she were really interested in the money, then she would've left her ex-boyfriend for Elon Musk," Tom explained. Ben had to do a double take, "Elon Musk?"

Tom nodded his head, "We met him at a party after the Oscars, it was crazy." Ben slightly shook his head and chuckled, he was now sure you weren't with him for his money. In fact, he felt like a fool for thinking that. Tom patted Ben on his back, "Don't worry about it mate. Every time [Y/n] comes by, she doesn't fail to tell me how much she loves you. I know she does and you should too. You two leave in a week, just enjoy the time with her and don't get jealous."

"She tells you about that too?" Ben knitted his brows. "Well, it is the only reason she comes by, to tell me you got jealous or that she did. After all, I am her best friend, were you really expecting her not to tell me everything?" Tom took a sip of his beer. "She tells you everything?" Ben rose his brows. "Yes," Tom proudly said.

"Even about the sex?" Ben chuckled. "Oh god no," Tom shut his eyes. "So not everything," Ben laughed and gulped the rest of his beer. He stood up from his seat and patted Tom's back, "I'll see you later mate." Tom stood up with Ben and walked him out.


"Welcome," a receptionist greeted you and Ben as you walked with your sunglasses on and suitcase in hand. Just arriving at the place, you could see the hotel was probably the best there. You grabbed onto Ben's free hand and walked with him to get your room key. After the tedious process, Ben led you to your room, which was actually a bungalow on top of the ocean.

You gazed down to the clear water as you walked to your bungalow. Ben saw your radiant smile. "Do you like the place?" he questioned when you two set your suitcases in front of the bed. "I'm...speechless. I actually never thought I was going to see an ocean this beautiful, or travel to the Philippines for an anniversary. Thank you Ben, this is amazing," you walked over to him and timidly connected your lips with his.

Ben carefully set his hands on your waist. You stopped the kiss and slightly moved back. You were close still, with your hand on his cheek. Ben and you had gotten into two arguments before going to the Philippines. It wasn't the perfect way to start a vacation, especially when you two were celebrating your relationship.

"I'm sorry about getting angry at the airport," Ben spoke up. Your lips sheepishly curled up and kissed the corner of his lips, "It's fine, but please promise that you'll try not to get angry here. I don't want to fight with you here, or back home." Ben held onto your free hand, "I'm with you on that."

You stood still for a few seconds before you hugged him. "Let's get ready and enjoy the beach," you looked up to see his beautiful eyes. There was now a smile present on his lips.

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