Chapter 6: Homefront Chaos

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Michael's POV
November 21, 1969- 9:30 AM

I heard faint laughter echoing outside my room. Curious me was rubbing my eyes, and looking at the cracked open door. Nicole was laughing over the phone besides my doorway.

"Yeah, y'all are too funny." I rolled my eyes and walked past her down the stairway. "Whatever. We'll be over soon. Don't get smart with me. I'm your wife, fool!" Mother yelled into the other phone. "Because it was late." She sucked in her teeth. "Goodbye." She hung up.

Now Joseph was being a meanie to her. Of all dang people. She noticed my presence, and smiled. "Morning, sleeping beauty." She smirked.

"Yeah, morning." I closed my eyes, yawning.

"Well, go ahead and pack, sweetheart." She spoke. "We need to leave soon."

My heart dropped. Why now?

"O-okay." I whispered.

She didn't catch on. "Alright, I'm gonna finish up packing." She left me in a state of nervousness. I have to go back and face him.

I wanted to curl up in a ball, and disappear. I was happy to see my sisters, and brother, but why do I have to go back home with a man who beat me?

Truth is I only felt same around here, or with Mother. I remained in my position whenever Mom came back in with her suitcase. "Mike?" She got my attention. "I already packed for you. Are you ready?" I hesitantly nodded.

"Yeah." I made it perfectly clear that I didn't want to leave. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Why don't we go say goodbye to Diana and Nic?" I nodded, my eyes were clouding up and a lump formed in my throat. I walked into the dining room where Diana and Nic were conversing. "Bye guys. We gotta leave."

They stood up and took turns hugging me, and Mother. "Diana, thank you so much for taking care of Mike. I really appreciate it." Diana smiled. "Well, Michael is a very loving, considerate child. I see where he gets it from."

Mother smirked. "Yeah, he is amazing." She peered down at me. I sorta smiled up at her.

After we said our goodbyes, Mother and I walked out the house and to the limo waiting for us. The driver smiled at Mother, and held the door open for us. We climbed inside as I sat down bedsides her. I braced myself for the confrontation that would surely take place. I was physically sick, and mentally exhausted.

I played sick cub, and cuddled up against Mom as we drove down the highway and side streets.

She wrapped her arms around me, giving me the sense of safety and security. Mom probably sensed I was exhausted from the past couple days, and started singing to me. She had the world's most beautiful voice, and surely where all my talent came from. Her soft soprano voice swept into my ears like cream.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't my sunshine away."

She rubbed my arm as I continuously relaxed. She always sang that to me when ever I was really little, or had trouble sleeping. The pain from my bruises returned, and I was trying my best not to succumb to this awful pain. I whimpered from the pain, and a tear fell from my face. An instant reminder why I don't wanna go back. It'll just happen again.

"You still in pain?" She asked, gently stroking my cheek. I nodded. "We'll put some ice on it to numb it." Mom told me, rubbing the back of my head. I nodded, and sat back against the leather seat. I felt a jerk in the car while it caught Mother's attention.

"Oh, you jerk." Mother mumbled under her breath.

The driver flipped the person off.


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