Chapter 21: Live In Madison Square Garden

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July 16, 1971
Nicole's POV

I felt some fingertips tapping against my blanketed body as I rolled over to get some more sleep. I don't know about others, but sleep was like food to me. Well, it's as important as food is. Anyways, the fingertips kept grazing my skin. It started to annoy me.

"I'm tryin' to sleep." I whined.

"Nicole, your flight leaves in two hours. Are you packed?" Mom's voice radiated to me. "Little girl, I already have another packing o me twenty-four seven. Get your behind up." She pointed to her obviously pregnant stomach.

"Alright, mom." I smirked. "I'm up now."

"Well, I'm glad you are. Now are you packed?" Mom crossed her arms to show me she ain't playing.

"Yes, Mommy." I said in the cutest little girl accent I could muster.

"Katherine and her children will be here any minute. Robert and I will be calling you tomorrow morning, understand?" Mom added. Mom had recently gotten married in January. It was nice to have a father figure in my life. Trust me, I have enough mother figures. My little sister in due in November. I smiled nodding. "Alright, please go and get ready."

"Yes, ma'am." I finally climbed out of bed to get my stuff ready.

After I got everything together, I heard my mother yelling for me. Today, we'd be flying all the way to New York City. The brothers are holding a concert at Madison Square Garden. I dragged my suitcase to drop by the front door.

I was dying to have some breakfast as I smelled the heavenly concoction called scrambled eggs. Mom and Robert were eyeing me when I came in. Mom gave me a warm smile as she stood up to fix my plate.

After she grabbed it all and placed it on the plate, she set it in front of me.

"Eat up, dear." Mom said, kissing my forehead.

"Thanks." I mumbled as my sleepy phase hasn't dissipated.

"Are you still tired, Nicole?" Robert asked me worriedly.

"Just a little." I smirked. "I'll be fine. Michael called me last night telling me how he got Marlon back for throwing his pants out the window."

"Those children sure are rambunctious. You know they ought to be in bed." Robert remarked while he took a sip of coffee.

"They need to burn off energy somehow. After a show, your adrenaline is through the roof." Mom defended. "Nicole, please finish your food."

"I am as fast as I can, Mommy." I whined, stuffing down the rest of my scrambled eggs.

"Alright." Mom chuckled before leaving the room.

"You and Michael seem to be pretty close, eh?" Robert observed, stabbing his fork into his breakfast.

"We've been through a lot together." I answered. "He's my best friend, I guess."

"You guess?" Robert raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I mean..." I began. "With him, I feel different. Marlon, he's like a brother to me. He and I have lots of fun together. But Michael, I feel a connection with him. Like a serious connection. It's killing me to be away from him for such an extended amount of time."

"You in love, girl?" Robert laughed.

"N-no, he's my best friend. Now that's ridiculous." I stammered.

"Honey, you're way too young for a relationship. Don't deny your feelings though. If there is any; pay attention to them. Michael's a good kid." Robert explained. "Just remember what I told ya. You're waaay too young for a relationship."

Our Endless Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora