Chapter 23: Torture

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June 14, 1987
Nicole's POV

I exhaled erratically as I kept driving down this heavily trafficked interstate. Today was the release of my new album, and least to say, I'm stressed the hell out. I just got out of our final meeting as they wanted to discuss my tour dates. That's the real kick on the ass, it starts next month.

To be precise, it starts July 4th. Independence Day. How wonderful. I think I might've cut off someone as the horns blared, and I received a sweet package as a driver flipped me off. I laughed at their idiocy as they hurriedly headed for an exit. I did just that as I pulled off the Santa Monica exit as I was meeting Janet for a nice Italian delight at Fritos Misto.

I pulled near the back as we called before announcing that we were coming. They graciously gave us a party room. The last thing we needed was to be stampeded while we were eating fettuccine alfredo. I carefully exited my Mercedes, and locked it smartly. I went through a back exit, and snuck up on a worker. I tapped her shoulder hesitantly.

"Good god, Relando. Stop scarin'..." she turned around with an irritated expression. "Nicole Ross! Oh my god!" She freaked. I forced a smile.

"Hi... ummm... I called ahead, and we were set up in the party room." I explained. She nodded before composing herself, and leading me to the back room. Janet smiled as the girl hadn't noticed she's already arrived. Poor girl was freaking out when she discovered Janet Jackson sitting back there.

"Man, I-I... Can I please have an autograph? My god, you guys are my two favorites!" The lady breathed with a breathless tone.

"Of course." Janet smiled, as the woman handed her a pad of paper, and a pen. Janet signed it and passed it off to me. I signed it, and handed it back to her. Suddenly, she hugged me. I embraced her back, and she went on her merry way. Janet and I shared a small chuckle as we started conversing about any events that were going on in our lives.

"My label wants me to begin touring next month. I don't know how Michael's gonna react to it." I sighed. "My children are gonna be devastated."

"Nicole, it's not the end of the world. Michael's the most considerate, understanding man, and he's supportive of you and your dreams. You're a famous couple, and it's going to be difficult the larger you get. Nicole, you're the black princess of America. Everyone listens to you, and they follow your example. Michael, he knows how important this is to you." Janet assured me. "You'll work it out."

"You're right. I'm overreacting. It's torture, though. As much as my fans mean to me, I can't possibly leave my kids. I mean, DJ is only a year old. Michael and I agreed we'd focus on our children, and try to provide a sense of normalcy for them." I expressed.

"You and I both know that's next to impossible. Nicole, we were both raised in heavily famous families. The normal life that other children have, now that don't exist in stardom. Your kids are gonna figure out one day just how big their parent's fame is. Last time I checked, you and Mike were the most famous couple on Earth." Janet heaved. "It's a life we both grew in, and now the next generation of kids are living it alongside us."

"Sometimes I wish I could've had a normal life. As a kid, I couldn't even go out without a Bodyguard. And when I could, I had to be with someone. I can't tell you how many times I've been chased home by crazed fans of Mom. Even worse with Michael." I glanced down at the glass table with marks all over it. I clasped my hands together. "It's just... I don't want my children growing up thinking they're only my kids. That's how this world is programming it, and the bigger we get, the less likely our kids can be their own individuals."

"That's true..." Janet began but a waitress came in to take our order.

"Pardon me, ladies. I figured y'all would like something to have. What'll it be?" She places the pen against the pad of paper.

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