Chapter 39: The Sign

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Nicole's POV
August 15, 1979

In two weeks is one very special occasion. It's Michael's twenty-first birthday. I can't believe how much time flies. Since he's a Jehovah's Witness, I can't go all out like I desire to. Michael had just released his new album entitled Off The Wall, and man it's going insane. The first time I heard it's lead single Don't Stop Til You Get Enough, I was floored. He was so nervous that day. But, that's a typical Michael Jackson. He's got that perfectionist flair, and it's been that way since we were kids.

March 14, 1979

"Okay, Nicole. I want you to be completely honest with me. If it sucks, you better be brutally honest." He stammered, his palms shaking. I placed a warming hand on his.

"Michael, you are incredible. You're such an electrifying entertainer. You are beyond your years in talent, and always have been. I'm sure this song will be a smash." I smiled. To show him how much I meant it, I kissed him tenderly.

"Don't stop." He pulled me into a passionate kiss. I smiled into the kiss.

"Don't you want me to listen to it?" I mumbled on his lips.

"I want your lips more, my girl." He looked me in the eye.

"Well, I wanna listen to it." I retaliated. He smiled, and slowly let me go.

"Alright." He pushed a chair back so I could sit in it. I gladly accepted.

He flicked a switch and the music began playing.

Ever since that incredible day in 1977, I was his girl. And I was sure the luckiest to have him in my life. When the song stared, my jaw dropped, as it usually did.

You know, I was
I was wondering, you know
If you could keep on
Because the force
It's got a lot of power
And it make me feel like ah
It make me feel like... oooh!

My jaw dropped to the floor even which I didn't know was possible. His vocals mesmerizing every corner of my body. The instrumentals dazzled me with unexplained feelings. Desire, lust, I was taken out by him as it filled ever corner of my body

When the song soon ended, I couldn't help myself any more! He just drove me crazy.

I slammed my body into his while gripping his flowing shirt closer to me. He wrapped his manly, sultry hands around me exploring my lower back. He whispered sensual things in my ear. He led me on to his room where he gave me all his love, taking my virginity with it. Wait, did we wear a condom? That's umm.... kinda necessary.

I was wondering that to myself. Michael had been so busy with his new album, I think he's failed to realize what is going on here. I might be pregnant. Hold up! Pregnant? I'm only nineteen! I love Mom dearly, but I am NOT about to follow her footsteps to being a teen mother. Well, an almost teen mom. I mean, they still- uh- never mind.

I just realized that I had not had my period over two months. Fudge! No, no, no. I cannot be.... what the... damn. My stomach has been bloating an awful lot lately. I internally cussed at myself as I had not realized these obvious signs.

"Hey, Queen." I heard Michael's voice ring throughout the house. Alright, now that's the only nickname of his I like... well, besides my love. Michael was about to step up the spiral staircase, but my youngest sister Chundey tackled him into a monster hug. I smiled at this showcase, and walked down the stairwell. Michael was still holding my monkey-like sister.

I chuckled and pulled her off of him. "Go on, Monkey." She frowned. She hates when I call her that.

"I'm tellin' Mommy you said that!" She yelled.

"Well, you act like one, Chund. I wouldn't be surprised if I found you peeling bananas with your feet." I shrugged. Michael set her down, quietly chuckling to himself.

She huffed and ran off.

"That was kinda mean, Nic." Michael pouted. "I don't like it when you make fun of 'em." He pulled me into a hug. He must've squeezed way too hard because I became REALLY nauseous. I squirmed out of his arms. I just barely made it before the vomit came rushing out of my mind. I groaned. Why? Why is this happening to me?

"Oh, baby." Michael came through the door, leaning down to my face. "You must have that cold that's going around. Janet had it last week." He kissed my forehead.

"I feel fine, love. It's probably just a case of bad food. I went for Chinese last night, and it just didn't sit well.

"Well, let me know if you feelin' bad, my love. I ain't having my baby running around sick." He ran his fingers through my hair. I smiled.

"Well, my king, I don't wanna either." I shudder at his touch.

"Well, I know what'll make you feel better." He kissed me. And again. And again. Next thing I know, we're doing it in my bedroom. Are we using a condom? Please tell me we are. I'm not on birth control, should I tell him?

"Michael, I think I'm pregnant." I slipped out. He stopped thrusting. Fuck, that was the wrong thing to say.

"Baby, you're pregnant?" He asked me, readjusting his elbows.

"I said I might be."

"Baby girl." He said before kissing me. "Do you want to be?"

"I mean... one day, yeah. I'll have a bajillion babies with you. But now, we're so young Michael. I want to go to start my own entertainment business. You have your singing career, Michael. So many records are waiting for you to break them." I smirked, thinking how my guy will change the world. He carried me to bed while I talked.

"Yeah, well I wouldn't mind a little Michael running around." He laid on my chest. "If you're in there, maybe baby Jackson, I love you. Even though you might or might not exist." He kissed my stomach. I laughed. My king gets way too involved in something that is not likely happening. My baby. My king. My Michael.

I ran my fingers through his curly mini-Afro lightly. Michael recently had his gigantic afro chopped off in favor for this shorter, sexier style. His baby would look so cute though. I smiled at that thought though. That made me remember the day my sister Rhonda was born. Michael was wayy more excited than I was, and this was my little sister.

That just made me smile. I just wondered though. Am I pregnant?


So my mother surprised me with tickets to a Mariah Carey concert. I mean, holy shit! Thx Mom!

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