Chapter 32: Tolerence

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March 9, 1976
Nicole's POV

The doorbell rang multiple times. I sighed inwardly as I placed my one year old sister Chundey on the ground. I was babysitting as usual while Mom was busy wrapping up her latest studio album, her second album entitled Diana Ross. She let me listen to the latest song they're releasing next week. It's titled Love Hangover.

I really enjoy it, and I think it will be a smash hit. I've been seeing a little more of Roy lately. He's a really nice guy, and seems to want a relationship. However, as that budding romance seems to have flourished, my friendship to Michael is diminishing. He's so sensitive, I can't really say something without upsetting him.

I opened the front door to reveal Roy standing there with flowers. I smiled upon seeing him dressed in a tuxedo, and his curly hair going wild. He had a short, but wild looking hairstyle. It was actually quite cute. "Hello, Miss Nicole." He greeted, taking my hand and planting a kiss on it.

I laughed. "Roy, this is so unexpected. What are you doing here?"

"Is it okay if I come in? Uh, so we can talk." Roy seemed nervous to the bone, and kept glancing at my fingers. "I mean... I'm babysitting." I explained.

"Hey, I love kids." Roy tried making conversation.

"Alright. Well, come on in." I made way for him to enter. He obliged, and took a look around the foyer. "This is a beautiful home." He looked around with an awestruck expression.

"Thank you. My mother's a wonderful designer." I said plainly. He handed me the flowers, and I accepted them.

"So... do you like the flowers?" He asked hopefully.

"They're very beautiful, thank you." I smiled.

"Let's cut straight to the point. I'd love to take you on a date, Nicole. You're a very beautiful girl. If that's okay with you, that is." Roy stated. Just before I could answer, the door knocked once again. I gave him a small smile before leaving to answer the door. That is until I saw my five year old little sister going to open it.

"Rhonda! You don't open that door. Mom told you about that. Let me do it now." I scolded. After I pushed past her, I opened the door to see a goofy face. Michael... always showing up at the worst times.

"Michael!" Rhonda threw herself into Michael's arms. He chuckled as he picked her up. I smiled at this obviously adorable sight. The past few months however, I've been slowly distancing myself from Michael. I don't even know the reason why, or what's making me do it.

"Hey little miss." He laughed sending off thousands of butterflies to erupt in my body. Michael had recently chopped off a lot of his afro, and stood there with a much shorter but teased one. He looked sexy if you put it in layman's term. I heard Roy's heavy footsteps coming over to where we were. I turned to see his face pressed with a scowl.

"Michael, it's surprising to see you stop by." Roy sent him a fake smile.

"Oh, I come here all the time. I just wanted to stop by, and see how my best friend is doing. So Nic, how are you?" Michael asked innocently.

"I'm fine, Michael. Ummm, can you stop by later please?" I asked politely. As much as I love him, this was a really bad time. "I'll see you tomorrow, eh?"

"Yes, we'll see you soon. Bye, Miguel." Roy dismissed him. I turned to face him with aggravation. He didn't need to be rude by the fact Mike wanted to stop by.

"I'll see him tomorrow if you keep your stupid attitude. Don't go acting like an asshole to my friend." I warned.

"He's trying to come in between you and I, can't you see that?" Roy asked deviously.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He was irritating the shit out of me. "He's my best friend, Roy. And that's what he'll always be. If you can't accept that then get the hell out!" I pointed to the door.

"So you're choosing him over me? Really?! What a bitch." He mumbled. Michael's face turned into one of fierce protectiveness.

"Now I know you didn't just say that. The only person who's being the bitch is you. Just because you're a jealous, shallow asshole who doesn't deserve an incredible person like her. Get the fuck out before I'll show you who really is the bitch." Michael got up in his face. Roy looked incredible shocked as Michael had seemed like the non-confrontational type.

"Get the fuck out of my house, and never talk to me again." I hopped in. Just to be sure, I pushed him out of my house, and slammed the door in my face. I turned to be taken into a hug by Michael.

"You okay?" He asked kindly.

"I'm alright." I smiled.

Like I mentioned, It was just a strange, strange evening...

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