Chapter 34: Stalker?

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March 13, 1988
Nicole's POV

"Jesus, you would think they'd have us in by now." I complained, resting my feet in Michael's lap. We were residing at the police station, waiting in a tiny, unkempt room. I mean this place has spider webs, and all other gross accessories placed all over the room. "Gosh, I swear this couch got mildew."

"It's no Roche Bobois, my love." Michael ran his hand over my leg. "Hopefully, these guys will hurry up."

"I'm not expecting to be treated like royalty, but even normal people aren't placed in this repellent room." I complained some more. We were waiting for them to bring back some forensic evidence, or something. Someone has been lurking around our house lately, and they've set off quite a few alarms. It's gotten to the point where we're thinking about moving.

Michael has been trying to buy a property in Santa Barbara. Might I add, a 3,700 hundred acres of land. He wants to build an amusement park for children to come and play. I can't say anything against it, it has always been a dream of his. Ever since he was little, he's been dreaming of owning his own amusement attraction. According to him, it'll be better than Disney.

We'll see about that. I dragged my legs off his lap, and onto the floor. Then, I switched up my position so I was laying against him. He is a very comfy human being. The hair adds as a nice little cushion. Michael rubbed my thigh. Soon, a knock came front the door. Michael stood up, and walked over there. He opened the door, and stepped aside.

An officer came in, and adjusted his hat. "We've gone over some evidence, and unfortunately, we can't find anything substantial for a match. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but we can't prove that someone did it." He explained.

"Wait, you didn't find any DNA evidence on the letter? Was she wearing gloves?" I asked.

"They must've had something on their hands. I don't know how they could disguise it that much. You said your daughter saw a woman wielding a knife?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well, we believe she was experience sleep paralysis. My wife had a nightmare that was scarily similar to hers." Michael explained, rubbing my arms softly. The officer peered at me.

"Some woman snuck into our house, and knocked me out. When I woke up, she was gone. I went to check on my children, and they were gone. I felt terrified like my whole world was stripped from me. And that's when I felt a strong grasp to check on them. Our son was asleep, but I heard some noises coming from my daughter's room. When we went in, she was petrified. I don't know if she was experiencing sleep paralysis or if she was so scared, her muscles spasmed."

"That's a bit redundant." Michael muttered. I elbowed him to shut up, and he swallowed. "I just thought it was a coincidence, but I hate seeing my wife terrified. When we got the letter, I got a little scared someone was after us."

"She said she was taking back her man, and her- daughter." I suddenly came to an awful realization. "Michael, do you know who it could be? Somebody from your past who would think you were wrongfully stripped from them?" I questioned. Michael's face turned red.

"There might be one person, but I wasn't even with her that long. I don't think she'd do this." Michael said, trying to recollect. I stared at him in confusion. "You remember that one person I was with before I got with you? Uhhh- Serena?"

"That person you were with while I was in New York?" I choked. I always hated that bitch. When Michael would tell me stories about her, she gave me possessive bitchy self-entitled lady vibes.

"So you believe your ex girlfriend might be the perpetrator?" The officer told out a pad and pen.

"I'm not exactly sure, but she was a crazy lady." Michael said. I nodded in agreement. The more I thought about it, I couldn't get it out of my head. "Michael, what did she mean about her daughter. Is there any way-?" I trailed off as Michael turned to me like a lightning bolt. "Did you ever sleep with her?"

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