Chapter 23: Groupies

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Caution: There is some sexual content in this. It's not actual intercourse, but there is some sensual things happening.

September 1, 1971
Jermaine's POV (cause why not!)

I shushed the girl whispering in my ear.

"Jermaine, how are we gonna get past security?" She whispered worriedly.

"Just let me handle that, aight?" I assured her. We had just reached Michael's and my shared room. I prayed to Jehovah that he was asleep. I glanced at the girl who was looking around for possible security that could bust us. Her name was Wanda, I think.

Anyways, I pictured the coast as clear. Crossing my fingers a million times over, I slowly latched my hand to the door knob. I slowly opened it to reveal a squeak that made me cringe. I braced myself for the water bucket, or Michael to appear out of nowhere. But, there was none of those things. Michael was nowhere to be found.

I breathed in a sigh of relief as I led Wanda into the room. She gave me an empty look as I led her over to my twin. "It's aight, baby. We're alone." I cooed, trying to get her to our preferred destination. I closed the hotel door. Wanda looked around the room to see its features. Her eyes widened as her eyes laid on the television.

"Boy, you got your own TV?" She asked as her mind was blown.

"Yep." I smiled, seeing her cute features. "So, do ya wanna get... goin?" I sat down on my twin, patting down beside me. She got the memo. Wanda gracefully walked over, and sat down besides me. She giggled as I started running my hand back and forth on her leg. We moved into a position where I was on top.

I whispered sensual things in her ear as I stroked her body. Our lips moved in a perfect motion. Wanda spread her legs as if she was welcoming me with open arms. It was a heated make out session alright, and I was finally getting to third base!

Michael's POV

I heard the door close as I saw a lady's shoe wear along with Jermaine. He was bobbing his head around I assume to check for me. Ha, you didn't check under the bed fool! He led the lady to the bed that I was laying under. I smiled in satisfaction as he sat down, his feet hanging in front of me.

I heard him pat the bed as the girl went to sit beside him. After three minutes of staring at each other, they started messing around. Jermaine laid on top of her as he... well... y'know. I started hearing them groaning as it was getting serious.

I chuckled underneath my breath the more heated it got. Man, he can never one day, can he? I took this as an opportunity to get back at him for throwing flour in my face. In fact, Jackie and Jermaine both do this as a weekly occurrence. They bring down desperate fans to have their way with them. I love my brothers, but that's just wrong.

The girl was groaning as Jermaine went to town on her. I reached my arm toward, and starting my arm up and down her leg. My tongue stuck out a little by concentration as the girl started giggling at the sensation.

"Oh, Jermaine. Your hand." She moaned.

"Huh?" Jermaine asked cluelessly as I kept back a laughing fit.

"Your hands. They're all up for me." I can just imagine the look on her face.

"What are you talkin' about? My hands are on the bed." Jermaine explained.

"I felt them, and believe me, they were there." The girl said seductively.

"No they weren't. My hands were on the bed." Jermaine stated. I started chuckling under the bed. I felt the bed shift, and I knew then that I had to get out of there. My suspicions were correct when I heard the angriest tone that ever left Jermaine's mouth.

"MICHAEL!" He bellowed. I laughed before climbing off the opposite side.

"Man, you are so sensitive." I chuckled. He started sprinting around the bed towards me as I jumped onto the bed. The girl was watching me with widened eyes. For a second, I stopped to sit besides her. "Hey, darlin'. Whatcha doin' here alone?" I mocked Jermaine then ran off out of the room.

"I'm gonna kill you, Michael!" Jermaine shouted.

"I'll mark that on my grave, 'Maine!" I yelled back. I scampered down the hallway to avoid the wrath of my apathetic older brother. After I made my grand escape, I ran into Marlon and Tito's room. When I got past the door, I slammed it shut, and leaned against it. Marlon, who was watching a program on TV, shot me a strange look.

"You alright, Michael?" He asked, turning back to the TV.

"Man, I just got the best revenge on Jermaine!" I fell on the floor as I gave up trying to hold the door shut. Jermaine was probably back smooching the face off that girl.

"What did you thing time?" Marlon suddenly seemed interested. He took the clicker, and turned off the TV.

"So Jermaine had a groupie up in his room. They were..." I wrapped my arms around my self, and made kissing sounds. "And, I was under the bed, right? So I started running my arm up and down her leg. She thought it was Jermaine the whole time, man. Let's just say, I think I better sleep in the bathtub with the door locked tonight."

By then, Marlon was doubling over laughing.

"Man, Jermaine is the most predictable person I know." Marlon chuckled. "He's so oblivious to stuff."

"I can agree to that." I smirked. We spent a majority of the evening cracking random jokes at one another, and plotting pranks for Nicole when we got back home.

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