Chapter 8: Revealing

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Note: For the rest of this part, I'll be focusing mainly on the home side of events. Don't worry, Michael will be making in the rest of these parts whether it be physical, or on the phone.

July 29, 1984
Nicole's POV

I sighed as I zipped the last suitcase closed. Tonight, I'm surprising Michael with the most shocking news we've had in a while. Last week, I had my first doctors appointment, and everything was incredible. Any anxiety I had disappeared whenever I heard that pa-dam-pa-dam-pa-dam.

Corey and Sierra are going to stay with my mother. She's been pushing me for some quality time with her grandkids. Ironically, the kids can't wait for me to leave! Corey's been pushing me to spend some quality time with Michael. I explained to him that his father would be very busy though. He pushed me towards going.

Hell, Sierra spent three hours nearly folding my clothes, and pushing them into my bag. I just sat by watching her smile brightly. Now, I exhaled deeply as I waited for Mom to arrive. Soon, Mom was standing by my bedroom door. I shot her a small smile before coming to hug her. "Thank you for watching them, mom."

"Nicole, I practically begged you to let them stay with me. You enjoy your stay with Michael." Mom gushed. "Get outta here!" She pushed me ever so slightly. I laughed, and hurried out of my bedroom. The kids were downstairs watching Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. Whenever Michael and I were little, we loved watching this show.

I snapped my fingers loudly to get their attention. "Okay guys. I gotta get goin'." I announced. Sierra waved slightly before returning to the TV, and Corey went along with her. I gaped as they completely ignored me. "Fine! Bye then." I snapped in pretend frustration. They both burst into laughter, and ran over to me. I've been feeling quite queasy with the pregnancy.

Speaking of the pregnancy, I haven't revealed it to anyone besides Janet. I know Michael is going to be ecstatic, yet scared because this isn't exactly the best time to get pregnant. But really, when is the best time to get pregnant? The fear that's been brushing alongside me all this time will be much less prevalent whenever Michael is aware of it.

I kissed my kids one more time before heading out the door. Whenever I got into the car, I felt a sharp pain. I've been feeling a lot of those lately, however I'm not that concerned. I shook it off as either the after effects of morning sickness, or my stomach prepared me for the next months of stretching and bloating.

It all went by faster than I knew possible. For a second I was in the car, then next I was landing in East Rutherford, New Jersey. It must've been ten o'clock at night by the time I landed. I was physically exhausted, and I just wanted to collapse in Michael's arms. Of course, I'd be doing that in about forty-five minutes. Whenever we arrived at the hotel Michael was hurrying to avoid fans at, I climbed through a back entrance.

Ironically enough, I bumped into Randy. His eyes widened as he rushed to hug me. Everyone in this family hugs all the damn time. I wouldn't complain though. I'm a very affectionate person, and I love every embrace. "Well, it's about time you showed up." He teased.

"Randy, I can still pulverize you. I've warned you about that since '69, and that ain't about to change. Where's my husband?" I scoffed. Randy gave me a sheepish smile.

"He's up in his suite... washing off the whip cream." Randy admitted, the smile still wide on his face.

"Randy, that's amateur level. I thought after sixteen years of knowing me, I taught you everything you need to know. No wonder we got y'all so many times. If you're going to outprank the master, you need to overthrow his throne." I shook my head erratically. "I guess you can't imagine your legacy would run off on other people."

"No, they run off with it like an idiot who don't know what they're doing." Michael's voice came from behind me, and the familiar sensation of his lips pressing against my neck filled my body. I shuddered as his arm came around my body. He smiled into my skin so I couldn't help but smile back.

"Where are the lil' goons?" Randy questioned.

"California, duh!" I immaturely rencountered. "As much as I love our endless bickering session, I came here to tell Michael something very serious." I hinted very slightly. Of course, Randy shot me a look of confusion before walking down the hallway. Michael's face turned from eccentric to worried.

"What's wrong, baby?" He pressed worriedly.

"Well, I assume it's how you perceive it." I bit my lip slightly.

"Alright, honey. You're really worrying me now." Michael's eyes narrowed with concern stitched on his face. "What's going on?"

"You know how we discussed... our plans when you came home after the tour?" I whispered so he could only hear me.

"The baby situation? Nicole, I know you're wanting a baby, but honey..." Michael began. I pressed my finger over his lip. He stared at it cross eyed before making eye contact with me again.

"Michael." I sighed, meeting his gaze. "I'm pregnant." His mouth gaped as he went into a daze. The next thing I know, he wrapped his arms around me, and inhaled against my hair.

"Oh, baby." He smiled widely.

I mirrored him, and hugged him tightly. Maybe everything will be okay.

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