Chapter 1: Magic

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March 25, 1983
Michael's POV

I couldn't help but feel nervous. I was completely clueless as to why I would agree to this. My left hand came under pressure as a familiar scent filled my nostrils. A smile tugged at my lips as I felt her sweet lips press against my jaw. "This is going to be amazing, sweetheart. You'll rock this place." Nicole whispered. My brothers and I would be joining each other for a medley of our hits onstage.

"Thank you, baby. But I'm not so sure. You know I hate televised performances." I sighed, enjoying her hands caressing mine. "Michael, that arena is filled with people waiting to see the king of entertainment take the stage. You're him. You're Michael Jackson! Ain't nobody more anticipated than the man himself." Nicole encouraged me.

"Your mother is performing tonight as well, you know." I giggled.

"I know, but I support my husband." Nicole smiled. "All these years I've been behind you, I'm not gonna stop now."

"You're an angel." I beamed, pulling her closer to me. "Our children are so lucky to have you as their mother."

"Oh, I'm the angel? Says the literal angel that's graced this earth. Michael, you've inspired millions of people around the world. You've made my life perfect in more ways than one. Who knew that one morning would change my life forever. I love you so much, Mikey." Nicole caressed her sweet hands against my cheek. "The kids and I will be the audience cheering you the entire time, honey. Go and make history."

"You're a part of it, baby." I grabbed her wrist gently, and rested my left hand in the crease of her back. "And you're an angel." I blushed as Nicole smiled, and kissed my blushing cheeks. "I oughta get back to the kids. You have to get ready." I nodded, kissing her tenderly.

"Ooh, get a room won't ya?" Randy howled, making his presence. Nicole turned around to Randy, and give him a very suggestive use of her fingers, specifically her middle one.

"Don't walk in the room, Randy. The room is too steamy for your liking." Nicole chuckled. "I'll see you, baby." She pecked my lips before strutting past Randy. "Steven." Randy shook his head watching Nicole close the door.

"She's something else, man." He laughed. "I don't know how you put up with her."

"Love, and patience, Randy." I explained.

Nicole's POV

I struggled to get past the people, and get to my seat. Corey jumped at me as soon as he saw me. I smiled, and caught him mid-air. "Woah honey. You shouldn't go jumping out at people like that." I scolded lightly. He pouted, resting his head on my shoulder.

"He's exhausted." Janet commented. Sierra was nodding alongside her as she bounced on Janet's hip. "Little guy didn't want to sleep until you guys got home. Well, he made it about halfway." Michael and I had gone out for a little overnight trip.

"Corey, you wanted to wait up for us?" I asked softly. He nodded against my neck.

"Is Daddy coming soon?" He wondered quietly into my ear.

"Actually, you get to see Daddy perform." I encouraged. Corey was going limp in my arms so I assumed he wouldn't stay awake long. Poor baby shouldn't stay awake anyways. I rubbed his back delicately.

"Mama, can I sleep?" Corey mumbled, already adjusting himself against me.

"Well, I think your mind and body are already made up, baby." I chuckled, laying him against my chest. Within a few seconds, he was passed out against me, breathing softly.

"Gee, he sure didn't last long." Janet chuckled, sitting down besides me.

"I didn't expect him to stay awake." I smiled. Suddenly, I heard my mother's voice radiate besides me. "Mom!" I smiled, standing up and passing Corey off to Janet. His head fell against her shoulder, and I greeted my mother into a warm hug. She wrapped her arms around me, and pulled me close.

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