Chapter 19: Sleepovers + Joseph's Return

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... continuing from last chapter

Michael's POV

I had slumped up each step as I was still deprived of energy. I kind of felt bad to leave Nic alone downstairs, but at least she had Mother to socialize with. My sleepiness was the only thing my body could register, and I scattered into my bedroom. Well, my temporary bedroom, as Mother had told me. Unfortunately, I'll have to share with Marlon, and deal with his... certain audio issues.

In other words, the moron can't help but snore at night. I landed on my soft bed as it crumpled under my weight. I couldn't even pull the blankets over me, that's how utterly exhausted I was. Suddenly, I heard knocking at my door as I peered over. "Hey, Michael!" Nicole's irritated voice radiated throughout the room.

"What?" I whined, feeling irritation that my precious sleep was being interrupted.

"Guess who's here." She dragged out. "And you're not gonna like the result."

"Who?" I rubbed my eye sleepily.

"Joseph." Nicole gave me a soft smile. My heart dropped.

"Wha-?" I asked in disbelief. "Please tell me I'm hearing things."

"Sorry to crush your hopes, Mikey." Nicole rubbed her neck nervously. "Well, g'night."

"Wait, you ain't leavin'!" I suddenly got some energy, and rushed over to her. I pulled her into the bedroom, and shut the door quickly. Nicole gave me a questioning look, and I pulled her into my room more. "Stay here, please."

"Michael." Nicole began, wrapping an arm around me.

"Please." I begged silently.

"Okay." She wrapped her arms around me, taking me closer to her.

"Thanks." I mumbled against her shoulder.

"Any time you need me, I'll be there." Nicole assured me. "My best friend comes before anyone, including myself."

"I love you." I whispered, the sleepiness tracing my voice.

"I love you, too. Let's get you back to bed." Nicole wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and led me back to my bed. I laid down, and pulled her down with me.

She sighed, and placed her body parallel to me, letting me snuggle with her. I can't be the only one who likes to be with someone when I'm sick. Nicole ran her fingers through my hair, which relaxed me deeply. Nicole was breathing slowly, perhaps falling asleep herself. My head was laying against her chest, and I heard her heart beat in a nice rhythm.

I slowly began falling asleep, relaxing me into a heavy stage. Suddenly, my door flew open, and an agitated Jospeh stood there. "Michael, I told you! I don't want no girls in your fuckin' room!" He grunted.

"Tough luck." Nicole warned. Joseph narrowed his eyes at her, probably daring her to say more. "Michael just got discharged from the hospital, and you go right back to antagonizing him. God, can you never find anything better to do?"

"Little girl, this doesn't involve you. Butt out!" Joseph snapped.

"I'd rather not. Actually, it does involve me. Last time I checked, this is my best friend. His well being is my top priority, and I'm not gonna let anyone hurt him. You've already done that shit, so get out before I put you on the ground." Nicole stared as angrily at him as Joseph reflected. "Get out!" She appointed. What shocked me is that Jospeh actually left. She returned to her spot, and forced me back to her chest. I smirked, getting right back into my comfort zone.

Katherine's POV

"Joseph, what are you doing here?" I griped. "I thought I told you you're not welcome here."

"Katherine, honey. The judges have appointed me fit, and I'm ready to be the better father you want me to be. Sweetheart, it's me. I'm sorry for the harm I caused this family." Joseph explained, wrapping an arm around my waist. "I promise you I'm ready."

"And why should I believe that?" I narrowed my eyes. "Explain your reasoning."

"When I first met you, I knew I'd build a life around you. You can't be givin' that up now." Joseph leaned in to me.

"Fool, nobody gave up anything." I pushed him away, not believing his nonsense. "You abused our children! The fact you can even show your face around here puzzles me! Joe, you beat our son til he was black and blue. I'm not going to have my children living in constant fear, and you're sure as hell not going to be the cause of it."

"Katie, I ain't got nowhere to go." Joseph pleaded, sitting on the couch. My eye twitched as he created all kinds of memories and stressors.

"Fine, but you're sleeping in the guest room. You won't be laying any hands on my children, or I'll beat you myself." I grumbled. "You're staying downstairs, or I'm calling the authorities. Believe me, they've been called so many times, they're on speed dial."

"Oh, you're acting ridiculous." Joseph shook his head viciously.

"I am? You forget I was the one who had to take my life over. I held my kids through those nights." I appointed.

"Fine." He groaned, snatching the blanket off the couch. He disappeared back into a hallway which led to a few guest rooms. I shook my head is disbelief, walking upstairs to my suite. Suddenly, I heard some shifting coming from Michael's room. A confused expression came across my face as I silently walked towards the door. I peeked my head through, and cooed a little.

Michael was laying on his side, head resting against Nicole's head. The lamp was on so I walked in silently, and shut it off. I bent down to kiss his head, and bid them a silent good night. I turned around, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me silently.

I slumped into my room, and collapsed onto my bed. The world faded away into the darkness, and my vision slowly faded to black. God, that's what I call an eventful night. I just wander how this will play out.

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