Chapter 18: Janet's Resolution

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November 7, 1985
Janet's POV

Right now, I'm at a crossroads between staying with my father and producing more flopped albums, or go on my own. The thing is I don't know if I can do it. I'm 19 years old for God's sake! I need control of my life. Secretly, I've been writing songs for my next album. I just need the right managers.

I need somebody to talk to about this. Michael, well, he had the same issues I do. He's the person, I mean look at his success. Nicole also has had tremendous success but I don't want to interfere in their lives. Nicole is currently planning a tour for next summer, all while pregnant. I don't understand how she can be so calm in the midst of the chaos.

Joseph had planned a practice session at some random studio, which I politely refused. I'm not my father's little girl anymore, I'm a damn grown woman! Before this, I was recording pointless strange songs, now I need an album with a meaning. My control.


November 12, 1985

"What's this for, Janet?" Joseph inquired a little irritated. I called up Mother for some moral support.

"Joseph, not so harsh!" Mother scolded. "Continue honey."

"I... I wanted to tell you this..." I started, getting Joseph and Mother's undivided attention. "Joseph, your services are no longer required. I'm separating myself from your management, and venturing out on my own..." I was cut off by Joseph's harsh tone, and his fist banging on the coffee table.

"Over my dead body!" Joseph screeched.

"Joseph Jackson! Your daughter is grown!" Mother interjected. "I'm not sitting here letting you tell her that malarkey. Let her have some damn freedom." I stared shocked that my mother had just cursed.

"Katherine, I am the man of this house! I make the goddamn decisions!" Joseph hollered.

"Don't start that "man runs the house" shit! Enough of your "reign" Joseph. I'm sick and tired of it. Let our children live their lives!" Mother screamed back, slapping her forehead. "I've let you do a lot of things over the years, and I'm so sick of it."

Joseph silently left the room, defeated. I looked at mother gratefully. "How'd you do that?" I wondered.

"Baby, I've been married to your father for 3 and a half decades. I get used to it." Mother laughed, patting her head softly. "When are you meeting for the album?"

"Tomorrow. I'm begging Nicole to come with me." I explained.

"Well, be careful baby." Mother kissed my cheek.

"Thank you, Mom." I smiled.

"Anything for you, Jan." She stated.


I pulled into the driveway of Nicole's home. After pulling the keys of the ignition, I gathered my items and slammed the door shut. I saw the blinds moving then Corey came running out the front door and tackled into me. "Auntie Dunk!" He screeched. I smiled and picked him up. "Hey sweetie. Where's your Mommy?"

"She's inside." Corey said, running his small hand through my head. I nodded, and set him down. Corey ran inside and yelled for his mother. "Hey, Janet." A visibly pregnant Nicole appeared. Wait, she's pregnant? How did I not notice? "Okay, you're pregnant?"

"How'd you notice?" Nicole blushed. "I wore a loose top today."

"Sweetie, I have like fifteen nieces and nephews. Plus I've seen you pregnant before." I pointed out.

"Whatever, Janet." Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Yeah." I smirked. Oh, yeah. I needed to get to the point."

"Oh and Nic?" I started capturing her attention. "I need advice for an album. I have some lyrics written down." I pointed out some papers crumpling in my hand.

"Sure, let's do it." Nicole led me to her recording studio. "Sese, turn down that stereo! I've told you 10 times. If I need to tell you again, it's turned off!"

"Alright, Mom!" Sierra griped, turning it down subtly.

"These children will be the death of me." Nicole complained, walking into an unlit room. "Sierra is now entering the "Hey, let's make Mommy's life hell" stage." I giggled.

"Not funny."

"Very funny."


"Okay, so what is this?" Nicole, who was sitting besides me, picked up a crinkled piece of paper.

"That is just a stupid idea I messed with." I shrugged.

Used to be a time when you would pamper me,
I used to brag about it all the time
Your friends think that you're so peachy keen
But my friends say neglect is on your mind

"Jan, these are brilliant lyrics." Nicole complimented causing me to blush.

"You ought to be thankful for the little things
But little things are all you seem to give

Janet, you have the verses. All you need is a catchy chorus. Ohh, I have an idea. How bout..." She grabbed a pencil from a holder, and scribbled on the back. "What have you done for me lately?" I read. That felt right. Suddenly, ideas rushed to me. I scribbled on the bottom of the paper.

What have you done for me lately
Oh, oh, oh, yeah
What have you done for me lately
Oh, oh, oh, yeah

"This is why, I swear." Nicole laughed. I jotted that down. "Now build from there. I also am giving you this" . She handed me. A phone number to Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis.

"Thanks, Nic!" I hugged her sideways.

"Aww, you're welcome." Nicole smiled.

Let's do this.

Janet's takin' control!!

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