Chapter 37: A Photo Catches A Forever Moment

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February 7, 1978
Michael's POV

The planet is overflowing with uncomprehending beauty. One reason I love living in California is the almost unnatural beauty. The roaring green hills, and the crystal blue waters humming a rhythm that brings joy to my heart. The glistening palm trees after a subtle rainstorm. Or the soft noise of a breeze flowing past your ears.

Of course, that's mostly in the summer. It's not cold enough to snow, as it was in Gary. Nicole claims she's never really seen snow, much less a snowstorm. That's one reason I'd love to take her to Gary. So she could experience what I did, as I loved snow when I was real little.

As I laid in my bed reminiscing about the good times, I felt Nicole stir. She grasped me as she did every time we slept together. I'm very fortunate we've been strong for over a year in this relationship. "Morning." She whispered, leaning her head up to kiss my jawline. I kissed her forehead as a response.

"Good morning, sweet thing. How are you?" I responded tiredly.

"Yeah. I got a good night's rest 'cause of you. You make me feel so safe, Michael." Nicole said, looking at me with admiration in her eyes. "How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?"

"I could ask the same thing, and never get the extended answer. It's so simple, my love. We were meant to be in each other's lives." I explained. Nicole smiled widely, nestling herself further in me.

"No matter how long I live, I'm so glad I get to have you in my life." Nicole said.

"Me too, Nic. You wanna get some breakfast? I don't know about you, but I'm starving myself." I placed my hand on my stomach, which felt like it was tightening around me.

"Yes." Nicole nodded quickly, throwing the covers off herself. "Consider yourself lucky you didn't attend public for very long. I'm starting finals next month, and that counts towards my final credits for graduation. Mom's really pressuring me for straight A's this quarter."

"You're a very advanced academic student, Nicole. I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors. I'm lucky to get a B." I chuckled, trying to help her feel better. If one thing sucks, it's seeing her stressed about anything.

"Sure. I hope Katie is making pancakes cause I got a hankering for them." Nicole commented as she walked to my closed door, taking her silky white robe off the hook. She wrapped it around herself, and tied it into place. Man, she looked too good for her own self. Her curves were driving me crazy. We've never done the deed, and I'm waiting until we're in a stable point in our lives before we risk it.

"I could make some." I suggested. Nicole bursted our laughing for no reason, which is totally her personality.

"You? Michael, we've already discussed that if anyone is cooking, it's me. Remember when you set the kitchen on fire, and we had to get our countertops replaced. My mother banned you from cooking at our place ever again." Nicole reminded me. I rolled my eyes. Whatever.

"Alright, I won't cook." I muttered.

"Good. Let's go downstairs, and chomp down somethin' good." Nicole said, grabbing my hand to pull me out of bed. I was givin' her a hard time doing it, and I was enjoying every moment of it.

"Michael, you have five seconds to out of this damn bed before..." I scrambled quickly, and pressed my lips against her face. She sighed before detaching herself from me. "Hurry up." She shook her head before exiting the room. At least I shut her up for a second.

I threw on a plain white tank top and some sweat pants before I began to head downstairs. Janet, Mother, and Nicole were setting the breakfast table with some simple tan placemats. "Morning everyone." I made my presence known.

"Good morning, honey." Mother greeted. "Nic was just telling me you guys were heading to the beach later?"

"We've mentioned it." I answered, heading towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. Every morning, I wake up feeling parched it seemed like.

"Can you get me some water, babe?" Nicole called. I shouted back a yes. I poured us two cups of water, and brought it back into the dining area. "Thanks." She said. I nodded.

"You guys are goin' to the beach, you said." Janet pushed between the two of us. "Well, can I go?"

"Uhh, Dunk. We were kind of wanting private time." I hinted.

"Oh, I see. Alright, have fun. Don't get too rowdy." Janet giggled.

"Janet." Nicole sniggered. Janet just simply smiled before sitting down at the table. Of course, our breakfast was delectable. Nicole already packed the night before as her O.C.D that she had somehow adopted kicked in.

"Why'd you pack last night?" I questioned.

"You asked me to last night, Michael. Did you seriously forget?" She scoffed. "My goodness you're forgetful sometimes."

"I've got a lot on my mind, baby." I excused. Honestly, I do!

"I know. You've got your album you've been working on. So, are you still in the writing process, or?" She hinted that she wanted to hear more.

"Still in the works, Nic." I answered.

"Oh." She nodded, and that was that.

The waves crashed along the shore as we laid down a blanket. Nicole had dressed in a hot pink one piece that showed off her delicious curves, and it ruffled at the top. I grabbed my camera from our beach bag, and looked around for any prime shooting location.

"Babe, we can take the photos over there. How about we do a blending out of the background?" Nicole suggested.

"Yeah, we can do that." I agreed. She posed with her arms resting behind her head. Next, it was my turn. I just placed my hands on my hips. I just loved how the wind just flowed through her updo, causing me to smile. She was my reason to smile.

"Beautiful, baby." Nicole complimented. "God, you're gorgeous." I sent her a fake smile. Everyone knows that ain't true. My handsomeness falls in comparison to her beauty.

"You're way more beautiful." I returned.

"Michael, believe me when I say, no one is more beautiful on this planet than you. Whether you believe me or not, that's the truth." Nicole said.

"Okay Miss. Let me take a photo of us that can capture our beauty." I attached myself to her lips as I waited for the camera to flash. We developed it a few minutes later. The picture was perfect. It was just us kissing with a halo from the sun above our heads.

"That's just perfect." Nicole stared in awe. "Mom told me something when I was really little. She said,'A photo catches a forever moment. Something we treasure for as long as we live. And something we treasure when we're long gone.' I guess she was right." Nicole said.

"She was right. No matter how long I'm here, I'm glad I get to live it with you. You're my angel, Nicole Ernestine Ross." I stroked her face.

"And you are mine, Michael Joseph Jackson." Nicole responded.

A photo does catch a forever moment. I wanted this moment to last forever.

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