Chapter 33: License to Drive

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July 7, 1976
Michael's POV

I was silently waiting on my front porch for Nicole to show up. The girl had recently gotten the high place of independence that is called her driver's license. She's been pressuring me to get mine as I've already gone two years without it. I however don't feel the need, or reason to get one. I got Bill, Mother, and now her to drive me.

When I heard the gates open, and the familiar 1974 Mercedes black sedan drove up, I waved. Nicole honked, and waited for me to get it. I stepped down my porch, and climbed inside her luxury vehicle.

"Hey, Mike-Ike." She greeted, taking a sip of her drink.

"Hey girl. I see you got this beauty washed." I chuckled. She nodded eagerly. We were going to hit Ventura today to visit all the cool shops, and nice kiosks. They had recently installed a market place for tourist, and we were going to shop til we drop.

She drove around the fountain in the front, and drove down the service road. When we reached the gate, we were met by a questioning Bill. "Where you jokers going?" He asked suspiciously.

"Just to go to some shop, Bill." I admitted.

"Joker, you know you should have an entourage to make sure you two keep safe." Bill breathed raggedly. "I think I should come with you all just to be sure." He began to go for the handle, but I stopped him.

"Bill, I'll call you if we get in trouble. I just need to spend time with my best friend, alright?" I whispered.

"Joker, honestly. I know you two know how to handle yourselves. But people are insane, and my job is to ensure your safety." He stressed. "I'll keep my distance."

"Fine. Hop in." I stated, knowing it would be in our best interests. Nicole shot me a look of confusion. "It's for our safety, Nic." She nodded before smiling into the rear view mirror.

"Hey Bill. How ya doin'?" Nicole greeted happily.

"Peachy keen." Bill smirked, resting his hand against the back rest of her seat. "How've you been, Nicole?"

"I've been alright. Mom and Robert have been pretty distant so I try not to be home too often. It's just the awkwardness, you know. It's plausible it might not be working out." Nicole vented, keeping her eye on the pavement. "Oh, well." She chuckled to herself even though there was nothing to laugh about.

I began to feel awkward listening to her ramble on about certain issues, including that asshole Roy. It's not hard to tell the feelings I've gathered for her through the years. However, I know she doesn't feel the same towards me. She should be living by her own expectations.

I found myself staring at her unremarkable beauty. While Bill kept sending me a smug look, Nicole kept glancing in my direction. She just cast me into a spell thanks to her enchanting beauty. I couldn't take my eyes off her. My feelings had rapidly increased surely, but am I good enough for such a girl like her?

Nicole's POV

As much as I tried to pay attention to the road, Michael kept staring at me. His captivating eyes held something that wasn't very well hidden, desire. I had the sudden urge to take his body in my arms, and kiss him to my delight. I have to admit, I'm starting to think of Michael as something more than just my best friend. Ever since we were very young, and with everything we've been through together.

I remember that conversation Robert and I had before I went my first Jackson 5 concert.

"You and Michael seem to be pretty close, eh?" Robert observed, stabbing his fork into his breakfast.

"We've been through a lot together." I answered. "He's my best friend, I guess."

"You guess?" Robert raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I mean..." I began. "With him, I feel different. Marlon, he's like a brother to me. He and I have lots of fun together. But Michael, I feel a connection with him. Like a serious connection. It's killing me to be away from him for such an extended amount of time."

"You in love, girl?" Robert laughed.

"N-no, he's my best friend. Now that's ridiculous." I stammered.

"Honey, you're way too young for a relationship. Don't deny your feelings though. If there is any; pay attention to them. Michael's a good kid." Robert explained. "Just remember what I told ya. You're waaay too young for a relationship."

Pay attention to your feelings.

That one line rang through my head repeatedly. I didn't want to do any damage to my friendship, but I couldn't live my life thinking I'd never be anything more to Michael than his best friend. What if he married someone else? What if she wants him to herself? I quickly cleared my imagination of that silly nonsense.

After about fifteen minutes of driving around some side streets, and dumb people cutting us off, we parked on a select parking area with a short distance to the shops. We got out, and walked across the street to the shops. One thing I'm proud to say is I've this independence I've been longing for. However, are my feelings going to get the best of me?


Guys, I know this isn't my best chapter, but I've got nothing any better.

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