Chapter 15: Frantic

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All I see is black..
Pitch black...

"Ma'am can you hear me?" I heard a faint voice.

Yes, I can hear you.

"God, her body is mangled." Another voiced echoed. "How is she even alive?"

I felt pressure on my chest.

"I hear a faint heartbeat. We have to get her in the ambulance."

My body was lifted from the cold, hard surface. "Load her on the stretcher." A hand under my upper back. I'm set down on a soft like surface, a bed? I hear doors shut and an engine fire up. I feel weak. I can't hang on. But I have to... for me, my babies... Michael...

That's when everything goes quiet....


Michael's POV

Last night, Nicole left. I'm worried about her of course. I regret what I said so much. She's the love of my life. When those word escaped my mouth, I regretted it deeply. To see her go away, that makes me upset and pissed off. What the hell did I do?

I frantically rise from the couch I was previously sat on. I got the children to bed a couple hours ago. Of course, they kept asking about their mother. The night just happened so fast. I should've apologized. She deserves so much better than me. She would be going to her mother's.

I sprinted towards the landline and grabbed it off. Taking the receiver to my ear, I dialed Diana's home phone. After 3 rings, I heard a tired voice echo from it. "Hello?" I heard Diana's exhausted voice. My heart was ripped from my chest when I didn't hear my angel's voice. "Hello?" Diana repeated. "Look, if this is a prank, it's too late for it."

"Diana, it's Michael." I stated.

"Michael? What are you calling this late for?" Diana wondered.

"Nicole and I had a huge argument. She left and I haven't heard from her. I thought she would be over there." I explained.

"Well, she called me over two hours ago saying she would be here in about thirty minutes. I've been getting nervous too." Diana agreed. My heart dropped in my chest.

Where's my baby?


Nicole's POV

I fell into a black abyss. Death. That's what I'm trying to avoid. The car crash. The horns blaring. It replays in my mind. I hear muffled chatter from the paramedics trying to resuscitate me. It's not working. I feel tired. Worn out. I wanna let go.

I feel a sudden jolt of electricity then a white light flashing. My eyes flutter as I'm in the ambulance. Two paramedics, both male, looking over me. The oxygen mask is providing me the stability. "Can you hear me? Blink once for yes." The paramedic announced. I blinked which absorbed most of my energy.

"Ma'am, can you follow the light?" He announced, I did as I was told. "Miss, you were in a serious car accident. We're going to get you to the hospital, Alright?" He assured me. I nodded.

"You have any kids?" I nodded.

"That wonderful. Hold on for them. They need you." You don't have to tell me that.

The doors open as we come to a stop.

"Female, early to mid-twenties, automobile accident, possible internal damage and bleeding." The paramedics listed off.

A memory flashed before me.

December 16, 1969

"Nic, where are you taking me?" Michael asked sounding clueless.

"Just go with the flow, Michael." I laughed.

"Not funny, Pic-Nic." Michael huffed.

"It's up here." I led him up a hill to overlook the valley. His jaw dropped at the beauty.

"Wow, this is..." Michael trailed off.

"Incredible?" I finished.

"Yeah." Michael breathed. I giggled and took his hand.

"Where we goin'?" Michael wondered.

"I had another surprise for you." I smirked.

I led him to a clearing where I had previously set up a picnic area. The whole nine yards too. A checkered blue and white blanket with a nice Longeberger picnic basket with cloth stitching. "Sit down, Michael." I motioned my hands towards myself to get him to come near.

He plopped right down next to me. I dug our some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and handed him one. "Thanks." Michael smiles and took it gladly. He chomped it down in 2 bites.

"Goodness, Michael." I gaped. "Eat much?"

"Not really. That was some good PB&J." Michael concludes. I laugh. "Ok." I respond, digging out grapes. Michael crawled over to me and laid his head on my lap.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting comfortable." Michael adjusted his Afro against my legs. The tickling sensation was vague but there.

"Sit up!" I yelled.

"No." He refused, turning away from me still laying in my lap.

"Michael." I whined.

"Nicole." He mocked me. "Feed me grapes!"

"Heck no!" I gasped.

"Please." Michael pleaded.

"Fine." I gave in, picking off a grape and shoved it in his mouth. He gagged. I laughed.

"You tryin' to kill me?!" Michael screamed.

"Maybe." I shrugged.

Michael huffed. "Finish eating those dang grapes." I shoved him off my lap.

I blinked away tears by that. He is the love of my life, and I sure as hell ain't letting some six foot tall gorilla with high heels take him from me. I'm his wife, damn it.


Diana's POV

I sat frantically as my daughter's whereabouts around are currently unknown. She called me around seven. That was three hours ago as of now. Michael showed up on my doorstep with two equally worried kids. Michael had informed me that he hadn't told the kids anything, they picked it up. All these scenarios that played off in my mind scared the hell out of me.

"Mammah, where's Mommy?" Corey pulled at my cardigan.

"That's what we're trying to find out, precious." I reassured him. "You'll see her soon." I hate making empty promises. The fact I don't know. I have no idea where my baby is, and if she's hurt.

"Diana, I need my wife." Michael busted, digging his face in his hands.

"You'll see her, Daddy." Sierra patted his back. I smiled at this interaction.

Nicole always gave him reassurance in that same place.

March 30, 1970

"It's too much. The touring. It sucks, Nicky." I overheard Michael complain.

"But you get to see your fans, Mikey." I looked in seeing Michael sprawled across Nicole's lap.

"Well.." Michael started.

"You're Michael Jackson. My best friend, and I love you. But, you make this world happier, Michael." Nicole stated, rubbing his Afro.

"I do?" Michael asked.Nicole nodded. "I don't feel like I do. I just sing and dance."

"You inspire black and white kids alike all across the US to come together through the bonds of music. That's magical Michael." Nicole smiled.

"Thanks." Michael reached up to caress her face.


Suddenly the phone rang.


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