Chapter 31: Just A Jackson Thing

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January 7, 1976
Nicole's POV

Michael and I were sitting in Algebra. While I'm in my book doing every problem to the greatest I can, Michael is drawing on a sketch pad. Oh boy. He's gonna get in trouble.

"Nicole, What is the square root of 64?" Mrs. Read asked. I know, an Algebra teacher with the last name Read... priceless.

"8." I looked up at her. She just nodded. I'm assuming she noticed Michael wasn't paying attention because she glanced over in Michael's direction. I tried my best not to laugh.

"Michael." She snapped her ruler on his desk causing him to snap out of concentration. I really tried to hold out a laugh. A couple kids in the class oooed and ahhhed. "Focus on your work." She snapped. "As for you, go to the office." She point to the door. I furrowed my eyebrows. Are you seriously sending him to the office for nothing.?


"What was that about?" I wondered, following Michael to his locker.

"I got off with a warning. Thankfully, I convinced the principal not to call my parents. You know Joseph gets whenever we get in trouble." Michael signed.

"Yeah, I know. Are you alright though?" I smirked.

"I just missed my best friend all this time." Michael replied, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Mike, you were literally gone for 30 minutes." I laughed.

"That's a long time to me, Nicole. That's like half a forever." He complained.

"C'est dommage, Michael Jackson." I replied in French. (Too bad, Michael Jackson)

"Peu importe, Nicole. je n'ai pas le temps." Michael smarted back. (Whatever, Nicole. I don't have time.)

I stuck my tongue out. He did the same. We're very childish for a couple of high school kids.

"You two are so immature." Marlon's voice radiated.

"Shut up, Merlin." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"It's just a Jackson thing." Marlon smirked. "And it's Marlon!" I chuckled.

"Your response isn't important, Marcus." I retaliated. Marlon just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Nippy:" Marlon rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Nippy?" I asked amusingly.

"You nip at my soul, honey." Marlon laughed.

"You're a pain in my ass." I replied.

"I'm glad we're so close." Marlon places an arm on my shoulder. "What's up, you guys?"

"Michael got into some trouble." I ratted him out.

"Man, you can never let anything go, can you?" Michael asked, shooting me a dirty look:

"You know it!" I smiled, speeding off to meet with Cyndi. Yeah, she and I have remained friends throughout these past few years. I struggled down the hallway as the students came towards me. Gosh, it was so hard to move five damn feet. Once the hallway cleared up a bit, Cyndi came into view. I smiled before waving at her. She was talking to some good looking boy with tannish skin.

He glanced in my direction, and seemed to have looked my body up. I blushed a little as he checked me out. For some reason, I really liked this guy checking me out. Cyndi called me over, and I obliged.

"Hey, Nic." Cyndi greeted me.

"Hey, girl. So uhh... who's this?" I glanced in the boy's direction.

"I'm Roy McDaniel. Pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand as a way to greet me. I placed mine into his. I glanced into his eyes as his powerfully stated back into mine. I was feeling rather strange. "You must be the famous Nicole Ross."

"Yep, that's me." I said awkwardly. "So, are you new? I haven't seen you around campus."

"My brothers are trying out in the performing stuff. I've never really found an interest in singing. Well, probably because I sound like a bat when I do." He chuckled, as did we.

"I grew up surrounded by musicians." I blurted accidentally. Inwardly, I scolded myself. Why in my right mind did I expel my personal life to a stranger.

"I know. You're Diana Ross' daughter." Roy pointed out. "You must lead a pretty cool, exciting life."

"Well, that's one way to explain it." I answered before I saw Michael and Marlon coming towards us.

"Nicole, you know what this fool just did to the principal." Michael chuckled.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow. Again, you'd never know what to expect knowing a Jackson.

"You know those spiders Marlon was warehousing at an undisclosed location. Uh, they escaped." Michael explained. I burst out into laughter. I looked around as everyone else chuckled along with me. Well, everyone except Roy. He had a confused and disgusted view on his face.

"That's disgusting!" He said distastefully. "Nicole, I'll talk to you later."

I looked as he walked away with such an attitude. What on Earth just happened?

"It's just a Jackson thing." Michael chuckled.

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