Chapter 16: School

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January 3, 1970
Nicole's POV

I rubbed my eyes blearily. It's strange to wake up into a new decade. I can only imagine what it's gonna be like towards the end of these ten years. My stupid alarm clock gave off that unbearable screeching noise, so I might've tossed it to the other side of the room. Don't worry, it didn't break. Too much.

I lazily threw the covers from over me, and set my stiff feet onto the cold hardwood floors. I balanced myself before walking to the closet. I was excited that I could see all my friends once again. However, I don't want Michael being pounced by oncoming targets. Especially one called called Raleigh Smith. I never saw her act so erratic about someone.

I chose my outfit which was a denim jumpsuit, and some white slip-ons. Afterwards, I closed my closet doors and ran into the bathroom to answer nature's call. Checkmate sweet tea. I brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair. Soon I was ready for school, and was waiting patiently for the dang toaster to give me my delectable piece of delicious toast. The toast shot into the air, and I caught it like a pro.

I spread some strawberry jam on it, and poured myself a glass of milk. I don't know anyone who doesn't like milk with their breakfast. Slow footsteps slumped down the stairs, and I saw Mom's exhausted body trudge into the kitchen. "Mornin' sweetie." She expressed. Mom eyed the toast that I was putting to my mouth. "Ohh, that toast sure looks yummy. I think I'll have to get me some."

I nodded in agreement. Toast was far out, man. I chuckled when Mom tried to take my toast from my hands. "Momma, get 'cha own toast." I whined, running to the other side of the kitchen. "Alright, sweetie." Mom chuckled. "Where'd you put the load, baby?" I pointed to the bread loaf that was still wide open for anyone to take.

Mom chuckled before walking over to it, taking the bag and taking a piece of the bread. After toasting, she was happily munching on her toast. I chuckled, eating the last crumb of my amazing toast. "So, I heard that Michael's gonna be joining you at school, eh?" Mom raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah." I rubbed my hand against my arm. "That's... great."

"Shouldn't you be excited?" Mom smiled, opening her arms to me.

"Well, I guess. What if people start treating me different?" I expressed.

"Nicole," Mom pulled me close to her. "then they're not your friends. Just because you know Michael doesn't mean they should treat you any different. Remember that you will be alright, honey."

"Thanks, Mommy." I leaned against her chest, enjoying her warmth envelope me.

"No problem, baby girl. Now you get your knapsack, and I'll take you to school." Mom said, pulling away from me softly. She eyed me softly before shooting me away.

 She eyed me softly before shooting me away

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"Alright." I nodded, running off to fetch my knapsack. Soon we were going to the car, and driving towards my school. We arrived minutes later, and mom waved me off. I chuckled, and quickly ran inside to avoid being trampled by the kids that were arriving in busses.

My feet skidded along the pavement as I was trying my best to get inside. That is until I heard a familiar voice calling my name. Michael came running to catch up to me. "Hey Nic!" Michael greeted happily. "I didn't know you were comin' here."

I smiled at his bubbly attitude. "Hey Michael. Yeah, I do." We walked alongside one another. "What do you have first period?"

"Mrs. Brodan , she's the English teacher I got." Michael explained.

"Oh, so do I." I smirked, seeing his face light up.

"Alright with me." Michael chuckled. "Do you have Mr. Bronson for Social Studies?"

"Nah, Mrs. Perris." I said.

"Cool." Michael nodded. Suddenly, I heard a collective gasp from behind me.

"Nicole, are you talkin' to Mic..." Raleigh's shocked voice radiated behind me. "Oh my gorilla!" Michael sent me a look of confusion. I returned with an apologetic look. "Michael Jackson! I saw you on TV. Gosh, you're so handsome! Man, this is incredible. Nicole, you remember we were talkin' about him! Hey!" Raleigh ranted to Michael about how amazing he is, and yada yada yada.

"Rae, get ahold of yourself." I got her attention as Michael's cheeks faired in embarrassment. "Girl, seriously. Yes, I am talking to Michael." Michael looked at me with more confusion.

"How do you two know each other?" She wondered.

"I, uh... I met him... my mother introduced us. She works with Michael and her brothers." I stuttered. Michael nodded blankly. "Yeah." He mumbled.

"Who's your mom?" Raleigh pressed.

"D.. Dia... Dianne... Dianne Ross." I gave her a mute smile.

"That's pretty funny, that's sounds somewhat like Diana Ross. Y'know, the lead singer of the Supremes." Raleigh issued, clearly not associating me just yet.

"Yeah, she's very nice. Uhh, Michael and I oughta get to class, Rae. I'll see ya at lunch." I gripped Michael's arm and began to pull him elsewhere. Once we were at a considerable distance, Michael stopped me, giving me a confused expression.

"Who is she?" He pressured.

"A friend of mine. She saw y'all on the Ed Sullivan show. Since then, she's been insane. I think she's your biggest fan." I chuckled.

"Well, I can tell that much." Michael nodded. "Anyway, should we be goin' to class?" His accent made me smile. Sometimes, you can still hear that Indiana accent come in full circle.

"Yeah. Ready, bestie?" I offered my hand. He gladly took it, and that's how we walked into class. Hand in hand, smile by smile.


"Today, we'll be focusing on literature. Starting off this quarter, we'll be discussing one of my favorite novels, To Kill A Mockingbird. Each one of you will be given a copy that you must bring to class every day. Let's discuss the plot points of this book. It centers in the thirties in the point of view of a five year old named Jean Louise Finch, who goes by Scout. Anybody have any questions?" Mrs. Broden looked around. Of course, nobody did. "Children, this is a piece of art. Use it. You can group read if you wish. Pair up with someone you know will get the job done." She dismissed us into groups.

That's how we spent the rest of class, digging into a novel, sitting side by side.

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