Chapter 41: A Mother's Assumption

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August 24, 1979
Nicole's POV

I tapped my fingers rhythmically against my thighs. Michael focused on the road ahead of him. Steadily, he had become a tolerable driver. Of course, he still scares the living shit out of me every time he gets behind the wheel. Sometimes, I wonder how he even passed his driving exam. We merged in and out of lanes until we made our exit.

"Daddy is so excited to share the world of your arrival, Ms. Thing." He spoke aloud. I focused my attention on him as I thought he had lost his mind.

"Who the hell are you talking to?" I questioned.

"The little jellybean floating in your tummy." He responded. "Mommy sure is a nice home, ain't she?"

"First of all, cut the Mommy bullshit. I am not a mommy, and I won't be until I hold a child in my arms." I shook my head at him. "What psychotic drug are you on that makes you talk like that? That's so infantile, Michael."

"It's called a baby voice, Nicole. You use it when you talk to babies of course." Michael clarified as if it was most basic science I could learn. I rolled my eyes. I'm not gonna be talking to my child like that. Hell, it's the most annoying noise to existence.

"Well, cut it out. Babies are human beings, not pets." I huffed, crossing my arms to show my annoyance more.

"What's got your panties in a bunch? Well, despite the raging hormones that have taken over your body." Michael asked.

"I am not hormonal!" I yelled. "My stomach hurts like hell, and my boyfriend is being annoying as hell."

"That just proves my point further, baby." I chuckled.

"Whatever. I'd roll on my ass laughing if you had to go through this. When they biochemically concentrate a way for men to have children, I'd love to see it happen." I reiterated. Michael shut his mouth after that. Hah, take that. We arrived at the familiar home I grew up in. Somehow, after we moved back, Mom was able to move back into my childhood home. The great advantage of being a superstar, I assume.

I inhaled deeply before unbuckling myself. Well, here goes nothing. Opening the door, I stepped out on the concrete pavement. Michael placed his arm around me as we ventured to the front door. I rang the doorbell, which caused my younger sister, Rhonda, to open it up.

"Nicole!" She squealed in excitement, and threw herself around me. Michael looked at us with a fine look on his face.

"Not suited to be a mom?" Michael whispered in my ear in a "mmmhhh, that proves my point" tone.

"Michael, shut the hell up. I'm already nervous enough." Nicole grumbled.

"About what?" Rhonda asked. Nicole smiled innocently.

"Oh, nothing. Where'd Mom go?" I searched around the visible parts of the house for my mother.

"She's in her room." Rhonda said, pointing towards the stairs.

"Thanks." I kissed her forehead, and pushed my way towards my mom's room.

"You're welcome?" She said in a confused tone.

I walked up the stairs, which seemed to get longer with each step. My nerves built with every step I took. Michael peered up to me, and sent me a small smile. I nodded back, a smirk on my face. I breathed in a whole rush of available air.

I reached Mom's room and knocked. The door opened slowly, and Mom's face appeared through the slit. "Hi, honey." She smiled widely, greeting me with a hug. "What are you doing here? I thought you guys were going to the park or something."

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