Chapter 9: Issues

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September 14, 1984
Nicole's POV

It's strange how perfect life has gone. I've visited Michael quite a lot. My stomach has been growing at a normal rate. I'm still getting used to the idea of having another child. I assume you could call it bitter-sweet. However, the pains of pregnancy are far from perfect. Now I remember what I despised about pregnancy.

Since Michael is still stuck on tour, I'm dealing with the post traumatic separation disorder. Thankfully, we've been able to travel to some of the brother's concerts, or I would be slowly going bat-shit crazy on my children. I love them dearly, but they drive me insane sometimes. The raging hormones don't help anything.

And honestly, the sexual drive I have has gone through the roof as my hormones caused.. Uh- friction. I crooned for Michael's touch. You'll never find me aching for another man because I've been programmed to only want one. And that one is Michael Jackson. Well, excuse me if I barge into a random performance, and start grinding him on stage.

Yeah, that would embarrass the hell out of him. However again, that's my specialty. I turned against my soft, heavenly pillow as the duvet was sling over my body. I was savoring the few minutes of rest I had before my kids burst in, and dragged me out of bed. As I mentioned, I love 'em dearly, but I WANT TO SLEEP!

Of course, the door burst open, and recognizable voices filled the room. Sierra humped over me, and landed on Michael's side. "Momma, can you please fix us breakfast? We're starving!" She complained. Corey nodded as he climbed over me. Well, he tried to. The poor child slipped over on me, and slapped his hand to my face.

"Corey, be careful!" I grunted. "Y'all are too impatient! C'mon, let's get your dang breakfast because you're gonna keep on whining." I groaned, getting out of my heavenly bed. Corey smiled widely, and rested his head against my stomach. For a four year old, he sure is a tall child. He sure didn't inherit Michael's short traits. We all know Michael was a short ass kid.

"Sorry Mama!" He apologized, rubbing my stomach tentatively. I smiled brightly at his kindness. "It's alright, baby." I caressed his cheek softly. "Now let's get that sweet breakfast goin'!" I smiled as they both cheered in succession. We climbed out of bed, and they pulled me out of the hallway. However, I started feeling small pulses.

Then, pain set into my lower abdomen. I couldn't register what was going onto until I hit the floor. My kids' screams filled the room. I placed my hand against my private area, and brought it up to the light. Blood filled every spot on my fingers. Tears came to my eyes as I fully realized what was happening. I was miscarrying.

"Sierra, get on the landline and dial 9-1-1. Explain that I'm bleeding, and they need to send an ambulance this second. The address is 1614 Sunset Plaza Drive, Los Angeles!" I explained. For seven, she has a wonderful memory. Sierra nodded, and went to the telephone. I clutched my stomach as the blood expelled from me. I was feeling lightheaded, and this sure didn't help that I was bleeding out.

My vision started going blurry as I faded out of consciousness. I could still hear my kids panicked screams as my world faded to black.


Michael's POV

"Mother, I promise we're fine. Yes, it was a central threat, but it's fine. Just please don't alert Nicole, she shouldn't be stressing over this. I wouldn't be too alarmed." I assured her. "Please, keep this between you and I."

"Sweetheart, I understand your intentions. I promise I'll keep it between us, but I'm sure she'll find out from someone. It's best to hear it from you. Just think about it." Mother stressed.

"I'll think about it, Mother. Let me do it on my own terms, please. These morons are actin' like it's the worst thing in the world. To be truthful, doing this tour is the worst thing in the world. I mean... I have a baby on the way, I'm separated from my family. I'm only doing this for the fans, then it's fait accompli that I have to accept it, I suppose. I can't wait until I can just stay home." I expressed painfully. "On the brighter note, I have a child to come home to."

"Mike, you'll be home well before the baby is born." Mother chuckled. "Stay positive, sweetheart. Please don't mind your brothers, or Joseph. You know I really appreciate you helping the family out. When we need you, you always come through. But I don't want this to compromise your happiness." Mother replied. "I really appreciate you, Mike."

"Mother, I couldn't repay you for everything you have done for me even if I tried." I chimed in. A smile set place on my face. But it diminished when I felt a ping in my lower stomach. A feeling of dread washed over me. "Mother, where is Nicole?"

"I'm not sure, darling. I haven't checked in in a few days." Mother acknowledged. "How about I call, and see what's up?"

"Please." I practically begged.

God, I can't get rid of this falling pit in my stomach. It feels like something has gone very wrong.


Nicole's POV

My eyes peeked open as the grogginess kicked in. I could only make out a room with a TV, a few chairs, and beige walls. The more I realized where I was, I realized I was in a hospital room. I peered down to my stomach, and it was a lot smaller than it usually was. I had gotten the message of what had occurred.

Tears came to my eyes as I placed my hands on my stomach. My chin quivered before I burst into tears. What happened to me? What was the purpose of all this? Soon, I heard someone knocking at the door. Katherine stood there with a solemn look on her face. I inhaled sharply, and some tears fell down my face.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry." Katherine ran her finger against my cheek. As she grazed my skin, she collected a tear. "Sweetheart, I hope you know this isn't your fault." I looked to my stomach. I knew it was my fault.

"Katherine, I'm the one who was carrying this baby. Of course, it's my fault. God, Michael's going to hate me." I shook my head profusely. "He's never gonna forgive me." I kept my head down.

"Nicole, Michael knows this wasn't your fault." Katherine placed her hand under my chin, and made me look at her. "When I lost my son, I was very hard on myself. For that damn oil can, it didn't seem worth it. I didn't even know he was there until I was giving birth to Marlon and him. Don't let this decipher your decision to have any more. Whenever I found out I was pregnant again, I was scared half to death. But when I held Michael in my arms, I knew that God had other reasons in store for me. Believe me, losing your child is unbearable, but you'll be alright."

I sighed deeply. "Thank you." She gave me a reassuring smile.

"Anything you need, you tell me. Rest up now. I'm gonna call Michael, and tell him what's going on." Katherine explained.

"Alright." I muttered. The medicine was coursing through my veins, and my body became exhausted. I adjusted myself as I tried to get comfortable in this unbearably crappy hospital bed.

Michael's POV

"Mother, I'm coming back. That's all there is to it." I grunted for the final time. We were on a short break before the tour resumed, and I wanted to come home for a few days to see my family. I was heartbroken that it wasn't meant to be, but I'd never blame my incredible wife for this. Any person who did is surely heartless, and are only looking to hurt the ones they love.

"Hurry honey, she needs you." Mother said.

"I would always be there for my angel." I explained.

"I know, Michael." Mother agreed with me.


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