Chapter 24: The Incident

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October 19, 1971
Nicole's POV

Lately has been rather difficult. Mom has been acting strangely around Barry Gordy, and Robert has disappeared for long amounts of time. To top it all, I have a rowdy, now-mobile little sister who just loves digging around into things she don't need to be. To top it all off, Michael won't be home for another week. He had told me they have photo shoots lined back to back for the nest week, or so.

I groaned in pain as I felt the cramps again. Oh yeah, I've been getting these pains lately. I have no idea what they are, but I really want them to stop. I heard the light knocking at my oak wooden door. I turned to see Mom holding my little sister with one arm while balancing a laundry basket. It's actually pretty funny to picture Diana Ross doing laundry. She cleared her throat to get my attention again.

"Can you please watch your sister for a few minutes? Your stepfather is BEING USELESS!" Mom raised her voice so Robert could obviously hear him.

"I do laundry, woman! What are you talkin' about?" His deep voice bellowed throughout the house.

"Whatever." Mom rolled her eyes. "Just... please." She handed me my squirming little sister. I held onto her like a football when Mom rushed out of the room. I swear Rhonda shot me a glare as she looked down the hallway. I rolled my eyes before walking down the hallway to her nursery. I dug out some toys for her to play with while I sat in the nearby rocking chair. She was content as I placed her down on the soft carpet, and went right to playing.

Just then, I heard someone holler coming into the house. It scared Rhonda to the point where she was almost crying. I immediately picked her up, and shushed her before she could start her waterworks. My curiosity got the best of me, and I walked over to the banister overlooking the front door. My mouth shut open when I saw the familiar eyes peering back at me. His perfect white teeth showing fully through a smile as he grasped a present shaped box. Rhonda was playing along with the staring contest, while also grasping my shirt.

Alright, maybe today won't be so difficult. I jogged down the stairs as fast as I could without falling, especially with an infant. I enclosed our space as I pulled him into a hug. I hadn't realized just how much I had missed him until now. Rhonda was smiling ear to ear when she saw a person she's never met. Michael had been gone since March, so she hadn't gotten a chance to.

"So, this is your lovely little sister?" Michael cooed causing Rhonda to smile toothlessly. Who am I kidding, she ain't go no teeth.

"Little sister? Yes. Lovely? Nah." I answered as Rhonda reached towards Michael. I gracefully handed her to him.

"I love you, Nic, but you sure aren't a good sister." Michael chuckled. I playfully looked defended.

"Yes I am. Jeez, you never gave me a chance." I defended myself. "And, I thought you guys were going on tour through December."

"I guess Barry decided to relent. Plus, ten straight months with Joseph, now that's cruel and unusual punishment." Michael remarked.

"Michael, really?" I laughed.

"Yes!" Michael widened his eyes as if to say he serious.

"Well, what're you doing here for when you could be relaxing at home?" I asked.

"I wanted to see my best friend, and invite you over." Michael said, giggling at Rhonda who was playing with his blown-out afro. I smiled at him imagining him with our future children. I-I mean his future kids. That was a weird thought.

I shook my head as if to clear my mind. By then, Mom had walked in the room to see Michael.

"Oh, Michael. I didn't think you'd be home so soon. Such a great surprise!" Mom cheered, walking over to us. Michael gave her a quick hug while handing Rhonda back to her. "Nicole, why don't y'all go to the park? You've been talkin' forever about that place."

"Oh, that's sounds like a great idea, Miss Ross." Michael commented.

I shot him a strange look.

"Since when have you called her Miss Ross?" I giggled.

"Nic, he has forever. And Michael, I will tell you again, you can call me Diana." Mom expressed.

"Alright, Diana." Michael smirked.

"We'll be back, Mom. I'm gonna go whack him upside the head." I grabbed Michael's arm, and pushed him to the front door. "And I am an amazing big sister!"

Michael chuckled, pulling me out.


"Woah." Michael gaped. He basked in the beauty of the nearby pond with the gravel walkway. People were jogging, walking, or taking photographs. I smiled in seeing his jovial expression. I watched his eyes go all over the place until his eyes landed on something.

"Swings!" He exclaimed, grasping onto my arm, and pulling me over to the rusty looking swings.

"Uh, are you sure these are safe?" I questioned, looking at the rusty mess.

"Heck yeah!" Michael screamed happily. He ran for the swing, and sat down on it. He stated building momentum by kicking his legs. I sat on the swing besides him, but I wasn't as confident that this could hold our weight. After a few seconds, I decided maybe it was quite alright to start swinging. However, my thoughts were quickly dismissed when I heard the chain snap and Michael screaming.

I couldn't even blink before he came off the swing, and tumbling down the hill. I cringed as I got off the swing, and ran over to where Michael was laying. I thought he was knocked out, but thankfully he was only winded. I still felt terrible my best friend has bruises on his legs, and around his face. He looked like he was in a 10-round fight with Cassius Clay.

"Mike, are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"No, not really." His voice cracked. Thankfully, I didn't see any open wounds. It was just a few scrapes.

"Man, I think we should get you back to the house." I stated worriedly. "That don't look too good."

"Aww, thanks for making me feel better." Michael remarked sarcastically.

"Come on, Mike." I helped him get up, and we stumbled all the way back to my house. Mom thankfully got him cleaned up, and we put this stressing experience behind us.

I'm soooo pissed! I have over 2,000 words written, and I had to cut it down to a little over a thousand. Oh well 😡

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