Chapter 41: Just Your Average Morning

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January 7, 1992
Sierra's POV

"Come on, Corey!" I yelled begrudgingly, banging on the bathroom door. He takes so long to get ready in the morning. When he didn't answer back, I slammed my hand a little too hard on the wooden door. "Ow, fuck!" I whined as Mom passed down the hallway. I hope she didn't hear me. Of course, my luck ran out as her face turned to glare at me. She walked over to me in a grunt.

"Now, I don't think I heard you correctly." Mom scolded, smacking me upside my head. "You know I don't like that kind of talk. Especially when it comes from a little girl like yourself." Mom gave me a defining look before massaging her lips. "Now what is going on?" She muttered in a much softer tone. She may be hard on me sometimes, but she is still a softy... mostly.

"Corey is taking his time in there. I want to get a shower by the 21st century!" I complained, resting my head against the wood door. Her shoulders slumped.

Mom sighed before looking irritated at the door. "Corey Michael Jackson, you get your ass out of that bathroom, or you're gonna get it! I sent you in there well over an hour ago!"

"Now, that's just an insult to me, Nic-Pic." Dad's ebullient voice echoed. We both peered to him to see him in some blue stripped pajamas, with DJ in pursuit. Mom rolled her eyes. "Shut it, Michael." Mom shot him a glare. I bit my lip trying not to be caught in their death glare session.

"Mommy, I'm starving." DJ gripped Mom's ruffled sleeve, trying to get her attention.

"DJ, go downstairs and wait. Ms. Mariana will fix you breakfast." Mom looked down at his pleading eyes, and tore his grip from her. He whined and threw himself around her waist. "But I want you to, Mommy!" I groaned. In fact, everyone did. DJ can be a little bit of a drama queen.

Mom's sweet, but she won't be afraid to whack you upside the head if you defy her as exemplified. Dad, he's the lenient one. Actually, Mom gets so angry at him for not being hard enough on us. Me, I think I'm a good person. I mean, I'm getting into that teenager phase. And I like my privacy! Mammah actually tells me I was like Mom at her age, whatever that means. Mom was shy, yet confident. She always talked Dad into doing things, and trying new stuff. And Corey... he's something else.

He's my little brother, that's about all. He's the most popular, confident 11-year-old kid at our school, or so he says Corey acts too old for his age. He's like Mom more, and that's why he bugs her constantly. He used to be the largest Mommy's boy, but he relates to Dad more, I guess.

DJ, the drama queen. He's so sensitive. Dad tells us he's like him, but ten times worse. I think he looks more like Dad than Mom does. That child don't know when to stop whining. He's so nit-picky about what he eats too. God, he's so much like dad!

I know Dad had a rough childhood. I'm very glad I have the kind of life where both my parents put us kids first, even before their careers. Grandpa worked my Dad, and uncles restlessly as children.

It's sad that's what he had to go through, but then he wouldn't have ever met my mom. Actually, he would've never found me that day. I've come to accept him as my real father. Mom and Dad had told me that I was their biological child. It was really confusing, but that's science for you.

Mom's childhood wasn't all easy going either. Mammah was a giant star at Motown, so it made her childhood pretty difficult as her mother worked a lot. Truthfully, I think we all are the luckiest kids in the world. I constantly have kids at school asking me what it's like to have the Michael Jackson as my dad. I just give them a shrug, and say it's my normal life. He's just my dad. I guess that's what happens when your parents are music royalty.

"Derek Marshall Jackson, you listen to me now." Mom snapped, trying to pry her son's death grip from around her. "You stop acting like a fool right now, and get your little behind downstairs. I won't tell you again." DJ gave off a whine before slumping downstairs. Mom watched him go downstairs looking so upset. I saw a glint of guilt flash in her eyes, or maybe her eyes are just naturally like that.

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