Chapter 28: Can't Steal Him Away

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September 28, 1987
Nicole's POV

Alright, I might be overreacting over pure emotions. However, he's my husband, and I'm not letting some bitch try to take him from me. After sneaking back into my solemnly quiet mansion, I packed a certain tool used to beat the shit out of a certain someone if certain events were gonna take place. Of course, I hope it doesn't come to those certain events.

Here's a hint, you use it in a baseball game. Oh shit, did I just expel that? Well, it's long and hard so I think everyone knows what it was anyways. Okay, I'm crazy as hell for having a baseball bat in my possession and waiting patiently for her to try to one up me. Sure, I'll one up her skull.

I boarded my private jet (after possibly lying to my manager that a close friend was in the ICU). I was in no mood to communicate with anyone. I was mad. No, I was angry. Okay, I was beyond pissed. How dare someone try to steal my man away from me. I never ever believed the media, but I know this fucking turantula won't stop until she has Michael stuck in her web.

"Nippy, do you have any idea how insane this proposition is?" Robyn questioned, her hands falling to her frizzy messed hair. I huffed in response. Yeah, I forgot to mention Robyn's crazy ass decided to tag along. She probably wanted to tear me from my mission. "Why the hell do you have a bat? God, you can get arrested! You're gonna beat the shit out of her. It was only false claims.." I rolled my eyes before clamming her hands shut.

"Robyn, shut the fuck up." I spat. Right now, it was my point of taking matters into my own hands. "It just gives me comfort knowing I could. I'd rather confront her now because I know she's low enough to sink to this level. You never understood that, did you? This woman's been jealous of me since grade school. She always had her eye on Michael, and now that she's his love interest in that damn music video, she's suddenly his love. I see it in her eyes, Robyn. Call it wife's intuition."

"Which is turning you bat shit crazy. Nicole, I mean damn. Does Michael even know what you're doing? God, that guy's already in a horrible position, and you're making it worse by confronting the bitch!" Robyn cautioned. My face softened. Maybe I'm being a little too serious. But, what if my instincts are right? What if something was going on that I didn't know about? I know I could trust Michael, I do with my life. But, I don't trust her.

"Just trust me, please." I clasped her hand into mine. She peered up me, a worried expression on her face. "Believe me, I know how to handle her. Somebody wants to press their way into my family, and I'm not letting that happen." I grunted.

"Nic-." Robyn's face contorted into a warning glare. The plane rustled as it was preparing to go down the runway. "Please fasten your seat belts as we ascend into flight." The pilot announced over the PA. I sighed, and buckled my seat belt. "Nicole." Robyn pressed.

"Robyn, you just need to let me do what I gotta. Sure, what I'm doing might be mindblowingly stupid, but I'd never put my family in a path of tragedy. Well, not on purpose." I placed my hands against my head.


I thanked the incredible cab driver who graciously took me to the awaiting bitch's flat. I marched inside the building despite me catching the staff's attention. Okay, it's not everyday a pissed off celebrity storms in a building looking to annihilate somebody. I sketched on a fake smile, and asked where Tatiana Thumbtzen resided. He hesitated, but finally gave me the apartment number.

Robyn tried to pry me from the desk, and take me back out to the car. "Rob..." She clamped her hand over my mouth, and looked me dead in the eye. "Nippy, don't you understand the craziness you're committing to? I mean you're asking for the damn reporters to have a field day for you. This is just insane! Let Michael handle it."

"Michael already deals with plenty of shit, Robyn. I know my husband. I'm doing this as his wife, and the mother of his children. I will make sure this bitch leaves us alone." I ripped myself from her.

"Come on. You know this is only about relevance. She will go away." Robyn tried to assure me.

"No she won't. Robyn, if you don't deal with things..." I pulled her in close for a whisper. "They never go away." I pushed her back slightly. "Now, help me find the damn stairwell." I started walking towards the elevators as a staircase was almost always by them. I found the entrance, and smiled softly.

Robyn followed me hesitantly. We walked slowly up the stairways, coming towards the thirteenth floor. To say the least, I was out of breath. Robyn trailed behind me as we walked down to Tatiana's apartment. I inhaled slowly, and knocked a few times.

I heard footsteps ascend to the door, and a man in his fucking fifties came to answer the door. I cringed as he appeared in nothing but some white speedo shrouded by his beer belly. His eyes widened as I felt like I was gonna throw up. "Tati, I think it's for you." He snarled in a deep, yet nasally voice.

Tatiana appeared in a red lingerie, going along with the unbearable appearance of that old guy. "Would you excuse us?" I insinuated. "I have something to discuss with... her." I sent a fake smile in her direction.

"I'll be back soon, honey." Tatiana smugly stated. "I'm gonna enjoy this."

"No, you're not." Robyn muttered under her breath. I nodded, a small smirk placed on my face. Oh, what she's not expecting, she's gonna get. I allowed her to come into the hallway, and I crossed my arms in utter disgust.

"You know why I'm here." I spat. "I'm warning you to stay the hell away from my husband, and stop giving stories to the media."

"Nicole, the fact you're that blind makes me question your intelligence. Michael is in love with me, ya bitch. Have you not seen the video?" She bragged, crossing her arms over her absent chest. The bitch ain't got nothing to sport.

"Sure, whenever you've known him for almost twenty years, ten of that have been together, and have three children." I instigated. "Believe me, you're damaging anything you'd have with Michael by doing that. He's my man, and I'm never giving him away."

"Oh, believe me. I'm not going away. In fact, this quarrel has just gotten started. You'll see in about nine months." Tatiana teased, patting her stomach. "Michael will be having a special delivery then." Her makes-me-so-nauseous face smugly let me know exactly what she was lying about.

"If you're that fucking delusional, you gotta be kidding. If you're mind-numbingly stupid, you'd be serious. You've been in the US the entire time, and the date you've supposedly did it, he was at home with me. Try me, bitch. You're not getting far with this. You forget I have power in this industry, and I can dig up dirt on you too." I hissed. "You can't mess with the unbreakable bond." I walked away, leaving her in a messed up state.

I found Robyn pacing by Bitchiana's apartment. "Let's leave." We walked down the hallway with Robyn peering back every now and then. "Please tell me you didn't..." I placed my hand up to her.

"I didn't." I chuckled. "She's delusional. I think she tried to make me think she was pregnant. The night she and Michael supposedly had sex, Michael and I were doing it." I chuckled. "I snuck in backstage, and make rode him on a speaker. Yeah, 'bout ten minutes before showtime."

"Jesus, Nicole." Robyn placed her hand against her forehead. "Too much."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "At least I'm gettin' some." I laughed as we exited down the stairway.

Yes, confrontation brings up sex. And I surely enjoy the memory of doin' it.

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