Chapter 17: Sick

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January 27, 1970
Michael's POV

I tried rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes at I sat upright in bed, my whole body drenched in cold water. Let's say I was surely woken up by a waterfall of surprises this morning. Jermaine stood over me, the bucket clenched tightly in his grip. Is this gettin' back at me for drenching him? He gave me a stern grunt before wallowing out of the room. I muttered under my breath, and silently wished he was get struck by an apple pie. Hey, a fella can wish deceit and be hungry at the same time.

I groaned silently, and climbed out my comfortable bed. I sulked into the bathroom, and began to take out my toothbrush. Putting some mint toothpaste on it, I began brushing my teeth thoroughly. I'm not tryin' to get any cavities now. Gotta keep those pearly whites. I smiled, inspecting every one of my teeth. When I was satisfied, I fled downstairs, my socks sloshed underneath my feet. I ran into the kitchen to see Mother and Jackie having a conversation. I casually walked in.

I let out a sneeze, and the residue collected in my hands. Ugh. I grabbed a tissue from the

"Mother, honestly." Jackie chuckled.

"You didn't need to worry about that, son." Mother assured him. "Clothes don't magically disappear off your body. That sure was a strange dream." Jackie glanced in my direction.

"Morning, Michael." He waved, obviously trying to change the subject.

"Mornin'." I yawned. I saw the incredible muffins resting on a pan. Reaching out, I saw Mother's questioning look.

"Michael, why are you drenched?" Mommy asked, walking over to me. I let out a cough, burying my face into my sleeve. "Oh, honey. Are you feeling alright?" Mother placed her hand against my forehead.

"My throat feels rough." I admitted. Mom rubbed the back of my head, taking me into a loving embrace.

"I'm sorry, baby. Why don't you go lay down, and I'll get'cha some soup." I nodded, resting my head against her chest, enjoying the warmth and love. She let go, and went off to the pantry. My vision blurred as I tried to turn around. I stumbled, and thankfully Jackie caught me.

"Woah, Mike. Mother!" Jackie held me against him. Mother came over quickly, setting the soup can down. "He almost fainted." Jackie informed her.

"Alright, help me lay him on the couch." Mother commanded. Jackie picked me up carefully, and I rested my head against his shoulder. Gosh, I feel awful. Jackie walked into the living room with Mother in pursuit. He carefully set me down on the couch, and threw a blanket over my shivering body.

"You stay right there, honey. I'm gonna go get the thermometer." Mother explained, "You felt quite warm."

"I'm freezing." I complained.

"Jackie, honey. Can you go fetch some blankets?" Mother placed a tentative hand on my forehead once again. "Well, I do know you have a fever. Just gotta see how bad of a fever it is." She placed her hand by the hip, and walked off into the kitchen. Soon she returned with a thermometer. "Open." I obliged, and she stuck the thermometer into my mouth. She checked her watch, and took it out.

"We need to get going! Jackie!" Mother yelled, and Jackie came running into the living room with such speed. "We need to get to the hospital now! His fevers above 105." My heart dropped as I heard her say that. My head spun faster the more that I thought about it. I let out a groan as the pain set it. "It's gonna be alright, baby." Mother assured me.

Within about half a minute, Jackie had lifted me and we were on our way to the hospital. Jermaine and Tito would watch the younger kids. All I can remember is Mother holding my hand all the way there as Jackie wove in and out of traffic. We arrived at the hospital, and I was picked up once again by Jackie as we rushed into the emergency room.

Mother yelled for someone to help me, and I heard some nurses make some small talk. My vision was blurred as I was moved from place to place. I honestly began wondering if I was gonna die, that's how bad I felt. I was placed on a gurney as I was rushed somewhere. Soon, they transitioned me into a room of my own. I felt out of it. However, I was sure present when they tried to stick an IV in me. That hurts like fire, man.

Mom assured me it would only hurt for a few seconds, and it would help alleviate the pain. I decided to take her for her word on that, and it didn't hurt like I guess it would. But, everything was happening too fast for my liking. A doctor came into my room to take mother out of the room. Apparently, they ran some kind of test while I was being rushed inside.

Katherine's POV

The doctor pulled me aside. I braced myself for the worst possible news. Lord, what if he tells me Michael has some sort of terminal illness... Alright, Katie, not so far. What about... shush, now. Listen to the doctor.

"Mrs. Jackson, I understand that this is alarming. Especially whenever you have a high fever like that. I can assure you it's nothing life threatening. Michael just has a serious case of influenza. However, I'd like to keep him overnight for observation." Dr. Hendrix explained. I nodded, and gave him my gratefulness. He nodded, and I went back to Michael's room where I found Michael asleep, and Jackie scanning a sports magazine.

"He didn't last long. He was real conked out." Jackie explained. I gave him a small smile.

"Well, being sick does that to someone. Last time I had a scare like this, Jermaine decided to eat that bag of salt." I sighed, sitting in a chair by Michael's bedside. "I'm just glad we caught it before it turned to pneumonia. It breaks my heart to see him in any pain." I clasped Michael's hand into mine.

"Mother, he'e gonna be fine. We got 'im here just in time." Jackie smiled, assuring me.

"I know. Call Diana for me, I know Nicole would be angry if she didn't find out her best friend was sick." I advised. Jackie nodded before leaving the room. I walked with him to the door, and saw him off. Then, I heard a soft groan being emitted from behind me. I turned to see Michael rubbing his left eye. A feeling of relief came over me to see him awake.

I slowly trudged over to his bed, and sat down beside where he laid. "How you feelin', honey?" I whispered.

"Better." He said in a very soft tone so that I could barely hear him.

"That's good, Michael." I bent down to kiss his forehead. "Hey some rest, baby." He nodded, and tried to turn onto his side. Then he sucked in a breath as he probably had rolled onto the bed controls. "Michael, be careful." I smiled.

"Mother, why am I sick? What disease do I have?" Michael asked weakly.

"Just a bad flu, baby. Nothing very serious, but the doctor did advise that you get plenty of rest." I said, caressing the side of his face. "I'll stay right here with you."

"Thanks, Mother." Michael leaned closer to me, clutching my shirt.

"Any time, Michael." I kissed his forehead, letting him lay his head against my chest. That's how the rest of the night went, I was stuck in a hospital bed, helping my son get over the flu.


I don't know about you, but I love Mother/Child moments.

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