Chapter 30: Unfaithful

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"I miss you, Whitney. It's hard to believe it's been seven years since God gained another angel."

It's not right but it's okay
I'm gonna make it anyway

~It's Not Right But It's Okay, Whitney Houston

... continuing from last chapter
Katherine's POV

I've internalized a lot of my points over the years. Throughout all of these years of tribulation, victory, and achievements, I supported my sons' success. I've backed them up even when it seemed unfitting. The man who started it all. The man that I married. I never imagined that this would be the falling out.

I've remained a married woman who's always been faithful. I took my vows to heart, and was never tempted by anyone. I would turn them away before they got the chance to. I assumed Joseph was the same. He's put me through some stuff, and surely wrung out some of my sanity. But my breaking point was now.

This man who I said I loved. This man with whom I talked about a life together. A person I dreamed alongside for the major success of our family. I've bent over backwards to give my family a stable life. While he was the hardcore discipline, I was the disciple. We evened our parental ways out, and balanced a somewhat even balance for our children.

But here I was now. Finding out about my husband's blatant infidelity. Of course, he tried to deny it. But I've got facts upon facts this was going on for quite a while. Even before we left Gary, he acted against me. Well, the smoke screen that eclipsed him was ripped from us in a instant. I was done. Just done.

"I heard everything between you! The long, sultry chats over the phone! The warm, pleasant conversations! You ever heard of a two way connection, you bastard!" I screeched. "I know what I heard! That's why you didn't pick the boys up, huh? How could you do it? What did I ever do?!"

"Katie, baby, listen." Joseph pleaded.

"Don't you come near me! I've done everything I could to support my family. Being in the background as you went all around the world enjoying the different styles of ladies. I bet'cha it was like an all you can eat buffet." I carried on. "Don't act like you haven't. It's written all over your face."

"Katherine." Joseph said. "Fine, I did. What do you want? Me to leave? That's not happening. I'm paying for this house."

"Last time I checked that, the boys were." I stated matter-of-factly. The boys were indeed paying for our house. It's their hard work that paid for everything. I just can't believe he would say something that idiotic and untrue. Actually, I can. He seems to be doing a lot of that lately.

"Katie, we can work this out. Those women meant nothing to me. You're my number one priority." Joseph pleaded.

"Joseph, I haven't been your top priority since we moved. Even before that. I understood it was in the best interest of our family, and I've always supported that. But this... this is too much. I'm done with you. I've been hurt enough, and this is where I draw the line." I breathed.

I heard deep inhales of shock came from the other room. I peeked around the corner to see the boys standing there with shock all over their faces. I let in a sharp breath as I entered where they were. "Boys, I didn't think you'd be home yet."

"Diana gave us a ride." Jackie explained, a waiting for me to explain look splattered his face.

"Oh, that was sweet of her. Boys, go wash up for dinner please. It'll be ready soon." I silently expressed.

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