Chapter 35: Protect 'Em

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April 2, 1988
Michael's POV

Everything that has happened really puts a hold on our tours. Connecting the situation about our perpetrator, the fact Sierra is possibly my biological daughter, the threatening letters to my wife. I've always been protective of her, and I will continue to do so until my last last breath. When she showed me a letter she received a few nights before, I was sick of it.

This bitch has already caused enough fear, and I'm done with it. When I find her, she's going to pay for it. I mean I will have top lawyers ensuring she gets thrown in jail. We got a DNA test done to be one hundred percent sure she was mine, and now, we are waiting for them to come back to the lab. My label has been pressuring me to get back on the road, but I've been a stubborn bull.

There's no way on Earth I'd be separating from my family when we could be in danger. I was cleaning a little downstairs, not that Mariana didn't do her job alright. I just felt like cleaning a little bit. Nicole has been pressuring me to push the papers further so we can move into Neverland soon. I explained it would be a month or two until we could officially move in.

I personally can't wait because there would be a lot more security so we could finally live in peace. The security around our home right now isn't exactly the most technologically advanced. Hell, even a caveman is more secure than we are right now, it feels. As I was wiping down a cabinet that held many of our family photos, I found one of Nic that had been recently taken. I smiled at her enchanting beauty.

I ran my thumb across the frame, and placed it back carefully

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I ran my thumb across the frame, and placed it back carefully. Seeing her makes me wonder how on Earth I got so dang lucky. Then I moved to a picture of my children. This was when Sierra and Corey were real little. One of Nicole and I when we were children rested there, her braids running all wild. She just loved hitting me in the face when she had them. It hurt like hell, and she got into trouble a lot of them.

She's the reason why I have a tiny, microscopic scar below my right eye. There were plenty of photos of us with our kids. My personal favorite was taken around 1983, where the kids seated between us on the beach. My favorite part of that day was Nicole's dress. A white silky dress that flew easily in the wind.

"Michael!" Nicole's agitated voice sounded from upstairs. I stopped from my nostalgia ride, and ran towards the staircase. Taking two steps at a time, I arrived at our bedroom door. "Michael!" Nicole yelled again. "Ugh, who would give you lice?" She groaned. I confusedly opened the door where she was throughly going through Corey's hair.

She sighed deeply, getting a fine picked comb used usually for extracting little tiny creatures that suck blood from your head. "Mommy, it itches." Corey tried scratching his head, but Nicole grabbed his arms by their wrists. "I know, baby. I know. We just need to get some tea tree oil. Don't stretch it, it'll make it worse."

"But it hurts!" He whined.

"I'm trying." Nicole interrupted, and softly began running the comb through his coarse hair. He let out some whimpers as she groaned in frustration. I cleared my throat to let her know I was there. "Michael, remember how Sierra got that letter sent home last week? I had Mariana buy some medicated medicine just in case of the children got it. It's under the cabinet in the kid's bathroom. Go and get it, please."

I obliged, and raced off to the kid's bathroom. I searched through rash cream, pull-ups, extra shampoo, and medications. Finally, I found it behind a box of Sierra's hair products. I grabbed it, and hurried back to the bathroom. Nicole quickly took it from me, and placed it into the counter besides her. "Honey, go put on your swim trunks. I need to deep condition your hair." She explained.

Corey nodded, and ran out of the bathroom. "Great, now we have to decontaminate this damn house. With all the shit going on, how do we live?" She scoffed. "I'm tired of living in fear of this bitch. Why do people always find us as notable targets?"

"They're jealous of our success. We're two black people, Nicole. Historically speaking, we're not exactly on the a-okay market." Michael sneered. "And I cant be for certain that woman is really my ex. If she shows up, then I guess we'll see."

"She better not come near here, or I will exchange words with her. She's threatening my life, I'm insinuating karma on hers." Nicole jabbed viciously. "This person isn't doing this for shits and giggles, they are serious and determined. I know they're waiting for a minute to attack." I nodded in agreement. The person's intentions weren't anything positive, and the letter appointed she was after our daughter as well.

"We need to get them out of state, Michael. My aunt Rita lives in Michigan, and she's always been welcoming for the kids to stay with her. It'll make me feel better if I know they're safe, and out of the equation." Nicole declared.

"Don't you think sending them across the country is a little extreme?" I quizzed.

"Not at all." Nicole said, a monotone expression on her face. "I don't feel safe with the kids here."

"How would we explain to them that we're sending them all the way to Michigan?" I asked. My expression remained bleak. Nicole's cheerless face worsened as she lost herself in thought. It became despondent.

"She wanted them to stay for a while, and we have things to work out. They need to be prepared for anything that could happen, but at the same time, they don't need to worry about it." She responded, her face remaining sullen. I dragged her into a hug, and she pressed her face into my neck.

We heard the door open, and Corey came back in with his swim trunks on. "Mom, are you okay?" He gazed at his mother worriedly. Nicole forced a smile, and nodded. Corey continued to stare at her for a few more seconds before glancing at me. I nodded assuringly, and he seemed to give up after that.

"Go ahead and get in the bathtub, baby." Nicole stepped aside, and lead him to the tub. Corey stepped in, and sat in the lukewarm water. Nicole began pumping the medicated conditioner into her hands, and she started massaging his scalp. It was a pretty interesting sight seeing my wife get all down and dirty, sitting on the side of a jet tub.

She scrubbed the conditioner into his hair, and washed it out thoroughly. Then, she repeated with the medicated shampoo we had in there. When she washed the shampoo out, she put the comb through his hair. Soon, he had a towel wrapped around him. "I laid some clothes out for Corey, Mrs. Jackson." Mariana peeked in. Nicole smiled, and thanked her silently.

Nicole's POV

"Thanks Mom." Corey hugged me tightly. I smiled, and accepted his tight embrace. I loved the smell of tea tree oil, and it was all in his hair. "You're absolutely welcome, honey." I replied, running my fingers through his hair. "Go on and play now." I smiled as he ran out of the bathroom.

I just hope that I can keep my kids safe, even if it costs me my life.

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