Chapter 28: Dog Attack

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February 3, 1973
Nicole's POV

"Michael, why is there a raccoon in the swimming pool?" I pointed out the grey-and-black creature appearing to do a backstroke in their salt water pool.

"Oh, he just likes hangin' there sometimes. Mother forgot to get it closed for the winter." Michael explained, tying his shoelace. We were going to forage through their property today finding something to do. The basketball court was shut down thanks to Randy recently breaking his ankle, but luckily he made a quick recovery. Joseph put an end to that facade real quickly.

The pool... well, it's winter. We were just walking alongside the rolling hill, I guess.

I tried to adjust my shoes as well to make sure I'm not slipping any time soon. I looked up to see Michael peering out the window in confusion. My eyebrows raised in surprise as Jackie was standing on the patio, biting this girl's face off. Well, I guess that's what you call a typical morning at the Jackson's residence.

I just don't understand what the point is to bite off girl's faces constantly. Can't they go take a walk around the park? Michael chuckled at my repulsed face. I gave them a second glance before turning back to Michael who was still giggling a little. I narrowed my eyes at him as a mean to get him to stop.

"Why do they just sit there smooching their faces off?" I wondered aloud.

"Could it be you're jealous?" Michael questioned. I gave a airy laugh.

"Michael, do you have peanut butter for a brain?" I scoffed. "You must've been dropped on your head too many times as a baby." I smacked him around his head. Well, I didn't hit him hard. It was more like a friendly tap.

"Girl, why you gettin' physical?" Michael rubbed the side of his face.

"You say somethin' stupid, you're gonna get what's coming." I stated. "Now come on, I wanna go pick some flowers."

"Alright girl." Michael laughed. He stood up, and took my wrist. My eyes widened as he propelled us forward towards his bedroom door. We scampered down the hallway, and towards the stairs. We were about to go around the stairs when I saw Jermaine standing there with a water balloon bouncing in his right hand.

Michael's eyes widened as Jermaine chucked it as hard as he could. I watched in pure amazement as the rubbery item collapsed against Michael's face, and splattered against him. The water ran against his face, and he closed his eyes as a way to prevent it from entering them. It was a little funny to see his face scrunched up.

"Man, what the hell?" Michael rubbed his hands against his face.

"That's for all the water buckets, balloons, itch powders, and stupid escapades you've made me endure, Michael." Jermaine stated, a smirk placed smugly on his face. I scoffed.

"Hey, it was all in brotherly fun." Michael chuckled.

Suddenly, I heard echoing footsteps coming in our direction at a rampant speed. Katherine came into view as she peered down to the ground. Her face contorted into a distressed expression. Then she glanced to see her son's aggrieved face, and the water dripping from his face.

"I'm not gonna ask. Can someone tell me why on Earth this floor is soaking?" Katherine placed her hand over her mouth.

"Jermaine needed some refreshment in his life." I said, sending Jermaine a smug look.

"Yeah, and it ended up all over me. Huh, 'Maine?" Michael crossed his arms, his face still sopping wet.

"Jermaine." Katherine bit her lip. "Please do it outside next time. Or I will be the one whooping you, boy."

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