Chapter 11: Love

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How handsome does little Mike look, ugh ❤️😘

December 3, 1969
Nicole's POV

It's been a week and a half. I've been just sitting here waiting for 'em to pull the trigger; they haven't. I feel like a sitting duck waiting for the hunter to come to me. The man whose name I've learned to be Jedd is around me constantly. Murray, the ring leader has been talking about when they finally will off me. Right now, I'm just bored. I ain't scared, lonely, or paranoid. I wanna go home though.

I miss Mom, Michael, and the others. Michael plays through my mind all the time. Man, this must be difficult on him. I feel awful for adding to everything he's been through. The kidnappers seem so amuteur, and that just makes me wonder. Could I escape? Well if I was unsuccessful, then they probably WOULD kill me. Right now, I was at a loss. I wanna go home. I want to go home!

My nerves were building up as I grew continuously angry at these people. They're the reason why my family is suffering. All they want is money, and they'd take my life if they don't get it. My mother is scared out of her mind for me, and they're the reason. Michael... what if they hurt him. No, I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm getting out of here before they can do anything.

"Hey.." I called to anybody since I couldn't see through the blindfold over my face. "Anybody, I just wanna see, is that too much to ask? I heard a man whisper and groan.

"What do you want, girl?" A husky voice asked me right in front of me.

"I already told you, I just wanna see." I repeated. He groaned and removed my blindfold. I smiled and realized he was standing inches away from me. Then, I realized the ropes that bounded my feet to this chair was loose. He was standing in front of a table with a knife. Quicky I thought, now this could go one of two ways, I could kick him and he's fall back and I'd fall just in time and catch the knife near my hands and cut myself free. Or, I would die from the knife stabbing my in one of my arteries. Oh well, worth a try.

I quietly pulled myself from the ropes and kicked the man in the groin hard. He fell back like I planned into the table. I used all the force in my body to kick the chair forward and dodge the knife. The table he landed flipped and sent the knife straight to me. It spiked into the concrete and I grabbed it. The man groaned and groaned as a plant shattered on his forehead. That reminded me of Tom and Jerry. I groaned as the knife cut through my skin. I ignored the pain, and sawed through the rope until it fell off. I took the knife with me for protection.

Some men came in and I ran to a barrel for cover. They noticed I was gone and the guy they assigned to watched me was knocked out cold. I was trying to catch my breath when I noticed an opening in the wall that was just my size. The problem was this is a three story warehouse and I didn't know if they had any platforms to walk on without killing myself. I decided to trust fate. Another problem I realized after a few seconds is that they were walking down the stairs I needed up. Dang it. Eh... just go for it, anything to get home.

Michael's POV

I ran down our driveway in hopes that she was back. I prayed every night. I cried everyday for my best friend to come home. I miss her more than life right now, and I'd give anything to see her again. She's a fighter, she'll come through this. Diana hasn't been well lately either. This has taken a toll on her. Man, I couldn't imagine this happening to me from a mother's point of view. Your child is gone.

I arrived at their house seeing Diana's car in the driveway. Diana was walking out of the house in a sequin dress juggling her keys and purse. She saw me running up the service road and smiled at me. "Good mornin', Michael." I smiled back.

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