Chapter 12: Late Night Phone Call

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Diana's POV - December 4, 1969--- 12:30 AM

The house is so quiet. Man, it's so quiet. I rested my exhausted body on the California cloud I have of a bed. It's been a week and a half since my daughter was kidnapped, and nobody's called me. Now I'm wonderin' if she's even alive. The more I thought about it, the more I wanna cry. My baby...

I stopped myself mid-thought. I really need to be focusing on something else. Maybe I should go to the studio and lay down those tracks. Berry wanted me to record a version of Ain't No Mountain High Enough, I really don't want to. But maybe I should. I sighed, and turned my body onto the left side. I wiped away a tear that fell out the corner of my eye.

It's been a very busy few days. I haven't heard from the Jacksons, or the police about anything. After about 20 minutes of laying there limp, I decided to go to the studio since I had nothing else to do. I had sleep, but who wants that? I yawned and stretched my gangly body out. The robe I had tied around my body was very soft and silky... so comfy. I yawned, again, and opened my bedroom door. A draft filled the hallway and sent a shiver down my spine. I felt yet another yawn coming on, but I fought it off. I was in nothing but a night-gown and a robe. It's 12:30 at night. I walked back into the bedroom and changed into a more suitable outfit in case the paparazzi decided to snag a photo of me.

I walked downstairs and slipped on some rhinestone plated heels. The keys were right by the shoes on the table so I picked them up. Soon I was almost closing the door when I heard my telephone. I internally groaned thinking there was no way that was what I wanted it to be. I reluctantly turned around and slammed the door in the process. The phone giving it's loud ringing off as I picked up the receiver. Now I was p*ssed. Who is calling me this late? This seriously better be the best news ever. "Hello, Ross residence?" I gritted trying not to sound more irritated that I was.

"Is this D-dia-ana R-ross." I rolled my eyes. Another fan, whoopie! Okay, now take in that I'm exhausted so I don't mean to be this cruel. But how would you feel if no one respected your privacy? "Yes."
"We have good news about your case." She bubbly told me. My eyes widened. My daughter? "Go on, please." I asked her straight-fowardly.

"Please come down to the station. You're gonna be very happy who you see." She smiled through the phone.

I got all my energy back and felt giddy inside. My baby girl... she's safe. I think.

I grabbed my keys off the table and practically ran to my 1967 Chevrolet Camaro. I started it with ease, and did a donut before I out of my driveway. The tires screeched as I entered the freeway, and wove in and out of traffic. After almost rear-ending 5 cars and a tanker (I know stupidity). I smiled through it all and cut a car off the off-ramp earning him flipping me off. I didn't care though. I made my way to the station, and sped through the parking lot until I found a spot. Man, this police station could be the next mall parking lot. I pulled in slowly so I (one, wouldn't get arrested for hitting a cop car, two, I wouldn't get arrested period).

I opened the door to my car, and inhaled. Exhaling, I thought in a minute, I would see my daughter again. I smiled at that thought. Being a bubbly energetic soul, I bounced to the front door with a smile plastered on my face. Once I reached the front desk, I saw my daughter through some plexi-glass talking to a police officer. I walked closer to the class seeing her not acknowledging me. "That's a one-way glass. It's just in case some people question try to pull a fast one, we'd see them." The receptionist explained not taking her eye off her typewriter. I scoffed under my breath and turned my attention back to my daughter.

She looked tired, scared and lonely. I just wanted to scoop her up and hold her. "Why is she in there?" I pointed in there, getting more worried. "She escaped from her kidnappers so she's giving details about them. Obviously, they wanted something from you being who you are. If I were you, I'd get more security and be very careful who I let her be around." I nodded in response.

She's right. I need to be more careful with her. The only people she really hangs out with is Michael and his family. Speaking of Michael, I have a feeling he has a crush on my daughter. Same with her. I chuckled at that thought. I snapped out when I saw her getting up and going to the door with the officer following her closely. Now that I saw her more clearly, she looked so tired. Like goin' to faint any second. The second that door opened, my heartrate skyrocketed. She looked down to the floor.

She looked up to scan the room and her eyes met mine. They filled with relief immediately and she bolted towards me. I leaned down and braced for her impact. She slammed against me and clung to me. I picked her up and she dug her face into the crook of my neck as I rubbed her back softly. "I'm so happy you're safe baby." Tears streamed down my face as I held my daughter. She just nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Ma'am, you're free to go home." The receptionist told me. We both nodded and walked out to the car. I placed her in the passenger seat. Driving home was easy since no one rarely drives after 1 AM.

My daughter was sound asleep and I smiled at her little snores. I was just happy all around. Once we pulled into the driveway, I got out and lifted her out slowly so she wouldn't wake up. She snuggled into me which put a smile on my face. We walked into the house, and walked upstairs into my bedroom. I was too tired to change myself let alone her so I laid her down under the covers, and then climbed in myself. She snuggled closer to me and continued to sleep.

December 1, 1969

"Hello?" I heard someone sleepily asked into the phone.

"Katherine, hi. It's Diana." I smiled. "Is Michael there?"

"Oh, you just missed them. They're going to the recording studio. Why, may I ask? Is it urgent?" She asked.

"Very. Don't tell Michael this but we got her. My baby's home." I smiled ear to ear looking at my sleeping angel.

"Oh, Diana! That's amazing, I'm so happy. She's such a sweet girl. I'm glad she's safe. I'll be sure to get Michael there ASAP. If Barry has anything, he can say it to my face." She told me.

"Yeah, thank you." I laughed.

"Well, their friendship is very very important to them. Friendship in air quotes, that is." Katherine stated, chuckling lightly.

"Yes." I agreed with her. Nic and Mike have a little something more than just friendship... or they will..

Yeah! Nicole's home. How will Michael react? Find out next part....

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