Crimson Mistletoe

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"Remind me again why we are doing this?" Thanatos asked, for the fifth time, behind me as I push the shopping cart through the isles.

"I already told you, we need to get decorations. The holidays are right around the corner." Thanatos scoffed, "I still don't understand the use of this holiday called- what was it called? Chizzmist?"

I rolled my eyes, "Christmas Thanatos, some celebrate it as Jesus's birthday. Others depict it as a time to spend with friends and family."

"You mean that guy who walks on water? I can do that too you know, and you don't see people creating a holiday about me." Thanatos eyed the brightly colored ornaments displayed on a table. "Also what is up with the obsession with glass balls? And decorating a cut-down tree only to throw it out after a few weeks? I find that absurd."

I quickly grab the ornament he was toying with before he 'accidentally' drops it. "First of all, it's not all about him, Christmas to some families are the time to spend with family. Children play around and open presents and decorating a tree. Sure we do throw them out, but the tree will eventually die, I thought you were an expert in that field?"

He sighed and wrapped his muscled arms around my waist as I walked. "Perhaps you are right, and you mentioned presents?" I chuckled, "Yes, it's not just the children who get presents. Adults do too."

Thanatos hummed and looked around, not at all fazed by the customers ogling him, especially the girls. "I also heard of the tale that parents say to their kids, something about a fat red man who crawls through tunnels that filter out smoke giving them coal if they're bad?"

I laughed loudly, not at all caring if the customers stared at me weirdly. "You must be talking about Santa Claus, and those tunnels are called chimneys." Thanatos leaned down and pressed his lips next to the shell of my ear, tingles soon erupted throughout my body. "Well angel, if you were naughty- I don't think a lump of coal would be what I would give you." He huskily murmurs.

"Mmmm, I bet you won't." I scanned the store for the last item I needed, though that was proved difficult with Thanatos nibbling on my neck. The jealous glares were starting gather. "Thanatos quit it, we are in public!" I blushed profusely.

"Let them stare, you're mine anyway." His voice was muffled due to borrowing his face into the crook of my neck from behind. I sighed and let him do as he pleased, if I stopped him now his next resort would be groping. That's something that would not be happening anytime soon, at least -not in public.

I spotted something in my peripheral vision. Bingo!

I shimmied out of Thanatos hold, which left him grumbling under his breath. Grabbing a pack of the last item, I grabbed the shopping cart and made my way to the register.

I was a nail's length away from diving my fist into the cashier's foundation caked throat.

Ogling him was one thing, but outright flirting with him in front of me is where it crossed the line.


I well aware of how attractive my husband is, I mean come on it's Thanatos for Uranus's sake.

Keep calm and don't ground her to the floor.....

I don't mind if they stare, but when hands come into play.....


Let's just say, he is not the only one with the possessive trait.

Though it's tempting to punch her in the fucking face!

Tales of DawnNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ