Chapter 7 ✔️

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This was annoying. This was so freaking annoying.

I had been sitting on this bed for the last 2 hours without even an ounce of sleep in my eyes. Apparently the amount of time I fainted my brain and body got a lot of time to take rest, and now they refused to cooperate with me.

I so badly wanted to sleep. My eyes were closing on its own, but no matter how much I was trying, I was still wide awoke. As if I drank 2 liters of coffee this evening. My body needed rest. There were several bruises on my neck and arms and my badly scraped wrists have bandages, so had my forehead. 

I was so tired of the events that happened. Max's death, my kidnapping, the basement, my encounter with Mr. Almighty, the weird abandoned third floor and lastly his seductions. 

I shuddered when I remember all the moments. So many things happened so fast. I still couldn't relax myself freely. I was at The King of Underworld's house and I didn't know what plans he had for me.

I so badly wanted to go home. I hugged myself bending my knees together and sat with my head buried in between them. Hot trails of tears made their appearance out of my eyes on its own. I was trying to appear brave out there but on the inside he terrifies me.

I raised my head from between my knees and glared back at the door with my eyebrows deeply furrowed. This fudging room has a fingerprint lock. 


I noticed my surrounding monotonously. The room was quite different from what I expected. I thought he would keep me in a dull looking mini size room with nothing but a mattress and a toilet.

That is what happens in movies when someone gets kidnapped.

But the room was quite big. I didn't know whether this was a coincidence or not that the walls are painted in blue, but I love it. 

I love Blue! 

That's why I didn't destroy the room, the minute I woke up. Earlier my plan was to thrash and break everything so that these men think that I would destroy the house and they would let go of me. But I couldn't bring myself to destroy this beautiful room.

Heavy dark curtains were shadowing the windows. Two nightstands were kept on either side of the bed. There was a lamp on one of them. Two small night bulbs were placed just above the bed. A small mirror was in the middle of the two windows and a small furry white rug was beneath the bed. The windows were giving a beautiful view of the backyard.

There was not even an ounce of feminine touch in this room. On the other side of the room there were 3 doors. One was of the beautiful washroom, one of the walk-in-closet and the third was locked. I had no idea why there was the third door. It was locked from the other side. 

My stomach growled out in anger.

Hey there, dumbo. If you remember we have a baby stomach to feed, to keep it healthy and cute so that we could cuddle it.

I didn't bother to reply that sassy bitch and sat with my legs crossed. Pouting deeply I fell back on the bed on my side with a thud, my legs hanging in the air in the same position.

A small click was heard and I sat up jumping on the way to see who had entered the room.

I'm not a tiny bit interested in seeing Mr. Almighty now. 

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