Chapter 37

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2 weeks later


The sunlight peeked through the hollow of the window, disturbing my much needed sleep. Groaning out in annoyance, I turned to the other side hoping to snuggle in Chase's warm chest, when my hand came in contact with nothing.

My eyes snapped open and the sight of an empty bed with ruffled sheets came in my vision. He wasn't in bed with me.


This was the fifth time in week he was out of bed without waking me up. Sighing out dejectedly, I slowly sat up and stretched out my cramped muscles. It had been 2 weeks since I found out that I was in love with Chase. I intended to tell him that very day. But I couldn't.

He had been extremely busy for the last 2 weeks, apparently business had been down recently for some disturbances he was facing with some of his allies. He was staying out of the mansion for more than 15 hours, leaving early in the morning before I wake up and coming late at night. I tried every day to stay awake, but was definitely not succeeding.

The pregnancy homes were messing with me very badly. I get tired easily and doze off every now and then. My eating habits had change drastically. One day I could devour the entire refrigerator, the next day I couldn't even bring myself to swallow a morsel.

But admist of all this, even they were so many things that were keeping Chase away from me never forgot to kiss me before going to sleep. No matter, how late he returned he always hugged me tightly in his sleep, making sure he doesn't apply too much pressure on my stomach. I had been way too tired to open my eyes, but I knew he was there.

And how could I forget about the day before yesterday. How he took care of me, even though there were dark circles beneath his eyes for not getting enough rest...

The darkness of night had already slipped and the mansion was dead silent. Keven was as usual on his duty on guarding my door. I was tired of telling him to come inside and rest. He was way too stubborn and always deny himself the right of sleeping at night.

I was snuggled up with Chase's shirts and blanket on our bed, trying to keep my eyes open, waiting for him to return. But a weird growl snapped my eyes open.

I looked down at my stomach, and gently caressed it.

"What is it baby? Do you want something?" I asked, giggling. It was swelling up slowly, but I loved to hug it.

My mouth watered suddenly at the thought of mango pickle. I licked my lips and sat up, opening the cupboard beside my bed. It had become my habit now to crave spicy things so I stocked up my room with pickle jar for emergency cases.

But unfortunately it was empty today. Reluctantly I climbed down from the bed, and opened the door of the room softly, trying to make the least noise possible. Keven's head was resting on the wall, and his arms were crossed on his chest. He had dozed off.

I tiptoed and walked away from him, descending down the stairs. He needed sleep, specially after running after me all through out the day.

Walking into the grand kitchen, I rummaged the cabinets when usually Melissa kept the pickle jars for me. But luck wasn't my side today.

I craned my neck to look up at the uppermost shelf where the pickle jar was hiding from the hungry ferocious beast aka me.

I stood up on mu tiptoes trying to take it down but my hand wasn't reaching. I tried again but mu fingers were just not even touching the shelf.

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