Scars x Jaeyong

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I'm sorry for this


Taeyong lies in the dark. Cold, and all alone as the silence around him fills his ringing ears. The sound of sad beats runs through them, and he can't help but feel all the sorrow, all the pain rushing to his heart and mind.

The thought of him makes his heart turn with pain, with loving torture. Everything. His smile, his laugh, his confidence, his cuteness, his everything.


He was always there. Always there for Taeyong, no matter what. No matter what. He was his other half, his best friend, his whole world. Taeyong couldn't help the tear that ran down his cheek, a sad and lonely tear. He curled up as he swiped through his phone, looking at pictures and watching old videos of him and the boy.

"Jaehyun! Your suppose to pose! It's ruined now!" A small boy cried dramatically as he turned towards the larger boy.

Jaehyun just gave a laugh and held the boy by the cheeks while calling him "cute" and "such a baby."

"We can do it again Taeyong! We have all the time in the world." The boy said while wrapping his arm around the sulky boy whose frown instantly turned into a smile.


Taeyong smiles at the memory, remembering how what a naive kid he was. He then swiped and saw a recent, last, video of him and the boy.

"Taeyong! Happy Birthday!" Jaehyun yelled as he held a cake.

"Jaehyun you rat I told you not too!" Taeyong yelled, but was smiling and secretly enjoying it.

"I know, couldn't resist." Jaehyun said cheekily, and Taeyong gave a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you Tae~"

"I love you too Jae."

"I love you too Jae." Taeyong said in unison with the video. He felt warm in his heart because of the videos.

Jaehyun was everything too him, his best friend, his lover, his world. Taeyong couldn't go a day without him.

But now he has to go forever.

Because he's gone.

Jaehyun left 2 years ago, left this world, and Taeyong couldn't get the memory of his face, his stupid laugh and his smile out of his mind. He couldn't live. So he stays cramped up in his house, living days as if they weren't even there.

Taeyong has never been so ill, so lonely, so scared and sad. Jaehyun left and it was the worst. How his hand went limp in his, How his weak smile disappeared, how the heat of his body went away.

And just like that.

His whole world crumbled.


Everything worked on, lived on, and functioned on, was gone.

His whole world went black, darkness was the only thing Taeyong knew. The only thing he'll ever know anymore. His light died, and now it was just him and the shadows. It was gnawing at him, making him want to take action into temptation and give way every single day.

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