Check [Nomin]

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Forgive me for the slow updates, my mental is not doing well and I'm questioning everything. This will be very raw. Please, check on your friends.




A black hooded teenage boy walks along a empty road, the stars shining down at him in the pitch dark sky. The moon was shining so brightly, it was as if the sun decided to stay right behind it. A teenage boy walking alone down a street at night wasn't unusual for the most part, however the eerie feeling of just walking made it so.

There was a feeling around the lonely figure, dragging himself along down a narrow path that led nowhere and yet he wanted to be somewhere. A feeling that he thought he had forgotten had crawled right back up to his head, and through his scars they buried themselves once again inside. That feeling of being restless; society being stacked on his shoulders, and only pain was present. The need of attention and lust for touch was so heavy, and yet all he wanted to do was to be alone. Though, being alone made him feel lonely.

Looking around at silent houses, parks, and benches made him realize that maybe he really was. The pain and hatred put his heart in a cage, the key being lost and nowhere found in the stash of blindness. There was nothing but carelessness in his decisions, and in the back of his mind he repeats that he doesn't care, and yet his urges want him to. He hated it, he hated it here where he was. Wherever he went, it was all the same. It felt like he was going in circles in a large fish bowl, being gazed upon by spectators who only watched him for amusement.

His hands always seemed to feel cold, and his body was rejecting everything that came in. His eyes laid heavily on his face, wanting nothing but to just close and stay closed. He wanted to cry out in pain, and for his anxiety to waiver away like it was never there. However, nothing ever came out. Not one single emotion found its way to his face, and not a single word forced itself out.

His feeling dug themselves so deeply in his body, and the feeling of being numb became so much that he decided to embrace it. Looking in the mirror, the only thing he would see would be tears and bloodshot eyes. The look of remorse and regret was so vivid, it almost felt as though the person he stared back at wasn't even him.

The mask he put on long ago, suddenly wasn't a mask anymore.

A cold breeze flows down from the clouds, and the boy shivers as he hugs his frail body. He grits his teeth, making his way off the road and down a small trail. His feet dragged themselves down the bank, and water became distant to his ears. The crunch of leaves and grass pierced the silent air, and the leaves above shook slowly with the embrace of wind.

The slow rushing of a water stream became clearer with every step, and approaching the small stream there was a small bridge in front of him. It was a small painted bridge, in which the paint was peeling and the wood was chipped. It was old, however sat stable over the stream of cold water.

There was something about sitting alone over a rush of water and letting his mind clear that drew the boy. He sat down on the bridge, the creaking of the wood assuring it was older than him, and dangled his feet over the edge. Staring down at the bare visible water he had a sudden urge to just cry, but he didn't. He simply let himself stare, and infill his hearing with the sound of rushing water.

Impulsive thoughts were everywhere in his mind, telling him to jump into the cold burst of water. He wonders about them, the thoughts lingering so clearly in his mind, and considers them. If he truly did, would his pain end slowly or quickly was always the question. Would his body freeze to death, or would he have to wait for the loss of feeling? He wanted to know, and yet his body resisted the urge to take act.

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