Minho (108)

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This gif is kinda hard to see. You may need to turn up your brightness, but it's just Minho sitting on a log

"Alright, greenie, here's the thing," newt explained, carrying a jar of alcohol with his as he led you around the bonfire.

"You don't strike me as a tough shank. Then again, it's only your first day." Newt looked over at you.
"What I'm trying to say, is that for now, there's a few people I would recommend you stay away from."

As newt was talking, you saw someone that didn't seem to quite fit in with the crowd. He was sitting down, eating and being seemingly calm.
"What about him?" You asked, gesturing to the boy.

"Minho?" Newt chuckled. "Minho's a good guy, but maybe somebody like chuck would be a better friend for you."

"I bet I could make Minho like me." You thought quietly.

"I don't know, greenie. He's difficult sometimes." Newt shrugged, smiling a little. "Why dont we find chuckie first, and I'll introduce you to Minho later?"

"Right, sounds good. Chuck first." You nodded, but kept watching Minho as he sat and just watched the group around him.
"He looks lonely." You mumbled

"Who? Chuck?" Newt asked, taking a sip of alcohol. He wasn't paying attention, and once you had déréalises you'd said that part out loud, you got an idea.

"Uh.....Yeah.......yeah, chuck looks lonely. I'm gonna go say hi to him." You lied, backing away from Newt before he'd suspect anything, but he  just shrugged and walked off.

A few seconds later, you walked up to Minho, who watched you approaching with a raised eyebrow.

"Um.....hi. I'm new.....you probably know that." You shrugged, shaking your head at how stupid that sounded.
"Anyways, i just wanted to say hi.....you looked kinda lonely."

"Lonely? Is that the vibe I'm giving off?" He set his plate of food down, focusing on you instead.

"You're the green bean, right? I'm gonna let you in on a secret."
Minho glanced you up and down before sitting forward in his seat.

"I'm not lonely. Truth is, half of these slintheads are just drunk out of their minds, so I ignore them." He looked around, proving his point silently as the boys shouted and ran around the bonfire.

"Why aren't you drinking then?" You asked, sitting across from him on the ground.

"I go running. Hangovers suck when you have to run." He let out a sigh, but still smiled a little.
"You know, I like you greenie. You've got a level head, I can tell." He smiled a little, and held out a hand.

"I'm Minho, if you didn't know already."

You shook his hand.

Ha. Take that, Newt.

The Maze Runner Gif Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now