REQUESTED Daniel Imagine

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Jonah's little sister

I just got my hair did. It's purple now.  My older brother is coming home with his bandmates. I am so nervous but so ready.

 I am so nervous but so ready

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I smile and go do my hair.

It looks way too cool in purple

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It looks way too cool in purple. I do my make up.

I go down and make breakfast

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I go down and make breakfast. "Honey, Jonah and the guys will be here soon" said mum. "OK" said Brynn. I go to the sitting room and sit on the sofa. "WHERE IS BRYNN MARAIS FRANTZICH?" yelled Jonah. I stand up and run to him (it's hard in heels). "Jonah your back" said Brynn. "Yeah, Brynn this is Daniel Seavey, Jack Avery, Zach Herron and Corbyn Besson" said Jonah. I smiled at them. "Hey, I'm Brynn Frantzich" said Brynn. "Hey" said all of them.

We have lunch soon and then we go outside. Jonah plays football with the lads. I had a rough time with boys and Daniel is nice looking but can I trust him or the others? I don't know..... yet. I stand up and go inside. I sit on a seat at the kitchen's island and sigh. "You OK? Jonah asked me to ask you if you want to go for dinner?" asked Daniel. I nod. I stand up and we leave. When we get to The Cheesecake Factory, we sit down and we enjoy our meal.

For the next few weeks I have been very distant from Daniel and the rest because of my past. Daniel is slowly gaining my trust. Today I am telling Daniel my past story. He walks in. "You wanted to talk to me?" asked Daniel. "I need to tell you about why I am not comfortable with you" said Brynn. "OK" said Daniel. "Basically because I had a boyfriend and he abused me emotionally and physical.He continually did it to me. I was lucky he never took my virginity. I can't trust men after that" said Brynn. Daniel hugs me. 

"Brynn I would never, ever do what he did to you. Your the most amazing, beautiful, incredibly smart young lady. I like you and I know you like me. I will always like you the way you are, princess" said Daniel. I hug him and kiss his cheek. "Daniel.... I like you too" said Brynn. "Will you be my girlfriend?" asked Daniel. I nod. "Yes, I'd love too" said Brynn. We lean in and kiss. Jonah walks in. "Daniel, Brynn.... OK kiss away. Use protection" said Jonah and he walks out. 

After all that we got married two years later, let's just say it was a very happy day and Daniel made me believe in love again.

I hope you enjoyed it!

OK so this is definitly the last imagine of 2018!

Happy New Years!

Lorna wxdxw

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