First I love you's: Punk Series.

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Me and Jonah have been dating for three months now and I realised how much I love Jonah. When I met him I thought I hated him but now I have fallen in love with him. We are hanging at his house tonight and I am spending the night there. I smile at Jonah when he opens the door. The way he looks at me, acts with me..... "I love you" Yn blurted out. Jonah blushes and kisses me. "I love you too" said Jonah. We kiss again.


We've been dating for six months. Me and Corbyn are hanging out today at his house and just chilling. I fell for Corbyn and now I don't know how to tell him. I might have to tell him or surprise. I write a letter. I hand it to him when I see him. "Read it aloud" said Yn. "Bean, even though at the start I didn't like your or even gave you a chance but here we are six months later..... going strong..... I am in love with you..... Oh my god Yn..... I love you too" said Corbyn. "I love you" smiled Yn. We kiss. "Well we're lovers now, babe" said Corbyn. "Oh shut up" said Yn. We kiss and watch movies. 


Me and Daniel are hanging at the park for the day. I am wearing shorts, a tank top and sandals. When I get there I had Daniel 5 notes. "Read them aloud for me" said Yn. He smiles. "Your eyes are amazing...... Your hot....... Your always making me laugh and smile...... I am in love with you" said Daniel. "I love you Dani" said Yn. "I am in love with you too, Yn" said Daniel. We kiss and enjoy walking around. We said I love to each other.


It was pretty easy to fall in love with him, his awesome and he never, ever lets me drop my dreams even if they feel impossible. I have decided to ask his mum to help me. She is gonna bring him to my apartment and it has I love you in balloons, so hopefully he feels the same. We've been together for 10 months now, nearly a year. I am wearing a skirt, a tank top and vans. He walks in with his mum and he smiles. He reads what the balloons says and smiles. "I love you too, Yn" said Jack. We kiss and Kristin walks out. WE LOVE EACH OTHER.


We have been dating for around 4 months and I have fallen in love with Zach. I haven't told my parents. Me and Zach are hanging out today after the modelling gig I have for Tommy Hilfiger. After that we go back to his family house and we relax. I give him my phone and tell him to press play. "I am in love with you Zach Dean Herron" said the video me. Zach smiles and jumps on me. "I am in love with you too" said Zach. We kiss again. I love him and he loves me. 

I hope you enjoyed this part!!

Lorna wxdxw

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