Moving on

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It was the beginning of my junior year of high school.
Mom got her divorce finalized and pulled me and older brothers Ben and Jack from the high school in Arizona where we all attended, and if that wasn't drastic enough she decided to get a job transfer all the way in Australia. It was her way of saying we all needed some change and a fresh start. The only one who was unhappy about the situation was Ben. Since he was our fathers golden boy and he insisted to stay with him and continue going to our old high school where Ben and Jack were extremely popular because of all the sports that Dad insisted we would be apart of.

So they did, and they were great at everything they done. Of course he had indulged in the thought that all of his kids doing some kind of sport, like boys do but not me. I hate the idea of putting on sports gear and being slung around a football field by a bunch of big jerks even if it was middle school or junior varsity as a freshman. I insisted to my mother that I didn't like all the boyish things that our dad was trying to force me into doing. That I would be more content if she'd allow me to be myself. Which she reluctantly agreed to, even though I'm sure she didn't expect what it had evolved into.

Like painting my nails and growing my hair out which gradually turned into doing make up, then wearing girls clothes and high heels. Which accentuates my feminine features that I took after my mom.

Then came up the whole topic of being transgender which I'm not, I just like girly things and looking feminine. Then my sexuality was something always being discussed between my family. I was 100 percent sure I am gay.
The thought of kissing a girl was something that never crossed my mind. I like guys, but of course I was picky about that to so I haven't dated anyone. Which somehow became a huge part of myself, and I was teased about it for my entire freshman year of high school. Being a gay virgin boy who dressed a bit "extravagant" to say the least was the center of all the bullying that happened. But thankfully my older brothers made sure it didn't happen very often at least not around them.

Which just meant it happened anytime they weren't around, Like in my regular classes and study hall which we had separately since they were already juniors and I was just a sophmore. So often I'd go home early in tears because of all the crude things that were said to me through out the day.

Which meant my social life was nonexistent. I had no friends which sucks being in high school and only spending time with my older brothers and the other athletes they played sports with because no one else wanted to have lunch with me and sitting alone wasn't an option with those two because they were loving and over protective.

But considering everything that's happened and that they were going to be seniors plus they were both captains on the basketball and football teams I don't blame Ben for not wanting to leave schools much less leave the country. But it was ultimately moms devision, and who could be mad about moving to a place that's constantly warm and there are beaches all around. Which gave me an excuse to by sunglasses and swimsuits in bulk.

So after mom was able to sell the house and all the things we had here we took a plane to Australia and landed in Sydney where mom had bought a house for us which we haven't seen yet.

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