On scope

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Jades pov

I stood there trying to sympathize with a man who didn't care about his own grandchild or his own kid for that matter not that I'd ever let him be apart of my baby's life. I could feel the anger radiating off of Luke as he began to speak from the moment we stepped in the door getting worse any time he mentioned Jace. It was hard to think how madly in love I was with him and how easily I overlooked the crazy things that he would tell me or how safe I felt in a house with the two of them but the moment Aaron stood up from his seat I knew things we going downhill my heart dropped as I heard the three clicks come from his gun, I felt as the bullets ripped through my skin breaking the bones underneath. I fell to the ground screaming in pain laying on top of the gun that was in the back of my pants. I could hear more shots ring through the house praying that Luke was okay. I tried to open my eyes but my vision began to blur looking up at Luke who's bent over me. "I-I want you to take the baby if I don't make it," I say knowing that I couldn't make it with all the blood loss but still trying my best to hold my eyes opens till I completely passed out.

Luke's pov

I looked down at Jade as she spoke to me. She wanted me to have her baby, although we never got to spend much time together I felt like she was a sister for the time we had together, I nodded my head agreeing before looking back at his dead body laying on the floor covered in his own blood, I didn't feel bad for him I didn't regret what I had done for the first time I didn't care I picked jade up and carried her out of the front door towards Ashton's vehicle making it half the way before Ashton and Alec both got out of the vehicle running over to me and getting her while Harry leaned out of the back window shooting at other men who stormed out of the property while the 3 of us ran back towards the car and got inside. "I-I can't believe this has happened," Alec says his voice breaking as he held on to Jade. "I'm sorry but we need to get to a hospital now she and I know if we sit here she won't have a chance to make it!" I yell as Ashton speeds down the road making his way toward the hospital that we've been to many times in the past month.

"I-I'm so sorry we shouldn't have done this," Alec says holding tightly to Jade's hand as we pull into the parking lot. "It's over he's dead I killed him," I say sternly as we get out of the car taking Jade into the hospital. Seeing my mother standing at the front desk. "Mom we need help she's pregnant and we need to get the baby out," I say to my mom as they rush to take her back into an operating room and I follow close behind my mom. "You have so much fucking explaining Luke." My mother says sternly as we walk down the hall
into a prep room scrubbing her hands with iodine and putting on gloves opening up sterile surgical tools to start Jade's surgery. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that," I say sighing leaning back against a white tile wall trying to catch my breath from a hectic day.

"You haven't been home once I don't know what's been going on with you and I-I don't like it, Luke." My mother says as I watch her perform surgery realizing how amazing she truly is at her job. "I promise I'll tell you everything it doesn't change anything that's happened and I want you to trust me," I say watching as she begins a c-section to get the baby out before it stops getting oxygen.
"D-do you think she's going to make it mom?" I say quietly as she gets the baby and hands it to a nurse to walks off to clean up the baby. "I don't think so Lu." She says beginning to stitch Jade up. "If she doesn't she said that she wants me to raise her baby," I say as my mom pulls off her gloves and we walk out of the surgery room and three others walk in to continue Jade's surgery. "Even though you are too young for a baby I'll support you because I don't think she's going to pull through." My mom says scrubbing her arms and drying them off as I do the same removing my blood-stained clothes replacing them with clean hospital scrubs looking back into the surgery room seeing her heart monitor flatline.

"I don't know how we're going to tell Alec," I say feeling warm tears roll down my cheeks as we walk down the hall going to see where the other nurse had taken Jade's baby. "And who's that?" Mom asks pushing open the door as we both walk in. "Well it's Ashton's brother she was dating Alec but the baby isn't his," I say as we walk over to the baby. "It's a girl Lu." My mom smiles over at me picking her up and placing her into my arms. "Well, what are you going to do?" She asks me as I look down at the baby with wavy black hair and long eyelashes. "I'm going to raise her for Jade but I'm going to let Alec be apart of raising her," I say fixing her swaddle blanket. "I can't believe I'm a grandma already." She says as we walk out of the room and down the hall where the boys were left sitting together waiting.
As we walked around the corner I could see them perk up before they both were flush with confusion. "Luke w-why do you have a baby?" Ashton asks as they both stand up walking over to me. "I'm raising her because Jade asked me to," I say looking up at both of them waiting for everything to click. "Wait wait why would you be raising a baby for Jade?" Alec says shaking his head and pushing his hair back.
"She was pregnant this is her baby she wanted me to take her, she passed during surgery," I say looking down at the baby's tiny hands gripping onto the white and pink blanket.

"S-She never told me," Alec says as I gently place the baby in his arms. "She never told any of us, I guess she didn't want to upset anyone that she was pregnant with Jaces baby," I say as Ashton pulls me into a tight hug kissing the top of my head. "S-so what's her name?" Alec says looking down at her still completely lost at everything that has happened. "Well I was thinking that you should name her and you put your name on her birth certificate, I thought maybe you'd wanna be apart of raising her," I say looking at Alec who's still looking down at the small baby girl bundled up in his arms. "Yeah, I'd really like that." He says looking up at me with tears in his eyes.

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