Coming in

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Harry's pov

After getting off the phone with Alec I ordered tickets directly into Sydney, although I had no intentions to go back to Australia.
The plane ride was extremely long and felt like it lasted for days,
I got my poorly packed luggage from the baggage claim and got a taxi out of the airport which seemed to take forever since dad lived far away from the airport. Once we pulled in I got my things from the trunk and paid the driver packing my things into the house and opening the door cautiously after seeing a car that I hadn't recognized. "Anyone here?" I ask walking into the house sitting my luggage by the couch hearing someone walking in the upstairs hallway towards the stairs. No one answered although it was clear someone was in the house.

"Alec you up there?" I ask walking up the stairs stopping at the main top and looking down the hallway seeing long straight blonde hair. "Nope, he left with Ashton this morning," Lauren says turning around smiling at me. "Good that means there are two fewer idiots for me to put up with," I say walking over to Lauren pulling her into a tight hug. "Come on Har be nice that's our brothers." She says rolling her eyes and sighing. "Only when I have to be," I say letting her go looking into my old empty bedroom. "You know I've really missed you," I say turning back to her looking at how much she's changed in appearance since the last time I have seen her. "Then why don't you just stay here, the house is mine now." She says sounding hopeful that I might actually change my mind. "I couldn't, I have a thing in the U.K, practically another family I can't leave them, I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to," I say honestly watching as her smile drops. "I get you left on bad circumstances but it's changed a lot since you've been gone, I know that you have a lot going on in the U.K," Lauren says sadly still trying to convince me. "I've moved past everything that happened, I can't change how Ashton feels about everything but it was my decision to leave and I can't just stay here," I say completely shutting down the conversation walking back down the hallway.

"Well at least stay after dad's funeral I really want you to be here we've been going through a lot." She says following down the stairs back into the living room. "Fine I'll stay but I'm not moving back into the house," I say and she nods in agreement. "So what's been going on no one ever calls and tells me anything?" I say sitting down on the couch next to the chair that Lauren sits down in.
"Well it started with Hazel and Alec which you know about, then Jace was kicked out and he tried killing Alec since he already killed Hazel, and a few months ago Jace stole some money for us and he found out that Ashton has a boyfriend," Lauren says pulling her legs up in the chair. "Ashton our dickhead brother actually has a boyfriend not just some fuck buddy?" I ask completely surprised that he isn't just sleeping around with people like he was before I left. "He's changed a lot, you might not believe me but after losing mom he was obviously not coping well," Lauren says sighing and pushing her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah likewise," I say leaning back into the couch feeling tired from my plane ride. "Well anyhow, after he found out about Luke he basically tormented Ashton, he kidnapped him and Luke shot him to save himself of course it was Ashton who killed him though Luke isn't that kind of person," Lauren says looking at her phone that continued to buzz. "Of course he fell for someone who's fragile, he's always been an idiot," I say yawning looking up at the clock on the wall.

2:35 a.m.
the sun hasn't even come up, everyone else was probably sleeping. "Luke isn't fragile he's just caring there's a difference you'll understand if you meet him," Lauren says picking up her phone answering it. I listened to the short back and forth conversation before she said goodbye and hung up the phone. "That was Ashton, just calling to check-in and ask if you made it in." She says smiling at me laying her phone back down beside her.
"Even though I'm sure it wasn't his idea of calling me," I say rolling my eyes and standing up from the couch walking back upstairs to my empty bedroom that only has a bed and dresser that I had left behind when I moved to shut the door and laying down using the folding blankets on the bed to cover up and go to sleep which didn't take any effort.

After a few hours of sleeping, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I pushed the covers off feeling the cold air hit my skin giving me chill bumps grabbing my phone off the bedside table and answering it.
"Alec where are you?" I say my voice sounding slow and raspy.
"I'm at Ashton's apartment, we've just got the call from the funeral home about dad and they said that the arrangements are ready." He says not talking very loud probably because there were other sleeping people around.
"Yeah okay, what'd you wanna do?" I ask pushing my messy hair out of my face looking down at the phone. "Dad always told us if something happens that we have to be together as a family," Alec says as I look at the time. "It's already past 7, what'd you have in mind?" I ask getting up out of bed and getting my suitcase opening it up. "Maybe we can have a big breakfast somewhere and talk about everything before we have the funeral," Alec says as I grab out a pair of jeans and an orange long sleeve to wear under my grey and black flannel. "Okay breakfast first at that nice shop that dad uses to get coffee from," I say getting out my underwear and toiletries going to the bathroom and sitting my things down on the vanity. "Okay we're all going to be there in an hour or so," Alec says before hanging up. I undress and step into the shower turning on the hot water washing myself off.
"Alec just messaged me so I'm gonna get ready now and I'll ride with you," Lauren calls from the other side of the bathroom door as I wash my hair. "Yeah okay," I call back turning off the hot water and getting my towel drying myself off and brushing my teeth before putting on my clothes and stepping out of the bathroom going downstairs seeing Lauren putting on her shoes. "Almost ready?" I ask grabbing my back boots putting them on and lacing them up. "Almost." She says getting up walking over to a hanging mirror and fixing her hair with a few bobby-pins and elastic ties before spraying it with hairspray. "Okay, let's go," I say getting my keys off the coffee table walking out the front door with Lauren.

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