Comfort zone

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After a few moments of looking outside in a complete daze seeing the water splashed on the concrete and the drips rolling down the fence, I stand back up and begin shoving my boxes across the dining room to the hall and into my bedroom beside the pile of clothes that were laying in my closet doorway.

I wonder how long he'd been there without anyone noticing. I think to myself twisting the scrunchie on my wrist looking at all my boxes. Then I found it, my box with my record player and vinyl disks that I began collecting my freshman year from a vintage record store that was near the mall in town.

Thankfully the shelf that I have for my record player and types of vinyl was sitting on the outside of my door so I slid it into my room beside my window below where I plan to hang my guitars. I began unpacking the box sitting my black record play that is detailed with roses on top of the shelf and getting my records putting them in the bottom rack. And just for the fun of it I plugged it in and turned my favorite record on which was currently Alisha Keys which I turned all the way up because I could practice my high notes and annoy my brothers a bit.

After a while longer the sun began to go down and it was getting darker outside. I've completely set my closet and bedroom, mom ordered a pizza which she insisted we all ate together in the dining room at the table. Ben still won't say anything to me, except glances which are a mixture of worry and hate.

I think this is the longest he's ever gone without attempting to talk to me. Which I knew was hard for him but I know he's upset about the move, but of course, mom can get him cheered up better than I could. "So you boys are going to start school tomorrow, and I've already called the sports director at the school and he seems more than happy to have you both on whatever sports you want to be," Mom says smiling which made Ben perk up a bit. I know he's not mad about changing schools or sports because he knew he'd get back on whatever team he wanted and of course they'd be popular again, he was mad about dad and frustrated at me eventually
he'd get over it.

"This is a chance for Luke to make some friends of his own," Mom says patting my shoulder.
"Yeah, right just like in Arizona," I mutter giving my mom the best fake smile I could pull. "Tomorrow I'm going to drop you all off at school I have worked directly after," Mom says gathering our plates and empty water bottles taking them into the kitchen. "I'll be getting us new cars soon so don't worry it won't be like his for too long." Mom calls from in the kitchen.

"Thanks, mom, the school isn't too far from home so I can walk home I'll message you if I'm late," I say walking out of the dining room thinking of exploring around town for the unnoticeable stores and cafes that are cozy hiding places.
"Lu you know I don't like the idea of you walking around especially since we don't know the area or the people and we have no clue how to get to you or where you're going." Jack huffs following me out of the dining room.

"I'll be absolutely fine, I'll pack pepper spray if it eases your mind," I say spinning on the ball of my foot towards my door. "Just be careful Luke," Ben says in an annoyed tone before walking up the stairs followed by Jack. Of course, I'd be fine it's Sydney Australia I'm sure, not bad happens I think rolling my eyes walking into my room shutting my door and dropping my clothing in a trail behind me going to my showers cleaning up before heading to my bed and setting my alarm for school in the morning.
Dear god I hope I don't screw things up tomorrow, it would be absolute social suicide being the new kid and making a joke of myself on the first day. I sigh rolling over in my bed staring up at my canopy over my bed.

-Authors note-Early post because my birthday is Monday I hope you enjoy! Comment and Vote :)

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-Authors note-
Early post because my birthday is Monday I hope you enjoy! Comment and Vote :)

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