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The next morning I woke up laying pressed against Ashton to the sound of Ben cursing under his breath. "Luke! What the hell did you two fuck Why is he here?!" Ben says nudging the back of my head making me roll my eyes and sit up in the bed.
"Why are you screaming! Ashton's asleep!" I whisper-yelled huffing and shoving Ben out of my room where Jack was standing in the hallway looking even more pissed than Ben. "What's your deal," I say leaning against my closed bedroom door pushing the curls out of my face looking down at my wrinkled nightgown. "You don't listen to anything anyone tells you for shit Luke! How were we supposed to know you were okay, what do you think mom would say?!" Jack yells referring to Ashton laying in my bed.

"Oh I don't know maybe good morning and why does it matter if she has a problem she'll jump my ass it's not your place too!" I yell at both of them not caring how loud I was. "We don't want you to get hurt Luke why can't you see that we don't even know him and neither do you!" Jack says even louder than I did making me shrink back towards the door.
"It's a little bit too late for that, just like always," I mutter walking back into my room and closing it behind me. It's not their place to have to make sure I'm okay, I can do things on my own I think to myself walking into my room seeing Ashton laying face down in my pillows.

Thank god he's a heavy sleeper. I didn't want him to wake up to the sound of my idiot brothers throwing a fit because I was with a boy. For the first time ever I was actually with a guy who wasn't using me or treating me like shit, and suddenly they wanted to act like they were worried about it.
Instead of digging myself even deeper in the hole I had made for myself I went to my bathroom and stripped getting into the shower washing all the chlorine off my skin and scrubbing it out of my hair thinking about what happened last night in the pool smiling to myself. After getting out of the shower I wrap a towel in my hair and dry off my body sliding on my red silk bathrobe going to get Ashton's clothes out of the laundry since I washed them last night, walking back into my room seeing Ashton roll over in the bed and look up at my canopy. "Good morning." I chirped smiling at Ashton who has attractive messy bed hair.

"Good morning Lu," Ashton says in a husky morning voice sitting up letting the blanket fall off of his torso. "I got your clothes, there's a bathroom, you just have to walk through my closet," I say handing him his clothing leaning down a bit to kiss him. "Do you want to hang out today?" Ashton asks resting his hand on the side of my leg smiling. "Sure that would be great," I say being cut off by another kiss. Ashton took his clothes going into the bathroom to change while I searched for a simple outfit I could wear to while hangout with Ashton.

After getting dressed I walked back to my room slipping my phone into my bag walking to the kitchen to get a bottle of water waiting for Ashton to finish getting dressed so we can leave

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After getting dressed I walked back to my room slipping my phone into my bag walking to the kitchen to get a bottle of water waiting for Ashton to finish getting dressed so we can leave. Just like earlier Jack walked downstairs into the kitchen and began his interrogation for a second time this morning. "Where are you going?" He asks standing in front of me with his arms crossed and a pissed look on his face. "Out," I say not giving him an exact answer only to piss him off even more. "Luke answer me seriously," Jack says in a snappy voice standing in the kitchen doorway. "Like I said I'm going out, with Ashton where ever he plans on going," I answer and just as I say his name he walks out of my room with all his things standing by Jack, who was much taller than Ashton but not as muscular. "Come on Lu," Ashton says as I jump up from my seat and slip past Jack taking Ashton's hand in mind. "I do care about you, Luke," Jack says as I walk out the door with Ashton to his car parked at the edge of the driveway. Wondering if maybe I was pushing it, I had no intention of going back or staying away from Ashton because my brothers wanted me to but maybe I'd call him later just to check in with him.

The drive was quick, Ashton parked his in front of the record store and takes me up to his apartment. There was a note left on the door signed by Lauren which Ashton quickly read and tossed into the kitchen trash. "So what are we going to do," I say smiling up at Ashton who pulled me over to one of the couches in his huge living room.

"I was thinking we could hang out here watch some tv order some takeout

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"I was thinking we could hang out here watch some tv order some takeout." Ashton says pulling me down on top of him "How does that sound Lu?" Ashton mumbles kissing me not giving time to answer because it wasn't necessary. We laid cuddled up on the couch watching tv together even though we were paying more attention to each other.
"Your brother didn't seem very happy that you were leaving with me," Ashton says sitting up pulling me onto his lap.

"No he wasn't actually, they just don't like me leaving or being with other people, they're just protective," I say hoping Ashton understands. "It's no big deal Lu, if they don't like me they'll say something to me so don't worry about it," Ashton says as his phone begins to ring. He hesitated for a moment before answering. The conversation was mostly one-sided and Ashton didn't respond much before hanging up. "Lu I've got something really important I've got to run and do, I've got to get ready I can take you back home but if you want to go with me you have to listen to me." He says sliding me off of his lap and walking off in a rush.

-Authors note-
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