Study hall

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The next five classes consisted of mostly core that was optional and I hadn't already passed just to fill my class schedule and so far everything has been great, I haven't noticed any weird stares or rude side comments all day which is a first since I've started high school.

No one here gives a shit about how I'm dressed, or that I'm gay, and it isn't because Jack and Ben are over my shoulder protecting me form every single person I walk past. Plus the school is way bigger than I expected, some classes have at least 40 students and occasionally two teachers. Which is a lot compared to Arizona where the classes are always half-filled and most of the teachers' nap during class. After the fifth period ended we were released to study hall and lunch for the next hour and a half. I picked up the paperwork I had received from class and shoved it into my backpack walking out of class and down the hallway.

Thankfully the lunchroom was relatively closer to my classroom than my fourth which was still on the second floor. Although the school is massive and the hallway was packed with people I wasn't shoved into or pushed around. I tried searching through the hallway for my brothers but I couldn't find either of them in a crowd of people. Eventually, the hall came to an end and opened into the cafeteria. I stood to the side watching as people walked past me while I looked across the tables to find Ben and Jack. I did, of course, they were sitting in a large group of other guys in a variety of jerseys. Jocks are like magnets they manage to attract each other. I quickly paced my way through the cafeteria towards their table sitting in an empty seat across from Ben and Jack and beside a few other people I haven't met.

"Hi, Lu how's school going," Jack says smiling pushing his lunch towards me to share. "It's good, I really enjoy my classes," I say taking a couple of chips eating them. "How about any new friends," Jack asks sounding hopeful. "Well, here he is having lunch with us again," Ben says nudging Jack.

"It's no big deal I'm sure you'll make friends eventually you just need to put yourself out there," Jack says glaring over at Ben who was being hurtfully honest with me. "Maybe." I huff before being interrupted by a boy with dark down hair and chocolate brown eyes "Who's the pretty girl-friend?" He says sitting down beside me talking to Ben and Jack. Which of course made Jacks jaw drop and Ben went into a fit of laughter causing him to look at them confused. "The "girl" is out little brother and his names Luke if you were so curious you could have asked him," Jack says while Ben is wheezing from laughing so hard.

And the dumbfounded look on his face was priceless it was hard not to giggle. "I'm sorry I uh didn't realize." He says stuttering through his sentence looking at me. "It happens more than you'd think and don't worry I'm not offended or anything," I say rolling my eyes pulling my knee into my chest sitting on the bench connected to the circular lunch table. "This is Calum by the way he's on the soccer team we met him this morning when we went to talk to the sports director," Ben says introducing Calum to me.

"As funny and awkward as this has been and it was nice meeting you, I'm gonna go to the library for the rest of the study hall, I have some work to look over," I say getting up taking my bag and walking away from them to the library. There weren't many people inside, almost everyone sat separately at their own table or with one other person.
I sat quietly and began to rearrange my classwork that I had gotten for the day before someone was standing in front of me holding a bag that matched mine but was similar to the color of her soft blue hair.

"Hi mind if I sit?" She asks smiling tilting her head

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"Hi mind if I sit?" She asks smiling tilting her head. "I don't mind at all," I say crossing my legs in my seat. "You must be the other new student everyone had been whispering about I've already met your brothers in calculus they've become quite popular fast." She says sitting down across from me.

"No kidding they seem to gather friends wherever they go, we're nothing like each other it's hard to believe we're related sometimes," I say laughing looking up at her. She has soft blue eyes like mine and vibrant red lipstick which made her smile more defined. "I'm Luke by the way," I say finally introducing myself to the girl sitting across from me.

~Authors note~
What's your opinion on the new character?? Leave a comment, vote on the chapter, follow and dm me if you wanna talk. ♥︎

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