My best friends brother

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After I got home I walked strait into my bathroom stripping down and getting in the shower relaxing my sore arms and legs washing my messy hair then getting out going into my closet getting a pair of oversized sweat pants and a faded red t-shirt hearing mom call from in the dining room to come and eat. I slipped on a pair of fuzzy white socks walking through the house into the dining room sitting down beside my mother seeing my brothers and Calum walk in together sitting down. "I didn't know you were staying." I say taking an extra role from the bread basket sitting it on my plate. "Yeah you're brothers have been giving me rides to and from school." Calum says sitting across from me beside Jack. "Well to be fair I haven't been home much and they haven't been taking me to school recently either." I say poking around at my food with my fork not really paying much attention. "I'm so happy you made friends Lu." My mom says smiling making my brothers laugh and Calum give her a weird look. "Yes believe it or not people didn't like me before I moved." I say as mom began glaring at my brothers for laughing. "Didn't like you is an understatement Lu." Ben says shaking his head taking a drink of his water. "That's really shocking, people at school talk about you constantly, they're always asking about you." Calum says genuinely elbowing Jack.

"It's because Lu is a pretty girl and all the guys at school think he's an easy screw, I mean you did walk around with hickeys showing today." Jack says rolling his eyes getting on my nerves. "A hickey?!?" Mom says shocked looking over at me. "Yes mom I have a boyfriend now and he gave me a hickey, but I don't see how it's any of Jacks business!" I say loudly getting up from the table stomping out of the dinning room back into my bedroom slamming the door.

I laid in bed for a while looking up at my white canopy feeling my blood boil. Why is Jack being an asshole like Ben, just to show off in front of his company or the embarrass me in front of our mother who can't help but nose her way into any relationship we'd ever have because she was always concerned about who we were with. After a while I head a knock at my door. "Go away Jack I don't want an apology or to talk about it!" I yell glaring at my door. "It's not Jack, it's Calum." He says poking his head into my room. "Come in I guess." I say sitting up in my bed. "I'm sorry Luke it's my fault that you're even called that." He says obviously worried that I'm upset with him. "It's not your fault my brother is a dickhead." I say as Calum walked into my room closing the door and sitting on the end of my bed. "He's just upset that you're in a relationship and he can't control it." Calum says shrugging smiling at me. "He's always being a controlling duchébag, but you know you don't have to come console me because I'm his little brother." I say sighing. "I'm not I actually like you Luke, I'd like to think you're my friend as well." He ways looking at the fairy lights hanging in my bed canopy. "Since you aren't here to just console me is there something you wanted to talk about?" I ask watching as Calum looked away getting slightly flustered at my question.

"Yeah I-I I'm not sure how to say it." He says rubbing his arm. "You're confusing me Cal." I say getting up from my bed looking through my nail polish shelf. "I like Michael." He says quickly making me look back at him. "Like or like like you're gay?" I ask surprised at his statement. "I'm gay I just haven't said anything about it because I didn't wanna be looked at different." He was looking at me with sadness. "You don't have to worry about being gay Cal, Ben and Jack would never allow anyone to be homophobic towards you." I say standing on my tippy toes to reach my red nail polish. "That's a relief, but I'm nervous to talk to Michael." He says pushing his hair back.

"I had no clue you liked Mikey." I say walking over to my bed sitting back down. "Who couldn't?! He's so attractive and he's funny and he doesn't care what people think which is so admirable." Calum says trying not to raise his voice. "But he's snarky and a bit of an ass when he wants to be." I say shaking my head. "I just really like him Lu." Calum says in a gushy voice sighing. "Well maybe you can sit with him tomorrow during lunch, he wouldn't mind I'm sure." I say watching as Calum perked up. "Thanks so much Luke I really really appreciate it." Calum says as I shake up my nail polish going opening it and over my toes. "You don't have to thank me Cal, he's a good person and so are you I think it'd be nice if you two dated or talked which ever happens." I say smiling looking up at Calums pretty chocolate brown eyes and warm smile that makes me smile back.

"Would you um help me tell your brothers that I'm gay." Calum says nervously. "Um yeah sure you don't have to worry about it they're super understanding." I say finishing my nails up walking out of my bedroom and upstairs with Calum into Jacks room where they were playing video games together. "Geez Cal what took you so long we've got third player set up." Ben says turning around to see me standing beside Calum who was much taller than me. "What are you doing in here Lu you never come upstairs?" Ben asks as Jack turns around pausing the game.

"If it's for an apology then I'm sorry." Jack says turning back toward the tv. "I don't believe it and no that's not why I'm here." I say rolling my eyes as Jack turns back around. "I uh asked him to walk up here with me." Calum says looking down at the floor. "Lu doesn't like playing video games with us." Ben says confused looking between me and Calum. "No no that's not why, I uh wanna tell you something." Calum says looking up at Ben. "Oh shit." He mumbles as a moment of realization comes over him nudging Jack. "I'm sorry I should have said it sooner but I was worried b-but I'm gay." Calum says looking at Jack who's facial expression dropped. "I should have guessed since Luke was you're moral support." Jack says shaking his head. "Thanks for tell us but it doesn't really change anything, I mean unless you're saying you like one of us?" Ben says looking at Calum who begins to laugh. "No I don't I know you're straight Ben." Calum says smiling. "Okay good that would have been a bit awkward." Jack says as Calum sits down beside him taking his control. "Good night." I say walking out of the room down the hall seeing my mom sitting in her room reading.

-Authors note-
Honestly I think this is one of my favorite chapters! I think I'll try pulling Calum into the book more than I have please comment, vote, follow me, dm etc. ♥︎

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