Lines were crossed

53 3 8

An early update bc AshtonsbabyLu asked for it ♥︎
Calum's pov

"I'm not!" He yells pounding his hands above my head pinning me against the wall glaring at me before smashing his mouth against mine sliding his hands down the wall picking me up tightly gripping my ass. I could feel his heavy breathing and see how desperate he looked at me. "I've wanted this for so long now Cal." He says gently laying his forehead against mine placing small kisses against my lips. I knew what he was waiting for, and he needed me to say it. "I need you," I mumble looking up from his swollen pink lip to his lustful eyes
"I didn't mean to yell." He says quietly laying me down against my bed. "I just want you, no one else," Ben says pulling his shirt off tossing it on the floor my following quickly after. "O-okay," I say nodding taking in every detail of his face that suddenly seemed so different to me. His eyes were vibrant and he had stubble along his chin. I gasped once his lips met mine again kissing me roughly, his chapped lips felt strange against mine but I loved it, I could feel his bare chest against mine as I tangled my hands into the back of his hair deepening our kiss before he detached his lips from mine and began kissing along my jaw and down to my exposed shoulder nipping and sucking on my sensitive skin making me squeeze my eyes shut rutting my body against his which he quickly reacted to by moving his lips and trailing down my bare chest stopping on my stomach leaving more love bites which he grinned proudly about looking back up at me smiling, his eyes slightly covered by his messy sex hair which made him even more attractive making me shift uncomfortably feeling my pants tighten from my hardened member feeling friction from jack who's hovering over top of me slowly rubbing against me. I was too flustered to say anything I buried my face in Ben's shoulder letting out an uncomfortable whine. He lightly kissed the side of my head while unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down past my ankles into the floor along with his. I could see his hard outline because of his white Calvin Klein boxers the cling tightly to him leaving little to the imagination. I bit down on my lip as jack placed random kissing along my neck crawling between my hips and hooking his thumb into the waistband of my boxers placing kisses along my tan thighs.

I could feel my breathing speed up and my chest began to ache. "Are you okay Calum?" Ben asks concern laced in his voice gently holding onto my hips. "I'm okay," I mumble quietly looking up at Ben knowing that I wasn't scared to go through with it but I couldn't. I desperately sat up and moved back from him feeling my shoulder press against my cold headboard. "No, you're not Cal what's wrong," Ben says seriously raising his eyebrows. "I'm scared," I say my voice breaking as tears slid down my cheeks. "What are you scared of what happened?" Ben asks sounding protective as if he could kill anyone who hurt me. "I don't want my heartbroken," I say sodding making my shoulders tremble as Ben looks at me confused. "What do you mean." He says shaking his head laying his hand in my leg. "I can't sleep with you and fall in love with you because you're straight and there's no future for us because you wouldn't accept it," I say and he looking at me almost as if he's broken pulling his hand away back towards himself. "Straight guys don't date other guys," I say wiping tears off my face although it doesn't make a difference. He didn't say anything but I could feel how hurt he was I wanted to reach out and pull him into a hug but I knew it wouldn't help the situation. "I don't wanna be lead on I don't want to be hurt again so no Ben we can't do this I'm not just some fantasy or some conquest that you can screw and move on from," I say my voice getting louder breaking his hurt expression. "I just want to be best friends," I said quietly looking down at the white and maroon pinstriped sheets that are now disheveled on my bed until he finally broke the silence making me look up at him. "No I can't just be friends because I want you I crave to touch you and I feel so jealous when you talk to other people, so we can't be around each other because you drive me crazy," Ben says standing up from his spot on my bed grabbing his clothes that he had carelessly threw on the ground. "W-wait Ben, please you're my best friend I don't want to be without you," I say sitting forward feeling my messy black hair fall against my forehead. "It was your choice I can't be around you like this Calum I'm sorry but this is your fault." He says pulling his jeans on and slipping his T-shirt over his head before walking out of my room and down the hall leaving me breathless. I wanted to follow after him and beg him to change his mind, but I knew that it was completely useless to try because he wasn't going to change his mind unless he had his way and he couldn't just be friends with me anymore not after this, not after he admitted that he loved me, but I couldn't act romantic with him when we aren't boyfriends, I wouldn't settle as just friends because I know he'd make fall desperately in love with him. I slouched against my headboard hearing the front door close releasing a deep breath that I hadn't realized I was holding in until now. I quietly stood up from my bed and glanced out my bedroom window seeing that Ben's car was on longer parked in my driveway, leaving me alone with saying anything else, at least he took me back to mine I think to myself as I pick up my clothes throwing them into the dirty clothes hamper. How awkward would it have been arguing with him then asking him to drive me home in awkward silence?

After picking up the mess we had made in my room I walked into the bathroom across the hall grabbing a towel and turning on the hot water before stepping into the shower.

At least it's a quiet snow day and I wouldn't have to leave the house. After I finished showering I dried off changing into a yellow sweater,
a pair of grey sweat pants, and my favorite fuzzy white socks before walking back downstairs into the kitchen and starting to boil a kettle of milk for hot chocolate to watch with my favorite Christmas movie. Once I finished making hot chocolate I grabbed a coffee mug from the cabinet as well as a bag of marshmallows from the pantry making myself a cup of hot chocolate before walking into the living room sitting my cup down on the coffee table and starting my movie.

-Authors note-
I'm pretty sure it doesn't really snow in Australia but oh well I'm form America and it does where I live so 🤷🏻‍♀️ vote, comment, dm. ♥︎

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