Staying strong

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Luke's pov

It wasn't long after getting to Ashton's apartment I fell asleep, which didn't last too long. I was woken up by someone lightly shaking my shoulder. "L-Luke are you okay?" She asks in a whispered voice looking down at me. "Yeah, I'm okay," I say sleepily barely opening my eyes. "Ashton and Alec left they said they were going to their dads." She says sitting down on the couch beside me tucking her legs against her chest. "Yeah, h-he was killed," I say looking over at her realizing she was in one of Ashton's T-shirts. "Oh, I didn't know." She says looking out the huge window in his living room. "Why are you here?" I ask quietly sitting upwards against the back of the couch. "Well Jace tried to kill me, luckily I moved and he only shot my arm, Alec and Ashton found me because they were looking for him." She says looking over at me. "And what are you going to do now?" I ask looking down at the blood on my nightgown. "I'm not sure I was living with Jace because I ran away from home, but I can't go back Jace is dead and the house was destroyed," Jade says obviously noticing the blood on my dress.

"I'm sure that Alec won't let you either since he cared enough to stay with you," I say getting off the couch walking through the house towards the bathroom. "You can uh come in here and talk with me if you want," I say grabbing my backpack from beside the door where I left it last getting some pajamas and underwear to change into after I get out the shower. "Are you sure it won't be weird since you're a boy?" She asks getting off the couch walking over towards me. "I'm gay and I don't think it's a big deal just don't face the shower, I'm kinda scared to be alone," I say honestly getting a towel off the shelf walking into the bathroom with Jade behind me. "Yeah, I understand I'm a bit in shock too." She says turning around facing the wall. "Kinda crazy to think how many people he tried to kill today," I say taking the fucked-up braids out of my hair pulling my dress over my head and dropping it to the floor with my underwear getting into the shower.

"Yeah he would have without hesitating, he was completely different then what he told me." She says laying her head against her arms. "To be honest they're all a bit crazy in their own ways." I say filling my hand with shampoo lathering my hair up. "Yeah I actually met them before I met Jace, they shot up a bar and left me alone." She says sighing. "I never knew about it." I say in surprise rinsing my hair letting the soap run down the drain before using conditioner and body wash.
"It's been a while ago." She says rethinking about what had happened. "They don't kill anyone unless they need to." I say scrubbing my body clean washing my dirty fingernail watching the dry blood disappear in the water.
"But that doesn't really make it any better." I say quietly turning off the water and grabbing my towel I hung by the shower. " I know I was completely terrified the first time I ever seen Jace hurt anyone." She says as I quickly dry off and put on my bed clothes wrapping the towel around my wet hair. "Luckily I've never seen Ashton hurt anyone." I say as we both walk out of the bathroom back into the living room turning on the tv. "They never mentioned how long they were going to be gone." Jade says flipping through the tv channels stopping on a movie channel. "Well we can stay in the living room."I say quickly running up the stairs to Ashton's bedroom getting some pillows and blankets going back downstairs throwing them on the couch that could easily sleep three people. "I'll make us some snacks." I say walking into the kitchen grabbing some popcorn throwing it into the microwave getting some bottled water and cookies taking them into the living room sitting them on the coffee table piling up on the couch with Jade watching titanic on Ashton's flatscreen.

"You never mentioned where you're from." I say filling my mouth with buttery popcorn. "I'm actually from Texas, I ran away from home my parents know that I'm not coming back and I don't think they care if I do."She says opening her bottle of water taking a drink before sitting it back on the table.
"I'm from Arizona which isn't that far, why'd you run away if you don't mind me asking." I say pulling my blanket up against me.
"Both of my parents constantly work they were too busy for me, I was basically raised by our neighbors so I decided to leave on my 17th birthday, what about you?"She says passing me the cookies. "Well we moved because my mom divorced my dad who was really abusive towards me he hated that I'm gay so he'd beat me, then one day my brother Jack came home early and seen it and he stopped him from almost killing me." I say remembering the pure look of confusion and shock on Jacks face since they had always thought I was beaten up at school which was why I had bruises and busted lips constantly.
"I'm sorry Luke." She says pulling me into a tight hug "I'm okay I never have to see him again."
I say pulling away from her hug hearing the phone ring quickly answering it and putting it to my ear. "Hello." I say standing up from the couch walking into the kitchen so the tv wasn't so loud. "Luke it's Ash, I wanted to tell you that I stopped by your house and talked to your mom letting her know where you're at." He says and I can hear the car door shut.
"Yeah I bet she's been worried."
I say biting down on my lip feeling bad about everything that she's already been put through because of me. "She was but she's okay now she trusts me, and she got some clothes for you because we're going to have Wills funeral soon and I didn't think you had something to wear with you." He says starting the car. "I'm sorry ash." I say knowing how hard it must be for him going through with planning a funeral for his stepdad. "I'll be okay Lu, you should get some sleep I won't be home for a while, your moms being a big help with everything." He says and I can hear the sound of his favorite blink-182 cd playing.
"I will even though I wanted to wait for you." I say sighing walking back to the couch. "I love you Lu, good night." He says humming into the phone before hanging up.

You make me weak .   lashtonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat