Who are you?

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Harry's pov

Once we made it to the shop I parked my car near the front of the building seeing a couple of people standing together in front of the counter through the large glass windows. Lauren and I walked in going over to the counter seeing Ashton and Alec standing together. "Took you long enough," Alec says pulling me into a hug smiling. "I think I'm actually a few minutes early," I say nudging his arm smiling back. "What do you wanna eat?" Ashton asks Turing around looking back at me looking expressionless. "I think we should get the table meal dad use to order when we'd come to eat," Lauren says interrupting me. "Okay, that's like two plates of everything with pitchers of coffee and Juice," Ashton says agreeing with Lauren. "French toast, pancakes and waffles right?" Ashton orders handing the woman behind the counter 200$ in cash. Once he finishes we walk in through the dining room towards a table with a few other people already sitting down.

"You got maple syrup right?" Michael asks sitting at the main end of the table. "Is that even a question," Ashton says sitting beside who I assume is Luke.
He does say anything, he just sits there quietly looking down holding tightly to Ashton's hand laying against his shoulder. He's clearly gone through a lot which visibly shows on his expression. "Well, how long will it be I'm starved," Alec says sitting between me and some girl with bobbed black hair and soft hazel eyes. "They didn't say but when you see a bunch of servers with trays of food it's for us," Ashton says looking across the table towards me sighing. "So how long are you staying in?" Mack asks tearing off pieces of napkin flipping them at everyone.
"Not sure we haven't talked about it really," I say as my mind drifts back to Lauren asking me to live with her at dad's house. "It might be awhile there's a lot going on and we need you here." Ashton pipes from his side of the table leaning back into his chair. "Yeah easy for you to say with I still don't know shit that's happened," I say frustratedly getting weird looks from old people around the diner.
"The guy who killed Alec's mom and our dad is still alive and we've got to do something about it," Ashton says and Alec looks at him with a confused expression.

"I thought our problems were over," Alec says just as a group of servers bring out our food and set up the table for us. "Unfortunately we have a bigger problem that I can't just brush off I'm still worried about Luke's and everyone's safety," Ashton says as we all pile up our plates with breakfast. "And he's Luke righ,." I say pointing at the curling headed blonde beside Ashton. "Yeah he's my boyfriend," Ashton says greeting the two of us as well as Jade the girl sitting with Alec. "And what are we supposed to do about it?" I ask watching as Michael cleans off his plate of food before anyone else. "We're going to have to kill him and anyone else we have to." Ashton says bluntly shrugging and glancing over at Luke who's expression hasn't changed the entire time we've been here.

"Yeah, that sounds incredibly too easy." I say refilling my coffee cup. "It won't be easy." Ashton says picking at his plate of food as well as Luke's. "So what do you expect me to do here?" I say finishing a stack of french toast and bacon. "I'm not sure at them moment but I'm working on it." Ashton says holing Luke's hand on top of the table "What and you expect I'll just go with whatever halfass idea you come up with?" I ask seeing through all the bullshit happening.
It was clear he was already thinking of something he just wasn't ready to commit to the idea. "Yeah what are brothers for otherwise." Alec says smiling at us feeling my stomach pit, the only biological brother he had was trying to kill us and he's just trying to get over the pass few events just from a couple of days.

"I think we've all lost a lot in a short time and we need to calm down and get our heads around things." Lauren says tucking her hair behind he ears clearly emotionally drained. "Okay, we don't have to do anything this second we're still in the works." Ashton says assuring our sister that we would take time to recharge and think of the best way to go about these things.
"I think there's a lot we have to find out before we can storm in guns blazing." Michael says shrugging continuing to eat. "And what does all this mean what are we supposed to do wait and be paranoid or just pretend that all this is over until something fucking crazy happens again?" Luke says his voice laced with anger and frustration which took everyone by surprise shown by their shocked expression. Ashton stayed quiet for a minute looking down at the table not making eye contact with Luke, I could tell he was stressing over everything wishing that he could fix everything in a day. "Listen no one asked for an outburst, you knew from the moment you came into our lives nothing would be easy if you can't handle it then just back out now because shits going to roll downhill," I say bluntly standing up from my seat and grabbing my jacket seeing how frustrated Ashton is and Luke wasn't making it any better.

He was completely stunned, there was nothing else he could say, he say there obviously pissed that I had smashed his tantrum. "I don't know everything that's happened between the two of you but I didn't sign up to come in and have you throw a fit over something that could happen to any of us." I say bluntly walking out of the diner back to my car and driving down the road.

-Authors note-
How do you feel about Harry?? Do you think Luke's tantrum was reasonable?? Comment, vote, follow, thanks for reading.

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